"The Miracle"
This player pwned 96 different forums in a row.
This player topped the Most Forums Pwned Leaderboard.
A Firm, Hearty Handshake
This player successfully served as a moderator on Forumwarz.
A Spoonful of Sugar
This player pwned 48 different forums in a row.
Ain't Nothin' Gonna Break my Stride
This player earned 84 medals in Forumwarz Domination.
Alcohol Kills, Take LSD
This player pwned 68 different forums in a row.
Alte Volo
This owner of this E-Peen™ currently possesses a Falcon Preservation Donor Plaque.
An Extra Quarter
This player voted for Barack Obama.
Anal Probst
This player outlasted, outwitted and ownpwned the competition in MC Banhammer’s Survivor: Forumwarz contest.
Anal Tears of a Clown
This player created (and starred in) one of Slappy Scrunt’s clown porn videos.
Angel Wing
This player completed Episode 3 with a chaotic/good alignment.
Another 48 Trphs
This player earned 48 medals in Forumwarz Domination.
Around the World, Around the World
This player pwned 80 different forums in a row.
Assisted Suicide
The Noose and Razor Society is officially this player’s bitch.
This player put up with Great Aunt Geraldine for a full month.
Awesome Sauce(tm)
This player was an extra-special content contributor to Forumwarz, and can only be described as “Awesome Sauce.”
¡The Three Amigos!
This player was on the winning team in the Ménage à Terror Domination contest.
Baby Bump
This player bumped a year-old thread to wish Jalapeno Bootyhole a happy birthday and wasn’t a complete dick about it.
This Klan topped the Most Forums Pwned Leaderboard.
Best Player Ever
Simply put, this player is better than you. They’ve worked harder and produced superior results. You should bow down before them in your mediocrity.
Big Day
This player pwned 4 different forums in a row.
Big Fat Meanie-Head-Face-Pants
This player had an especially mean disposition. Apparently, this Player also wears especially fat face-pants.
Brown Nose
This player topped the Most Job Points Leaderboard.
Brown Starfish Initiate
This player joined The Order of the Brown Starfish.
Calling God Names
This player pwned 72 different forums in a row.
Can't Hardly Wait
This player pre-ordered access to Forumwarz Episode 3.
Census Worker
This player will fill out tedious forms for little to no pay.
This player earned 100 medals in Forumwarz Domination.
This player earned 18 job points.
Chai as a Kite
This player earned 1,800 job points.
Code Breaker
This player was the first to crack Haxl Rose’s secret code.
This player has made significant contributions to Spoilerpedia, the Forumwarz wiki.
Cool Threads, Man
This player successfully contributed the most thread titles to a forum in the ForumBuildr v2.0 BETA.
Creative Executive
This player was an extra-special content contributor under Forumwarz’s Apprentice program.
Creative Inputter
This player topped the INCIT Wins leaderboard.
Creative Sweatshopper
This player survived Forumwarz’s Apprentice program and made a lasting contribution to the game.
This player earned 32 medals in Forumwarz Domination.
This player pwned 20 different forums in a row.
Day One
This player played Forumwarz on the very first day it was released!
Design Guyz!
This player successfully contributed a design to a forum in the ForumBuildr v2.0 BETA.
Dominatrix: Season 1
This player came in 2nd in Forumwarz Domination: Season 1
Dominatrix: Season 2
This player came in 2nd in Forumwarz Domination: Season 2
Dominatrix: Season 3
This player came in 2nd in Forumwarz Domination: Season 3
Dominatrix: Season 4
This player came in 2nd in Forumwarz Domination: Season 4
Dominatrix: Season 5
This player came in 2nd in Forumwarz Domination: Season 5
Dominatrix: Season 6
This player came in 2nd in Forumwarz Domination: Season 6
Dominatrix: Season 7
This player came in 2nd in Forumwarz Domination: Season 7
Dominatrix: Season 8
This player came in 2nd in Forumwarz Domination: Season 8
Dominatrix: Season 9
This player came in 2nd in Forumwarz Domination: Season 9
Double Ds
This player pwned 44 different forums in a row.
Dumpster Diver
This player contributed junk to Forumwarz Episode 2.
Dungeon Master: Season 1
This player came in 1st in Forumwarz Domination: Season 1
Dungeon Master: Season 2
This player came in 1st in Forumwarz Domination: Season 2
Dungeon Master: Season 3
This player came in 1st in Forumwarz Domination: Season 3
Dungeon Master: Season 4
This player came in 1st in Forumwarz Domination: Season 4
Dungeon Master: Season 5
This player came in 1st in Forumwarz Domination: Season 5
Dungeon Master: Season 6
This player came in 1st in Forumwarz Domination: Season 6
Dungeon Master: Season 7
This player came in 1st in Forumwarz Domination: Season 7
Dungeon Master: Season 8
This player came in 1st in Forumwarz Domination: Season 8
Dungeon Master: Season 9
This player came in 1st in Forumwarz Domination: Season 9
Dungeon Master: Season X
This player came in 1st in Forumwarz Domination: Season X
Dunking Out of Dire Straits
This player earned 76 medals in Forumwarz Domination.
This player celebrated Dick Hyman’s birthday.
This player politically corrected the game’s dialog via the Emasculate Forumwarz contest.
Easy Rider
This player pwned 88 different forums in a row.
Emancipated Through Perfect Knowledge
This player earned 96 medals in Forumwarz Domination.
Encumbrance Bait
This player’s itembuildr contribution made it into Episode 3. (E-Peen™ designed by Afterthotz.)
This player is truly a beacon of light shining brightly, guiding all Re-Res on their path to glory. FAIL was awarded this E-Peen for being the first Re-Re to pwn Second Wife.
Fiend of Forumwarz: Uranium
This player pwned 92 different forums in a row.
First to the Finish Line
This player was the first to ever finish Episode 1!
Fix It!
This player participated in the Forumwarz Gameplay Tune-Up, and provided feedback that helped to improve the game.
Flamebate Fodder
This player topped the Flamebate Leaderboard.
Flaming Black Operative
This player is a member of the Flaming Black Ops.
This player earned 4 medals in Forumwarz Domination.
Foiled by an Ass!
This player won the Christmas raffle.
Forumbuildr ALPHA
This player successfully contributed the most to a forum in the ForumBuildr v2.0 BETA.
This player thoroughly pwned The Sovereign Knights of Mongolia.
This player earned 80 medals in Forumwarz Domination.
Free Spirit
This player completed Episode 3 with a chaotic/neutral alignment.
This player topped the Highest Buildr Score leaderboard.
Friend of Bootyhole
This Klan won a special prize in a contest to become Jalapeno Bootyhole’s best friend for about a week (BFFAAW).
Friend of Bootyhole: Annuum
This player won a contest to become Jalapeno Bootyhole’s best friend for about a week (BFFAAW).
Friend of Bootyhole: Frutescens
This player was the first runner-up in a contest to become Jalapeno Bootyhole’s best friend for about a week (BFFAAW).
Friend of Bootyhole: Pubescens
This player was the second runner-up in a contest to become Jalapeno Bootyhole’s best friend for about a week (BFFAAW).
Friend of Forumwarz: Gold
This player is a Gold level Friend of Forumwarz™.
Friend of Forumwarz: Platinum
This player is a Platinum level Friend of Forumwarz™.
Friend of Forumwarz: Plutonium
This player is a Plutonium level Friend of Forumwarz™.
Full of SALE
This player topped the Best Bidder leaderboard.
Future Sentrillion Employee
This player obtained 1,000 IP addresses.
Gambling Addiction
This player topped the Worst Gamblers Leaderboard.
Gavel Time!
This player topped the Best Auctioneer leaderboard.
Geek Species
This player earned 56 medals in Forumwarz Domination.
This player took all of HugMastaDoug’s shit and still pwned his ass. (E-Peen™ designed by Aldo_Anything.)
Grass on the Field
This player pwned 12 different forums in a row.
Hack the Planet
This player made The Sect of the Late Yak fall down and hurt itself.
This player identified a security hole in Forumwarz and helped us patch it up.
Heavenly Raisins
This player earned 72 medals in Forumwarz Domination.
Heavy Flow
Dis playa grabbed the mic, spit some ill shit and won the FlowinWarz Freestyle/Keystyle Rap Motherfuckin’ Battle.
High in Dietary Fiber
This player topped the Hall of Shit Votes leaderboard.
Host(ess) with the Most(est)
This player ran a contest of significant value to the Forumwarz community. In other words, it wasn’t just done for the E-Peen. (It was done for two E-Peen!)
Hulk Slogan
This player trained, said their prayers, took their vitamins and won the Forumwarz Motto contest.
Hurf Durf!
This player did something really stupid. (E-Peen™ designed by Afterthotz.)
I Came
The Sisterhood of the Quivering Rose won’t pick on this player ever again. (E-Peen™ designed by Jubbles.)
I'll BINGE to that
This player celebrated the activation of BINGEBOT 2015.
I'm Gay!
Not that there’s anything wrong with that!
If Only It Were Real Money
This player topped the Flezz Leaderboard.
Impressively Pathetic
This player topped the Most Cred Leaderboard.
INCIT for a Month Club
This player is so good, they can caption their own E-Peen™.
Internet Attorney's E-Peen
This is like a badge that proves you’re allowed to practice as an attorney…an internet attorney, that is!
Iron Designer
This player combined technological skill with artistic creativity to win the Iron Designer: Flamebate Battle Topic Icon contest.
This player beat The Great Firewall of China before Episode 2 launched.
This player is a recognized master of Emo haiku.
This player earned 44 medals in Forumwarz Domination.
Late Yak Sectarian
This player became a member of The Sect of the Late Yak.
Legal in Luxembourg
This player earned 16 medals in Forumwarz Domination.
Let Them Eat Cake!
This player celebrated the one-year anniversary of Forumwarz (by bumping a thread).
Life Begins
This player pwned 40 different forums in a row.
Like a Virgule
This player won the Slash Fiction, Forumwarz Style contest.
Little Dictator
This player completed Episode 3 with a lawful/evil alignment.
Lowest Standards
This Klan topped the Largest Klans Leaderboard.
Luke 10:30
This player was a good Samaritan.
Master of Inanity
This player successfully contributed the most typical posts to a forum in the ForumBuildr v2.0 BETA.
Medal Detector
This player topped the Most Medals Leaderboard.
Medal Winner
This player won a medal in Forumwarz Domination.
Merc Without a Penis
This player completed Episode 3 with an unaligned/evil alignment.
Mexico Calling
This player pwned 52 different forums in a row.
Miss Popularity
This player topped the Popularity Leaderboard.
This Klan topped the Most Flezz Leaderboard.
More Property than Monopoly
This player earned 28 medals in Forumwarz Domination.
My Ass Got Infected, Coach
This player pwned 32 different forums in a row.
Network Daemon
This player completed Episode 3 with a chaotic/evil alignment.
Night of the Living Crotched
This player won the Crotch Zombie video contest.
Noose and Razor Fellow
This player joined the Noose and Razor Society.
Nudge Nudge
This player had their image chosen in itembuildr.
Obey the Permanoob
This was the first player to complete Episode 1 as a Re-Re.
This player earned 8 medals in Forumwarz Domination.
Ol' Spread-Eagle Eyes
This player found an inadvertent typo or textual error within the game.
This player trolled the shit out of a complete stranger in the Omegle Ogre contest.
One Angry Man
This player earned 12 medals in Forumwarz Domination.
Oranje Pride
This player has beaten Forumwarz so thoroughly that there’s nothing left to prove.
Our Personal Army
This player nominated Forumwarz for a Crunchie.
Patent Pending
This player had their item idea chosen in itembuildr.
Patience, My Ass!
This user pre-ordered access to Forumwarz Episode 2.
Peenile Surgeon
This player was the top designer in Inconnu’s Peenoplasty contest. (E-Peen™ designed by Inconnu.)
This player finished Forumwarz Episode 1 as a Re-Re.
Personal Code
This player completed Episode 3 with an unaligned/neutral alignment.
Pour on the Curb
This player earned 40 medals in Forumwarz Domination.
Proctologist Without Borders
This player completed Episode 3 with an unaligned/good alignment.
Pumpkin Krew
This player was one of the first three to solve the Halloween puzzle.
Pythons Run Wild on You
This player earned 24 medals in Forumwarz Domination.
Quality Unassurance
This player beta tested Episode 2.
Quality Unassurance*
This player beta tested Episode 2.*
*Actually, this player won the Emasculate Forumwarz contest and cut this E-Peen™ off Jalapeno Bootyhole as a trophy.
Ranks & Files
This player pwned 64 different forums in a row.
Rock Star
This player topped the Most Fans Leaderboard.
Rows and Rows of the Finest Virtuosos
This player pwned 76 different forums in a row.
Rudy Giuliani
This player cracked down on homelessness.
Scarecrow with a Bloody Grin
This player earned 60 medals in Forumwarz Domination.
Series of the Beast
This player earned 36 medals in Forumwarz Domination.
Sex 'n Dirt
This player pwned 84 different forums in a row.
This player pwned 60 different forums in a row.
Sieg Heil!
This player earned 88 medals in Forumwarz Domination.
Sister of the Quivering Rose
This player joined the Sisterhood of the Quivering Rose.
Smart Aleck
This player successfully contributed the most angry replies to a forum in the ForumBuildr v2.0 BETA.
Solid Johnson
This player earned 92 medals in Forumwarz Domination.
This player assembled 25 .moar files.
Spontaneous Congress
This player earned 64 medals in Forumwarz Domination.
Stop Anthropomorphizing Me!
This player received a LOLcat via Tubmail.
Submissive: Season 1
This player came in 3rd in Forumwarz Domination: Season 1
Submissive: Season 2
This player came in 3rd in Forumwarz Domination: Season 2
Submissive: Season 3
This player came in 3rd in Forumwarz Domination: Season 3
Submissive: Season 4
This player came in 3rd in Forumwarz Domination: Season 4
Submissive: Season 5
This player came in 3rd in Forumwarz Domination: Season 5
Submissive: Season 6
This player came in 3rd in Forumwarz Domination: Season 6
Submissive: Season 7
This player came in 3rd in Forumwarz Domination: Season 7
Submissive: Season 8
This player came in 3rd in Forumwarz Domination: Season 8
Submissive: Season 9
This player came in 3rd in Forumwarz Domination: Season 9
Super 8
This player pwned 8 different forums in a row.
This player earned 180 job points.
Sweet Sixteen
This player pwned 16 different forums in a row.
That’s In-Cred-Ible!
This Klan topped the Most Cred Leaderboard.
The Artist
This Player won a contest to create an avatar for the admin formerly known as “The Other Other Hole.”
The Big Give
This player successfully ran a legitimate contest for Brownie Points.
The Boiling Point
This player pwned 100 different forums in a row.
The Color Orange
This Player bought a lifetime subscription of Forumwarz Orange™. (E-Peen™ designed by Aldo_Anything.)
The Comeback Kid
This player won the @expletive_modifier Flaming New Decade angry reply contest.
The Evil Trout Hate Club
This Player was promised the ability to test and improve Forumwarz, only to have it taken away from them at the last second.
The Gimp: Season 1
This player came in between 4th-10th in Forumwarz Domination: Season 1
The Gimp: Season 2
This player came in between 4th-10th in Forumwarz Domination: Season 2
The Gimp: Season 3
This player came in between 4th-10th in Forumwarz Domination: Season 3
The Gimp: Season 4
This player came in between 4th-10th in Forumwarz Domination: Season 4
The Gimp: Season 5
This player came in between 4th-10th in Forumwarz Domination: Season 5
The Gimp: Season 6
This player came in between 4th-10th in Forumwarz Domination: Season 6
The Gimp: Season 7
This player came in between 4th-10th in Forumwarz Domination: Season 7
The Gimp: Season 8
This player came in between 4th-10th in Forumwarz Domination: Season 8
The Gimp: Season 9
This player came in between 4th-10th in Forumwarz Domination: Season 9
The Gimp: Season X
This player came in between 4th-10th in Forumwarz Domination: Season X
The Golden Banhammer
This player demonstrated a sustained record of exemplary dedication and leadership as a Forumwarz moderator.
The Grind
This player has visited over 100 forums.
The June Twenty-Second Incident
This player was the first to pwn The Great Firewall of China as a Re-Re.
The Level Cap
This player got all the way up to Level 69. Hey, snazzy hat.
The Motherfucking Apprentice™
This player achieved the highest honors in Forumwarz’s Apprentice program.
The Outpost of Tyranny
This player completed Forumwarz Episode 1.
The Picture of Innocence
This player completed Episode 3 with a lawful/good alignment.
The Red Tide
This player pwned 28 different forums in a row.
The Sequential Artist
This player won the official Forumwarz comics contest.
Thursday Night Lights Out
This player pwned Battlethreadz Lamebait during Supremacy’s endgame.
Trick or L33t
This player successfully solved the 2009 Halloween Hacker Challenge on Halloween.
The Order of the Brown Starfish bows in submission to this player.
Turkey Hoarder
This player refused to part with their turkey.
Unlikely to be Eaten by a Grue
This player got a perfect score in the “Trapped in the Cupboard” game.
Unplayable Mess
This player beta tested Episode 3.
Vanilla Addict
This player was the first to dominate all the forums in Episode 1 simultaneously.
Vanilla Rush!
This was the first successful Klan to organize a Vanilla scoop raid.
This player pwned 24 different forums in a row.
Venti Mocha No Foam
This player earned 20 medals in Forumwarz Domination.
Veterans of Forumwarz
This player has been active on Forumwarz for more than one year.
Vox Populi
This player recorded a Tubsonic™ message for Forumwarz.
We Broke IDC!
This Klan broke the hell out of IDC, resulting in many needed fixes and general improvements to the game.
Welcome to the Working Week
This player earned 52 medals in Forumwarz Domination.
What the Fuck Was That?
This player finished Forumwarz Episode 2.
White People Love Lawyers
This player pwned 56 different forums in a row.
With Friends Like These
This player successfully contributed the most enemies to a forum in the ForumBuildr v2.0 BETA.
You Killed Superman!
This player pwned 36 different forums in a row.
You Say You Want a Revolution?
This player earned 68 medals in Forumwarz Domination.
You're My Inspiration!
This player had their forum idea chosen for ForumBuildr v2.0 BETA.
Zeroth Law
This player completed Episode 3 with a lawful/neutral alignment.