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okay so this is kind of like my last story contest except that your task is to write pokemon fanfiction Log in to see images! thanks go to lefox for the idea (you are welcome to enter it too) rules: 1. the story must be pokemon related (obviously) 2. the story should be dirty (contain acts of sexually explicit nature) but i will allow clean stuff 3. the story can be any length but try to keep it reasonable and not too short/long 3. copypasta is not allowed; you must be the author of the story and you must not have posted it somewhere else on the internet already 4. the best writer will be awarded 10 BP (as well as the prestigious title of “sick pervert who has too much free time” ) 5. more prizes may be added if the entries are good enough 6. contest lasts for three days, starting now
understood? go! Log in to see images! |
Posted On: 07/29/2008 5:48AM | View zigzagoon's Profile | # | ||||||
zigzagoon Posted: |
Posted On: 07/29/2008 5:49AM | View zigzagoon's Profile | # | ||||||
This is gonna be a comedy goldmine. Count me in! |
Posted On: 07/29/2008 5:57AM | View King Krimson's Profile | # | ||||||
The virgin Zigzagoon: There once was a Zigzagoon who spent all of his time playing a game called Forumwarz, he led a happy life, had his own house, had a decent job as a berry hunter it didn’t pay much but it payd the bills plus he got to keep some of the berrys so that fed him aswell. You must think this Zigzaoon is as happy as could be right? WRONG. This Zigzagoon had yet to get laid, he would spend an hour a day looking for the right pictures of some of the female Zigzagoons in the perfect postion for him to masturbate to. Until one day he said “Zig..zigzagoon zig zigagoon!” Which for you normal folk means “I’m..going to get laid no matter what!” So he sat off on his journy. He went up to one that looked perticurly nice and tried to spark up a conversation. “Zig..” He was stopped there as the female slapped him across the face and walked away. The virgin Zigzagoon tried a few more times until he gave up and decided to buy a whorey female for 30 dollars in their currecny. He did so and brought her back to her place, the Zigzagoon was sweaty as the female rubber her paw over his hind leg. As she started to stroke his large male reproductive organ, he noticed that her paws were so soft and he almost came instantly. The female Zigzagoon climbed down infront of him and instered his male reproductive organ into her mouth and proceeded to shove it down her throat. The warm, wetness, and overall feeling was so good he came instantly. The female swollowed his load then she climed ontop of him pushing him down sitting down on his down, she squeezed his male reproductive organ into her tight bum. She moved up and down on it, the feeling was so good in the 20 mintues the male bought her he had to of came atleast 5 times. The male said “Zig..zig.Zigzagoon!” The female just male reproductive organed her head and walked out. The male got on his computer and posted a topic in their forums called Flamtebate about how he just got laid.
The end. fat edited this message on 07/29/2008 6:15AM |
Posted On: 07/29/2008 6:14AM | View fat's Profile | # | ||||||
I would join in except I’m so good at writing this **** it would be unfair to everyone else. Log in to see images! |
Posted On: 07/29/2008 7:13AM | View Nillo's Profile | # | ||||||
What length window are we looking at? Like, half a page (ms word), 1 page, 3 pages? |
Posted On: 07/29/2008 8:10AM | View Arktor's Profile | # | ||||||
i will have a try at this Nighson edited this message on 07/29/2008 8:33AM |
Posted On: 07/29/2008 8:13AM | View Nighson's Profile | # | ||||||
Seven Element Orgy.
There was once a wild lonely virgin female Eevee. She was cute, and every male Eevee wanted to mate with her. But the female Eevee was pure. She knew nothing yet about how her species would usually breed. Luckily for those Pokemons, their instinct guided them to everything, like those of an animal.
One day, the female Eevee went to a city, where a Pokemon fair was being held. There, she met an array of the most sexy males (and in the Pokemon world, “sexy” means either a deep woman's genitals, or a long male reproductive organ) she had ever seen in her life. There were each one Vaporeon, Flareon, Jolteon, Espeon, Umbreon, Leafeon, and Glaceon, displayed on a stage. They were all males, and the female Eevee got turned on instantly – her instinct guided her.
It seems like a mating season all of a sudden.
She waited patiently for night to come. And when it got dark, the visitors of the fair are finally home. The female Eevee began her plan. She walked slowly in front of those seven wonderful males. There, she turned her woman's genitals against them, bent her front legs, and straightens her hind legs. She moved her tail so that it won’t block her femalehood from the sight of the seven pair of eyes.
It works.
The seven males got turned on instantly. They went down to surround the female Eevee, and before their trainers noticed, brought her to the woods.
Seven male reproductive organes erected to max that night, and a crazy orgy occurred, so crazy I wondered why nobody noticed, involving seven male evolved Eevee and a single female.
Wanna know the details? Espeon manipulated Eevee’s mind, caused her to get more and more horny, so horny that her woman's genitals became as wet as a pool of a Porygon’s tears. She moaned, begged for them to start ****ing her already. And oh of course they agreed Log in to see images!’s yellow rings starts to glow brightly, given that it’s nightfall now and because he’s so turned on. He quickly stabbed his male reproductive organ to Eevee’s woman's genitals. Eevee cried at pain, but Espeon’s psychic control eased her, and her cry turned to pleasured moans. Espeon then jerked his male reproductive organ to Eevee’s mouth.
Then its Vaporeon’s turn. His watery male reproductive organ lubricated Eevee’s bumhole, and made it easier to ****. Jolteon took control of the woman's genitals, and the electricity currents caused her to feel an extreme pleasure. Flareon inserted his to the mouth, caused Eevee’s body to warm up. The combination of those three’s powers caused her to orgasm.
But they weren’t finished yet. Glaceon took control of the woman's genitals, and his cold body rubbed against Eevee’s body caused a cool sensation all over her body. Leafeon’s photosynthetic ability stored life energy inside his body during the day, and the life energy flows to Eevee through his male reproductive organ inside her bumhole, caused her to re-energize after the first orgasm.
And then she orgasmed one more time.
She was all wet and sticky from seven different kinds of sperm, tired and fell asleep. The seven males moaned in satisfaction, and left her alone in the woods.
The next day, a young trainer found the sleeping Eevee. He threw a Pokeball to her to catch it, and because she was very tired, she couldn’t resist. And so the Eevee began her new journey as a trained (and ****ed) Pokemon… FIN Travalgar edited this message on 07/29/2008 11:58PM |
Posted On: 07/29/2008 8:25AM | View Travalgar's Profile | # | ||||||
The Virgin Wailord
Log in to see images! look in there, in the sea, look at it, it’s a virgin you see, that Wailord, tight and bound, waiting for it’s true love, to come around, but he never will, can you see?, such a big girl needs an orgy, she would have sex, with something else, but Bestiality rules, “have sex with nothing else”, so she stays, eating krill, but unknown to her, a secret surprise, she’s “hot and heavy”, that she already is, “up the duff”, “has a glow”, she is pregnant, yet no one knows, how can this be?, she still has her flower, one more world, about to be devoured, but only one thing, can save them now, one word, it shall save them all, one word, it’s name is holy, . One word . Arceus . “something is wrong”, thought the virgin Wailord, “all the creatures of the sea, they are looking at me!, am i about to have an orgy?, no no, that would be silly… oh my grog!, i have a glow, no wonder why the Remoraids are looking at me so”, then she heard a voice, deep in tone, “what could it be?” she thought out load, “it’s me”, he said, the fear on her face was clear, “you have you flee, chosen Wailord, flee before Deoxys comes, and rips you into 3”, knowing at one, she look Kyogres warning, fleeing at top speed, from the incoming horror of the alien foe… not to bore you with the details and most of the legendarys death, i think i will skip ahead, to near the end, just after mew-twos death, to the orgy scene, it’s pretty ****ed up, but then again, what do you expect: as the virgin Wailord entered back into the pokemon realm, she transformed, no longer big and blubbery, she feels the sand, on her feet, for the first time, getting her balance, seeing her arms, the world is safe, her baby, and most of the world, is dead, “at least theirs peace” she said quietly to herself, looking into the sea, she is small and young, but she’s not well, male reproductive organ is gone, lost to the Nether, but a sound behind her, there he is!, running to each overs arms, crying, “oh male reproductive organ i though i would never see you again”, “i know” said male reproductive organ, looking to the sky, 42 Wingulls go by, all the Pokemon singing, the Ex-Wailords go into the forest, smiling to each over, and a sign saying “the world is no-longer Nigh” Log in to see images! Corny ending?, yes it is, because i had to make at lest 1 thing in my life that doesn’t end with all the characters being killed, i think… and yes i lied, there isn’t an orgy Log in to see images! Nighson edited this message on 07/29/2008 9:15AM |
Posted On: 07/29/2008 8:33AM | View Nighson's Profile | # | ||||||
Posted On: 07/29/2008 9:53AM | View nanalatinojesus ...'s Profile | # | ||||||
Posted On: 07/29/2008 9:54AM | View nanalatinojesus ...'s Profile | # | ||||||
Arktor Posted:i am not putting a clear limit on length because i want people to think about how long they want their fanfic to be themselves
if you think your fanfic would be the best at 3 pages length, then do that
quality is the first priority, if you write a story that captures the reader and makes them want to read through it then you can make it as long as you want |
Posted On: 07/29/2008 10:57AM | View zigzagoon's Profile | # | ||||||
bellatrix lestrange gets you CRUCIATUS IN UR WAND Posted:haha that is an interesting choice
go for it Log in to see images! |
Posted On: 07/29/2008 10:59AM | View zigzagoon's Profile | # | ||||||
Okay guiz, heres’ my story. Its dark becuase I was feliing deprezzedLog in to see images! its my first pokeymon fanfiction though, so NO FLAMES!!!1!!! LOL!
I apologise in advance.
Ash opened his weary eyes and sighed. The sun was already high in the sky and streaming through the blinds, a testament to Ash’s slothfulness. Once upon a time, it was different. He would leap out of bed, ready to face the day, and whatever pitiful plan Team Rocket may bring. But now, he just couldn’t face it anymore. Not without Pikachu.
“Pikachu…” He murmured, tear swelling up in his eyes. He remembered Pikachu’s smiling face, his cute little tail… His firm, tight bumhole. People said it was wrong. “It’s bestiality!” They would cry. “And for Christ’s sake, you’re only 10 years old! You haven’t even gone through puberty!” But Ash didn’t care what they said. Ash knew that Pikachu was his soul mate, and that he planned to spend the rest of his life with him. An infatuation? No. It was true love.
In his travels, Ash had only found two people who understood him. His friends, Brock and Misty. They themselves never knew the joy that came from a relationship between Pokémon and trainer, but they didn’t hate him for his forbidden love. “****, man.” Brock used to say. “We don’ care what you be doin’ behind close’ doors. Now what’s a fine upstanding member of society gotta do ta get a back-rub?” But now they were gone too. Brock was dead from a drug and sex fuelled heart-attack, and Misty was captured and forced into servitude by white-slavers. Ash still didn’t know what happened to Pikachu. Tearfully, Ash reached for his belt and the syringe that temporarily took the pain away.
Ash was in a field. Several bumerfree fluttered about the flowers, and a pack of Eevee frolicked in the long grbum. But Ash wasn’t interested in those. All he wanted was the small, yellow mouse in the distance. “Pikachu!” He cried joyfully. “Pika!” Was the tearful reply. The two young lovers began to run towards each other. For Ash, every step closer to Pikachu was a step closer to Heaven. But when Pikachu was just in reach, the unthinkable happened. Ash closed his eyes for just a second, but when he opened them, he was no longer in a field. Instead, he was in a dark, barren wasteland, and Pikachu was in the distance once again. This time, though, he was caught in a large net being held by two shadowy figures. One of them lifted her feminine hand to her mouth and giggled. “This has to have been our greatest plan yet!” The other one looked to the side and smirked, showing off his devastatingly handsome profile. “I can’t believe we never tried this simple plan before! Now Giovanni is sure to promote us!” Then, in unison: “We’ll be rich! Ahahaha!” “Meowth, That’s right!” Ash stared for a second, and then yelled at the top of his lungs. “PIKACHUUUUUUU!” Then it all went black.
Ash woke with a start. He was sweating profusely, and the tears were now running freely down his face. “Oh, Pikachu…” He sobbed. “My love… Where are you?”
Jesse, James and Meowth had since fallen on hard times. They had enjoyed brief favour with Giovanni for capturing Pikachu, but Giovanni’s attentions were fickle, and they soon found themselves penniless and jobless once again. “Where did we go wrong, Jesse?” James asked. “Well for me, it was leaving my ridiculously wealthy parents to pursue a life of crime.” “I though we had it made. I thought that if we captured the rat, we would have been living easy. Instead, Giovanni tosses us out like yesterdays rubbish. And for what? Some mangy old dog Pokémon! Arceus? It doesn’t matter.”
A car pulled up to where the trio were waiting. “How much for the cat?” “Meowth, tha- What? That’s not right!” “He’s $50, sir.” James replied. “I’ll take him” “What? No! I won’t do it!” “You’ve got to earn your keep, Meowth. Get into the car.” Meowth reluctantly crawled into the pbumenger seat as money pbumed hands. “It’s all gone so badly…” Jesse sighed.
Pikachu closed his eyes and wished he was somewhere else. He had long since resigned himself to his fate, yet that didn’t make it any easier. Every time Giovanni’s hard male reproductive organ rammed into him, he remembered Ash’s gentle lovemaking, a far cry from the violent raping he received from Giovanni. With every thrust, Pikachu’s bumhole tore a little more. With every orgasm, Pikachu’s heart broke. “Ung! Ung! Ung!” Giovanni grunted in unison with his thrusts. “Ung! Ung! UNG! UNGH! UNGHHHHH! Hah… hah… hah…” Giovanni finished off and withdrew his flaccid male reproductive organ. “Get back into the cage, ****.” He growled, as he wiped his male reproductive organ on Pikachu’s furry back. Pikachu hesitated. “Well? Do as I say!” Pikachu felt Giovanni’s fist slam against his head, and he slid across the room. “There’s more where that came from if you disobey me again, Whore!” Giovanni spat.
Pikachu crawled back to the dirty cage that was now his home. Reaching underneath the sodden straw, his hand grasped at his salvation. For a while now, he had been working at one of the loose bars of his cage. Eventually, he had managed to break a sizeable piece off. Maybe it seemed small to a Human, but it would serve Pikachu’s purpose well. “Pika Pika!” He yelled, as he raised the makeshift knife into the air. “No, stop!” Giovanni must have noticed. “What are you doing, you little ****?” Pikachu paid him no heed, however, and plunged the sharp bar into his tiny heart. Darkness surrounded him, and Pikachu knew that he had succeeded.
At last, he was free.
Ash had made a decision. He now realised that he would never see Pikachu again, and so life was no longer living. Walking groggily towards the medicine cabinet, Ash wiped the tears from his eyes. There would be no more crying. Ash opened the grimy cabinet and fumbled around until he found what he was looking for. Removing the razor from its plastic packaging, Ash sighed one last time. Slowly, he dragged the razor down one arm, and then the other, opening his arteries. Ash slumped to the floor as he felt his life-blood leaving him. Taking one last look at the world that had betrayed him; he closed his eyes for the last time.
Ash woke once more in a beautiful field, except that this one was even more glorious than the one that he remembered. Rising slowly, Ash noticed something nuzzling at his side. Looking down, Ash saw something that made all the pain he had suffered melt away. Once again, tears welled in his eyes. Except this time, they were tears of joy.
Ugh… What happened? That’s the last time I overdose on cough syrup.
Hang on a minute… Did I write that?
Oh ****. King Krimson edited this message on 07/29/2008 2:42PM |
Posted On: 07/29/2008 11:02AM | View King Krimson's Profile | # | ||||||
Oh GOD! mine has disturbed me for life. i may never sleep again |
Posted On: 07/29/2008 11:41AM | View infernogirl's Profile | # | ||||||
I’m not good at this but here we go.
It was a brisk sunny day as rising Pokemon trainer Ash Ketchum traveled to Vermillion City in hopes of defeating the gym leader Lieutenant Surge. Not too long ago he had befriended ex-gym leaders Brock, a muscular yet handsome, youthful man, and Misty, a small-breasted orange-haired piece of eye candy. Brock had grown tired of being a gym leader so he decided to embark on a journey with Ash. Misty, however, was jealous of her sisters who she believed to be prettier than herself. She was weary from all the lonely masturbation sessions in her room as she listened to her sisters **** trainers they would bring home until they were on the brink of screaming in pleasure. This was not her only problem, though… for Misty could also not great times. Since she met Ash both himself and her have noticed his eyes occasionally wandering to her brilliantly toned bum packed tight into her jean shorts as they walked the path to Vermillion. Misty would watch him staring at her, getting a rise out of the thought of Ash being interested. Although when he noticed her glancing at him when he looked, he would quickly jerk his head into another direction as if he wasn’t looking, unaware of her pleasure. Brock never gave Misty a thought. As of lately he was interested in other things; things he couldn’t understand. Ash was the first to defeat him and since then Brock had been experiencing feelings for him. He would lie to himself and say he just envy’s Ash, but he would soon to find out it was so much more than that. Pikachu walked beside Ash as the three trainers marched their way to the electric-type gym leader. “Pika pika,” the pokemon spoke. “What’s that, Pikachu? Little Timmy’s trapped in a well?” Brock jokingly responded, never having no real understanding of what Pikachu says. Misty lightly slapped him on the back of the head. “There’s no need for that tone. The little guy is just hungry, right Pikachu?” “Pika…” Pikachu sighed as this was not the case. His male reproductive organ was too large and it had been dragging against some rough gravel. Ash, Brock and hopefully not Misty didn’t understand how it felt but at the same time they were unaware of his situation. The four were nearly halfway to the city when Ash asked if they could rest for a bit. His legs were aching, so he sat on the grbum behind a nearby boulder and began to rub them. As he did so Misty approached and placed her hand on his thigh. “Um.. Misty..” his voice quivered. “Yes?” she replied as if everything was normal. “What are you doing?” Pikachu and Brock were standing on the path waiting patiently, but Brock heard the voices and crept over until he could see his two friends. He was immediately struck with jealousy at the sight of Misty touching Ash. He wanted to be in her place, gently stroking Ash’s thigh and teasing at the idea of rubbing his crotch. Just as Misty grabbed Ash’s zipper, Brock made his move. “So are we all rested up,” he boasted in. “We can’t waste too much time, there’s only so much daylight.” He grabbed Misty by the shoulders and helped her up, avoiding eye contact with the both of them in fear that he would see their disappointment. Brock tended to be in denial most of the time of Ash’s true sexuality and needs. He wanted them to be together and had his mind set on making it so. After Misty was dragged off and away, Ash stood up. His erection was bulging despite it not being particularly big and a tiny wet dot of semen seeped through his pants. “Hey Ash, you coming or what?” Brock yelled, his voice getting close as he asked. Ash quickly removed his hat and held it over his boner in fear of his fellow trainer seeing. Brock looked at him, then his hat, then back up at him questioningly. Brock’s lips parted but before he could speak Ash blurted out, “YEAH! LETS GET GOIN’!” Brock had an idea of what was going on but he thought it was just his imagination getting away from him. “Okay, well pick up the pace.” Brock walked away and Ash exhaled in great relief. He could feel the warmth of his red face from the embarrbumment but thought no more of what just happened. He stepped out from behind the boulder and with his friends, still holding the hat near his waist. They began walking again. “What badge are you going for anyway, Ash?” Misty asked as she eyed his hat, picturing what was underneath it. “Thunder,” he replied with a crack in his voice. “Pikachu is stronger than any electric pokemon Surge could have. Isn’t that right Pikachu?” He patted his pokemon on the head and Pikachu smiled up at him temporarily til his male reproductive organ hit a rock on the round. He winced for a moment but limped on. “I don’t know. I’ve heard he’s pretty tough. I’m worried about you, Ash.” Brock said, his tone lowering for his last statement. Ash raised an eyebrow out of curiosity of the meaning behind Brock’s words, but at the same time he was grateful. “Thanks but I can handle it no problem,” replied Ash in all his confidence. Both Misty and Brock looked at him and smiled at the fact that their secret love was so bold. The day grew on as they walked and it soon turned to night. Vermillion city was in their sights, but they decided to make a fire and finish the walk the following day. Brock, Misty and Ash sat around the fire, holding their hands close to it. Pikachu sat next to Ash, rubbing his own male reproductive organ for it was raw from the days walk. He sighed again. “I’m gonna get more firewood,” said Misty as she arose. “Don’t get too cozy without me!” She walked off into the woods close by. Ash watched as she left, keeping his eyes set on her swaying hips. Brock noticed this and decided it was his time to tell Ash how he felt- to show him how he felt. At this point Pikachu had nestled against Misty’s backpack, using it as a pillow. Ash was poking at the fire with a stick in an attempt to increase the flame. Brock shyly inched over next to him and took his hand into his own. Ash dropped the wood into the fire and turned his head facing Brock. Their eyes met. “Ash, There’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you…” Brock said with a light blush forming. Ash lowered his vision down between Brock’s legs, seeing the hard-on trying to escape the clothing. He had been confused most of his life about his needs, but at that moment he knew what he wanted and he had to have it. “Ash, I-” Brock stopped as the other boy’s lips touched his own. Brock felt a burst of joy flow through him and rested his hand on the back of Ash’s head, delicately pressing their mouths closer. Ash ran his fingertips down Brock’s chest to the solid member awaiting him, gently rubbing the head of it. Brock broke the kiss revealing a loving smile and stood up in front of him. Ash sat on his knees, face to face with his desire. He unbumoned Brock’s pants and slid them down, taking the throbbing gym leader’s male reproductive organ into his mouth. Brock’s heart was beating with quick thumps, watching his friend and new love suck his male reproductive organ, rubbing the shaft as it would exit his mouth. Ash pulled down his jeans, his thick male reproductive organ flopping out and into his other hand. He would rub it while pleasuring Brock, getting off on the fact that he was the one making the bigger boy moan. He looked up at him and their eyes met, running his tongue along the bottom of his male reproductive organ while he extracted it from his mouth. Brock stroked his manhood that was still covered in saliva and Ash turned away onto all fours, looking back anxiously. Brock laid his male reproductive organ on Ash’s lower back and began grinding it between his bum cheeks teasingly. His male reproductive organ throbbed and twitched at this stimulation and he guided his bum to the tip of Brock’s erection. Brock took hold on Ash’s hips and pulled them, pushing into the boy’s bumhole. They both grunted as Brock plowed into him and out again, his pelvis slapping into Ash’s cheeks with each motion. They were loving this new experience and wanted more. Soon they found themselves in a different position; Brock was sitting down with Ash in his lap, his arms wrapped around his chest with nipples between fingertips. Ash bounced again and again, the male reproductive organ jamming deep into his bum with each descent. Brock maneuvered his hand down to Ash’s erection, firmly grabbing it. He tugged it in between each anal thrust while still caressing the head with his thumb softly. Ash’s eyes were closed enjoying his sexual nirvana, so he didn’t see Misty watching the two from afar. She peered from behind a bush at the action, wondering if she should interfere. However soon she found herself dropping the firewood and her hand sliding down the front of her shorts to her clit. She tried to resist, but seeing Ash naked was too overpowering for her. Instead she removed off her shorts and shirt and sat down to continue watching. She took her right breast in hand and began mbumaging it, her other hand still rubbing her clit in quick yet long circular motions. Brock was now rubbing part of Ash’s shaft with his balls also in hand. Misty laid down with her head turned the two men, lightly pinching her nipple and arching her back in extacy as she touched herself. She plopped her fingers inside and began almost violently pushing them in and out. She could feel herself approaching her peak. “Are you- gonna- great times?” Brock asked while continuously forcing his male reproductive organ into the depths of Ash’s bum. “Mmmm,” moaned Ash. Brock tightened his grip on the boy’s male reproductive organ and jerked it faster, making sure he reached it from top to bottom. Misty was desperate to finish. She was afraid she would never orgasm, so she reached over and took hold of a thick piece of firewood. She spread and lifted her legs up and wiggled it into her bum, gasping during its entrance from the pleasure and size. She lied there rubbing her clit faster and jamming the stick further into her bum with each push. She knew it was coming- she knew she was coming. With a few more mbumive thrusts, Brock exploded into Ash’s bum. Simultaneously Brock had sped up jacking off Ash and he knew Ash came as well. He felt the hot semen run down the side of his hand and pulled out satisfied. They looked at each others sweaty, naked bodies while panting, kissed, and agreed not to tell Misty about it. They cleaned up, got dressed and took the places they were in by the fire before she left. Eventually they saw her come from behind the bush fully clothed with a depressed expression on her face and a few pieces of firewood. “Something wrong, Misty?” Ash asked the girl. She just cut her eyes at him, glaring in a way to tell him not to ask about it further. Misty dropped the wood next to the fire, one stick in particular looking different than the others from being partially covered in some sort of substance. She walked over, laid next to Pikachu and they all called it a night. The next morning Brock awoke stretching. “Sure was some night last night.” Ash smiling slightly, nodding his head in agreement. Misty was up before everyone, still with an angry look upon her face. She and Ash looked at each other from a distance. “Are you sure nothings wr-” He failed to finish. “There is nothing wrong! Stop asking! Let’s go already!” She yelled, turning away as her face turned a shade of red. Ash woke up Pikachu and told him it was time to go. Pikachu sighed and wearily stood up. The four began to make their way to Vermillion again, and Pikachu dragged his male reproductive organ the entire way there. |
Posted On: 07/29/2008 12:38PM | View CHALKONEUPTODALO...'s Profile | # | ||||||
Posted On: 07/29/2008 12:48PM | View Fran's Profile | # | ||||||
Interesting Fact: ASH IS 10! |
Posted On: 07/29/2008 12:56PM | View infernogirl's Profile | # | ||||||
Interesting fact: Ash has been 10 ever since his debut in the anime even though several in-universe years have pbumed. Log in to see images! |
Posted On: 07/29/2008 1:01PM | View Nillo's Profile | # | ||||||
Interesting fact: it’s a fanfic. Don’t make me pull out My Immortal. |
Posted On: 07/29/2008 1:11PM | View CHALKONEUPTODALO...'s Profile | # | ||||||