Forumwarz is the first "Massively Single-Player" online RPG completely built around Internet culture.

You are currently looking at our community leader boards. Players can use these to determine their standings and their goals.

Buy Brownie Points


Host(ess) with the Most(est)

This player ran a contest of significant value to the Forumwarz community. In other words, it wasn’t just done for the E-Peen. (It was done for two E-Peen!)

The following players have earned this E-Peen™:
Name Level Klan
-XI- 40 -
Adapt 48 Grey Goose Mafiosi
Aldo_Anything 69 Brainfreeze
Amasius 69 Brainfreeze
aSh-gangSTA-685 60 And The Banned Played On
Bandaney 60 Grey Goose Mafiosi
BINGEBOT 2015 12 -
bobdisgea 34 A Beautiful Place Out in the Country
CaptainDDL 63 Brainfreeze
Catt although 69 Brainfreeze
CoreyJess 69 Brainfreeze
Czarnian bumbumi... 35 Bigguyinblack Fan Club
DEAD fabulous person 35 Vacation Hideaway
Drunkenlazybasta... 35 Grey Goose Mafiosi
duca 38 And The Banned Played On
Ducksrule 35 Brainfreeze
Evil Trout 21 Crotch Zombie
FAIL 25 Full of SASSSS
FalCoN 35 Grey Goose Mafiosi
Fortunato 51 Grey Goose Mafiosi
Fran 62 A Beautiful Place Out in the Country
Inconnu 69 The Scrotal Safety Commission
IWillFollow U In... 10 SRSLY

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