Bill_Murray_Fan_7383 [i have a thirteen inch male reproductive organ click for proof]
Oh whoops, I dropped my monster condom that I use for my magnum dong
Bill_Murray_Fan_7383 loves the following website(s):
- Gaia Online
- Gamefaqs
- (Other) a.k.a my forum is so cool it's not even listed.
Class: | Camwhore |
Level: | 35 |
Cred: | 100121428 |
Buildr Score: | 27 |
Job Points: | 184 |
Posts made: | 2975 |
Threads started: | 387 |
This Season's Medals: | 0 |
Total Medals: | 9 |
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srtop it
wrote this on 06/26/2008 2:01AM:
srtop it |
wrote this on 06/13/2008 8:50AM:
Yeah, I’ll totally raid your tomb, and try my damndest to find the treasure spot. Log in to see images! |
wrote this on 06/05/2008 10:50PM:
You like Shin Chan and Frisky Dingo? We could almost be friends. Almost. |
wrote this on 05/26/2008 12:34AM:
*spanks* Log in to see images! |
wrote this on 04/30/2008 11:59AM:
Hey! I didnt either! That was irascible.Log in to see images! |
wrote this on 04/29/2008 9:09AM:
Grats on getting The epeen Log in to see images! |
Baby Bump
This player bumped a year-old thread to wish Jalapeno Bootyhole a happy birthday and wasn’t a complete dick about it.
Best Player Ever
Simply put, this player is better than you. They’ve worked harder and produced superior results. You should bow down before them in your mediocrity.
Cool Threads, Man
This player successfully contributed the most thread titles to a forum in the ForumBuildr v2.0 BETA.
This player politically corrected the game’s dialog via the Emasculate Forumwarz contest.
Fix It!
This player participated in the Forumwarz Gameplay Tune-Up, and provided feedback that helped to improve the game.
Forumbuildr ALPHA
This player successfully contributed the most to a forum in the ForumBuildr v2.0 BETA.
Hulk Slogan
This player trained, said their prayers, took their vitamins and won the Forumwarz Motto contest.
Internet Attorney's E-Peen
This is like a badge that proves you’re allowed to practice as an attorney…an internet attorney, that is!
Master of Inanity
This player successfully contributed the most typical posts to a forum in the ForumBuildr v2.0 BETA.
Smart Aleck
This player successfully contributed the most angry replies to a forum in the ForumBuildr v2.0 BETA.
Thesaurus Rex
This player was willing to waste several hours poring over various reference sources just to make forumbuildr suck a bit less.
Unlikely to be Eaten by a Grue
This player got a perfect score in the “Trapped in the Cupboard” game.