Forumwarz is the first "Massively Single-Player" online RPG completely built around Internet culture.
You are currently looking at our community leader boards. Players can use these to determine their standings and their goals.

Smart Aleck
This player successfully contributed the most angry replies to a forum in the ForumBuildr v2.0 BETA.
The following players have earned this E-Peen™:
Name | Level | Klan |
BrainpanSonata | 35 | Country Kitchen and Flea Market |
bum_SQUID | 32 | - |
Byder | 12 | - |
Call Me Diego | 69 | Good Omens |
CandieCane | 42 | - |
Captain Aubrey | 23 | WeChall is a shitty klan |
Catt although | 69 | Brainfreeze |
CeleryBob | 19 | The TI-Nspire is a shitty calculator |
Celerysteve | 35 | Temple of the Anthropomorphic Majesty |
Chameleon Dude | 44 | - |
Chase_Derick | 13 | - |
Chico Chihuahua | 1 | Forumwarz Speakeasy |
child_snake | 50 | Brainfreeze |
ChuckyDoom | 19 | - |
Cicadalek | 42 | The Protected |
CJDemOrc | 11 | - |
Colonel Bear | 35 | Very Busy Klan |
CommunistBoiling... | 33 | - |
Conconhead | 29 | 70 Character Storytellers |
crayoncakes | 31 | Team Shortbus |
CryoRenegade | 48 | - |
Dangerous Curves... | 9 | - |
DemonNick | 10 | - |
male reproductive organ Tardfart | 69 | pizza party |
Dielenol | 69 | Rowdyruff Boys |