Forumwarz is the first "Massively Single-Player" online RPG completely built around Internet culture.
You are currently looking at our community leader boards. Players can use these to determine their standings and their goals.

Luke 10:30
This player was a good Samaritan.
The following players have earned this E-Peen™:
Name | Level | Klan |
-Ghost- | 35 | - |
-MLF- | 60 | - |
-rocky-sadly- | 54 | Brainfreeze |
-XI- | 40 | - |
Acid Flux | 35 | Country Kitchen and Flea Market |
Adapt | 48 | Grey Goose Mafiosi |
Adeptus | 35 | Board of Directors |
Afterthotz | 69 | Brainfreeze |
Aldo_Anything | 69 | Brainfreeze |
Alee | 35 | 70 Character Storytellers |
AlleyAnimal | 69 | Ding-Dong |
Amasius | 69 | Brainfreeze |
Amy Blue | 35 | - |
angstcity | 36 | Smooth Town Rebels |
apatdlife | 69 | - |
ArtificialFlavou... | 41 | - |
Artist | 34 | - |
Axl Ryugu | 69 | Island of Avalon |
Balloon | 35 | Grey Goose Mafiosi |
balluga | 47 | - |
Bashy | 69 | The Scrotal Safety Commission |
Bear | 69 | Brainfreeze |
bearzrnyce | 35 | - |
Beavis-Dragon | 56 | - |
Bigandtasty | 35 | Grey Goose Mafiosi |