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Klans List

Forumwarz is the first "Massively Single-Player" online RPG completely built around Internet culture.

You are currently looking at our list of Klans from our community. Klans are grouping of players participating in the game.

Klan Name Klansmen Total Cred Average Cred Average Level
pizza party 22 11484190343 522008652 52
Forumwarz Speakeasy 22 14619731964 664533271 54
Disco Galactica 22 161471186 7339599 12
in4mador 22 2056225 93465 8
Gunther and the Sunshine Girls fanclub 21 2019852673 96183461 19
Skeptics 21 20814851 991183 9
TOID 21 12185799 580276 9
Forumwarz Active Players 21 11393896193 542566485 50
Backdoor Amigos 20 641579227 32078961 19
Big Bag Belligerents 20 349458993 17472950 20
HyruleDotNet 20 210718772 10535939 12
Banana Boat 19 203281293 10699015 15
Nintendorks 19 1505084 79215 7
yundead 19 428656582 22560873 15
Doujinstyle 18 1788341131 99352285 24
imotbhwat 18 167749563 9319420 7
SRSLY 18 867804243 48211347 17
360Arcadians 17 1115937 65643 8
Cunning Linguists 17 760732669 44748981 15
Zeechers Anonymous 17 2492077 146593 8
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