Forumwarz is the first "Massively Single-Player" online RPG completely built around Internet culture.
You are currently looking at our community leader boards. Players can use these to determine their standings and their goals.
Smart Aleck
This player successfully contributed the most angry replies to a forum in the ForumBuildr v2.0 BETA.
The following players have earned this E-Peen™:
Name | Level | Klan |
-backwards | 2 | - |
AcaMegalodon | 15 | - |
AcidRazor | 25 | - |
Adapt | 48 | Grey Goose Mafiosi |
adorkable | 35 | gurls r00l boyz dr00l |
Advocato | 69 | - |
Aedria | 69 | - |
Afterthotz | 69 | Brainfreeze |
Aldo_Anything | 69 | Brainfreeze |
Amasius | 69 | Brainfreeze |
animemangavg | 69 | - |
ArchWolf99 | 19 | - |
aSh-gangSTA-685 | 60 | And The Banned Played On |
Axeo | 23 | - |
AxiomRed | 34 | Klan Khuzdul |
backandforthfore... | 40 | - |
Balledergash Sla... | 69 | Pork Is A Verb |
Baron Von bumbur... | 42 | - |
Bigandtasty | 35 | Grey Goose Mafiosi |
bigb00gie | 69 | - |
Bill_Murray_Fan_... | 35 | i have a thirteen inch penis click for proof |
Blackberry | 45 | - |
black_jesus | 10 | Klan Tasty |
Blu3Schnauzer | 69 | Fetal Alcohol Puppets |
bobdisgea | 34 | A Beautiful Place Out in the Country |