Forumwarz is the first "Massively Single-Player" online RPG completely built around Internet culture.

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Venti Mocha No Foam

This player earned 20 medals in Forumwarz Domination.

The following players have earned this E-Peen™:
Name Level Klan
-rocky-sadly- 54 Brainfreeze
36-24-36 30 -
918CST 69 -
AAHZ 69 Forumwarz Active Players
Acid Flux 35 Country Kitchen and Flea Market
acr0b4t 26 -
Adakais 35 -
Afterthotz 69 Brainfreeze
AIDS woman's genitals 69 -
Aldo_Anything 69 Brainfreeze
AlecMoo 30 -
Alex Dample 69 Forumwarz Active Players
AlleyAnimal 69 Ding-Dong
Amasius 69 Brainfreeze
Analisa 69 -
AndyKaufman 69 -
Andy_Dextruss 37 Grey Goose Mafiosi
angstcity 36 Smooth Town Rebels
Anon Ymous 35 -
Arktor 10 Smooth Town Rebels
aSh-gangSTA-685 60 And The Banned Played On
Auld 38 -
AvEnGeD_PuMpkIn 69 -
Avid Fan 69 De Trout Spinners
awephuquit 31 -

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