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Klans List

Forumwarz is the first "Massively Single-Player" online RPG completely built around Internet culture.

You are currently looking at our list of Klans from our community. Klans are grouping of players participating in the game.

Klan Name Klansmen Total Cred Average Cred Average Level
fine upstanding member of society 30 9257399378 308579979 34
OrtOrtOrt 29 2134707 73611 8
Stardestroyer 29 8760749 302095 9
Harem and Sushi Bar 29 12344816993 425683345 40
b-tarded 28 851242074 30401503 14
Elitist Superstructure 28 525300223 18760722 13
Halforum 27 277821624 10289690 16
Cure 26 1522838027 58570693 23
The Last Stand 26 10657113213 409888970 44
Vacation Hideaway 25 1279002981 51160119 23
Phantasmagoric Splendor 25 8143999836 325759993 36
YouChewPoop 25 3867278651 154691146 25
Team AWESOME 25 10976952 439078 10
SensibleErections 24 60220542 2509189 9
Scorehero 24 716134565 29838940 11
Good Omens 23 7099939289 308693013 39
T3H L33T HACK3RZ 23 403615132 17548484 18
HULKAMANIACS 22 92530083 4205913 8
Legends 22 2758036 125365 8
Ebyns Academy for Underage Girls 22 93202138 4236461 14
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