A Spoonful of Sugar
This player pwned 48 different forums in a row.
Alcohol Kills, Take LSD
This player pwned 68 different forums in a row.
An Extra Quarter
This player voted for Barack Obama.
Best Player Ever
Simply put, this player is better than you. They’ve worked harder and produced superior results. You should bow down before them in your mediocrity.
Big Day
This player pwned 4 different forums in a row.
Big Fat Meanie-Head-Face-Pants
This player had an especially mean disposition. Apparently, this Player also wears especially fat face-pants.
Calling God Names
This player pwned 72 different forums in a row.
Census Worker
This player will fill out tedious forms for little to no pay.
This player pwned 20 different forums in a row.
Double Ds
This player pwned 44 different forums in a row.
Flaming Black Operative
This player is a member of the Flaming Black Ops.
This player earned 4 medals in Forumwarz Domination.
Friend of Forumwarz: Gold
This player is a Gold level Friend of Forumwarz™.
Future Sentrillion Employee
This player obtained 1,000 IP addresses.
Grass on the Field
This player pwned 12 different forums in a row.
Hurf Durf!
This player did something really stupid. (E-Peen™ designed by Afterthotz.)
I Came
The Sisterhood of the Quivering Rose won’t pick on this player ever again. (E-Peen™ designed by Jubbles.)
I'm Gay!
Not that there’s anything wrong with that!
Impressively Pathetic
This player topped the Most Cred Leaderboard.
Internet Attorney's E-Peen
This is like a badge that proves you’re allowed to practice as an attorney…an internet attorney, that is!
This player beat The Great Firewall of China before Episode 2 launched.
Legal in Luxembourg
This player earned 16 medals in Forumwarz Domination.
Let Them Eat Cake!
This player celebrated the one-year anniversary of Forumwarz (by bumping a thread).
Life Begins
This player pwned 40 different forums in a row.
Luke 10:30
This player was a good Samaritan.
Medal Winner
This player won a medal in Forumwarz Domination.
Mexico Calling
This player pwned 52 different forums in a row.
My Ass Got Infected, Coach
This player pwned 32 different forums in a row.
Noose and Razor Fellow
This player joined the Noose and Razor Society.
This player earned 8 medals in Forumwarz Domination.
One Angry Man
This player earned 12 medals in Forumwarz Domination.
Our Personal Army
This player nominated Forumwarz for a Crunchie.
Patience, My Ass!
This user pre-ordered access to Forumwarz Episode 2.
Ranks & Files
This player pwned 64 different forums in a row.
This player pwned 60 different forums in a row.
This player assembled 25 .moar files.
Stop Anthropomorphizing Me!
This player received a LOLcat via Tubmail.
Super 8
This player pwned 8 different forums in a row.
Sweet Sixteen
This player pwned 16 different forums in a row.
The Grind
This player has visited over 100 forums.
The Level Cap
This player got all the way up to Level 69. Hey, snazzy hat.
The Outpost of Tyranny
This player completed Forumwarz Episode 1.
The Red Tide
This player pwned 28 different forums in a row.
Unlikely to be Eaten by a Grue
This player got a perfect score in the “Trapped in the Cupboard” game.
This player pwned 24 different forums in a row.
Veterans of Forumwarz
This player has been active on Forumwarz for more than one year.
What the Fuck Was That?
This player finished Forumwarz Episode 2.
White People Love Lawyers
This player pwned 56 different forums in a row.
You Killed Superman!
This player pwned 36 different forums in a row.