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This is the profile page for a klan in Forumwarz. Forumwarz is the first "Massively Single-Player" online RPG completely built around Internet culture.

Sup, All

— Everyone is currently an officer, so you can invite people and start raids. Invite pretty much anyone you want, I’ll upgrade them to officer next time I get on.

— If your name isn’t the same as it is on GLB, add that into your Title. You can just do “Actual Title” – “GLB Name”.

**NOTE** This is only for people that don’t have relatively the same name as the do on GLB.

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Name Klan Title Player Class Level Cred
Image 3arthshak3r emoer Emo Kid 7 9956
Image Blueglbum Blueglbum Troll 2 202
Image Dj-Asian FFAer Camwhore 4 1524
Image Falcons84 Mofo Troll 5 4859
Image Firenze Epic Fail Troll 10 76863
Image GayManInAGString... hung like a tiny azn man Troll 4 1791
Image icefreeze57 One more for the last time Camwhore 4 952
Image JazManXII JazManXII Troll 5 3982
Image kb916 TeH s3x Camwhore 4 1362
Image Miyoka Miyoka Emo Kid 37 167381509
Image mwags General Douchebaggery Troll 7 17568
Image Nicola Princess of Pwnage Camwhore 10 233971
Image Nicolas Sister Sexy Camwhore 3 447
Image popo1010 an awesome person Troll 4 1061
Image thecoolest Fiasco Troll 3 779
Image tier Tier Troll 6 6547
Image willmon52 willmon52 Troll 2 68
Image Yessir Yessir Troll 6 6122
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