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Banana Boat

This is the profile page for a klan in Forumwarz. Forumwarz is the first "Massively Single-Player" online RPG completely built around Internet culture.

All members get a custom title pertaining to funk (unless funk levels are proven insufficient). The name summarizes the two things we love most, Bananas and Boats!

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Name Klan Title Player Class Level Cred
Image Billy Everyboy glorious alt of funk Hacker 21 1994996
Image BPrinny funky catgirl appreciator Troll 16 426990
Image Colonel Fabulous... Makes some funky chicken Hacker 3 1745
Image Crembaw smells of putrid funk Troll 6 9177
Image Dedouche_Mode I funking hate you. Emo Kid 13 162739
Image Domdogg lesser master of funk Troll 14 215614
Image evilgeniuself kinda funky I guess? Emo Kid 32 54224118
Image Evitron Funkitron Troll 13 159585
Image Golden Joe the funky rapist Troll 16 448370
Image Hlavco ev trained in funk Emo Kid 3 1228
Image Jiggsaw glorious funkinese waifu Hacker 7 11974
Image MajorDovi Funks like a boss. Camwhore 17 573475
Image Panther Jack the grand pet of funk Hacker 15 336254
Image Socks Mahoney Grand Master of Funk Camwhore 35 101359991
Image SolitarySnake BROTHERRRRRRRRRRRR (funk) Emo Kid 14 210683
Image Spyrix funky comic maker Troll 15 341605
Image Tabbytha Gender Confused? Funk if I know Permanoob 16 371566
Image the_kabbage I'm a funky witness Troll 32 42425521
Image UselessJack doesn't deserve a funky title Hacker 5 5662
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