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Klans List

Forumwarz is the first "Massively Single-Player" online RPG completely built around Internet culture.

You are currently looking at our list of Klans from our community. Klans are grouping of players participating in the game.

Klan Name Klansmen Total Cred Average Cred Average Level
A Beautiful Place Out in the Country 15 6654009729 443600649 44
Nexus Warriors 15 9571223 638082 12
Spacebattles 14 72281932 5162995 10
MMOCentral 14 255142057 18224433 15
Thats Just Not Right 14 248823402 17773100 18
-M-ayhem 14 409490 29249 6
middletownz 14 2206040208 157574301 30
CAWKS 14 423512 30251 6
wsphere 14 16543539 1181681 11
Ding-Dong 14 13300000000 950000000 69
The Unstoppable 105 14 420425713 30030408 13
ZJEM CIE 14 111645716 7974694 12
GSD-NBU 13 2674970400 205766954 36
Unban or Friend The nerd o powa committee 13 4676709026 359746848 35
Temple of the Anthropomorphic Majesty 13 4257528424 327502186 42
hobowars 13 651711073 50131621 17
Krazy Kritter Klan 13 1075898824 82761448 23
Fallen Knights Honor Guard 13 372485223 28652709 19
XGenStudios 13 819870 63067 7
The Daily POS 13 20517562 1578274 6
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