Episode 3 Walkthrough
The order of which you do the missions is for the biggest part irrelevant. Because different events can be followed in different orders, this walkthrough is not always accurate as far as event timing goes.
If you feel you're stuck, search the Knowledge Base using the help link in the upper right. Try "stuck".
This walkthrough makes sure that you don't miss out on any Episode based E-Peen, ability, bookmark or NPC.
Episode 3 Starting Cinematic
- Game Event: Episode 3 Starting Cinematic.
- Game Event: New Ability Learned:
- Good Alignment: Good Samaritan.
- Neutral Alignment: Stuffed Shirt.
- Evil Alignment: Hellraiser.
- Game Event: Received the Mission:
- Good Alignment: Heaven's Prisoners.
- Neutral Alignment: Not Limbo-Stickin' Around.
- Evil Alignment: The Long Hard Road out of Hell.
- Player Action: Pwn:
- Good Alignment: Sugarcandy Mountain.
- Neutral Alignment: The Limboard.
- Evil Alignment: PermaDamned.
The **** Hit The Fan
- Game Event: Internet Delay Chat with Forumwarz Robots.
- Game Event: Received the Mission: The **** Hit the Fan.
- Game Event: The **** Hit the Fan added to bookmarks.
- Player Action: Play The **** Hit the Fan.
- Game Event: Completed the Mission: The **** Hit the Fan.
- Game Event: Received the Mission: What the **** Was That?
- Game Event: Internet Delay Chat with FBO (Without Nordstrom).
- Game Event: Received the Mission: Kill the Noise.
- Game Event: Mission Updated: What the **** Was That?
- Game Event: Received the Mission: Finding Nordstrom.
- Game Event: Received tubmail from Great Aunt Geraldine.
- Player Action: Read the tubmail from Great Aunt Geraldine.
- Player Action: Install GIMPY.
- Game Event: Mission Updated: Pocahontaaaaas!
- Game Event: Great Aunt Geraldine added to GIMPY.
- Game Event: Spookface Killah wants to add you on GIMPY.
- Game Event: Carolyn Fartz, CEO added to GIMPY.
- Player Action: sTalk with Shallow Esophagus.
- Game Event: Completed the Mission: Pocahontaaaaas!
- Game Event: Received tubmail from Nautesticles.
- Game Event: JetSetLover wants to add you on sTalk.
- Game Event: CarciNorman wants to add you on sTalk.
- Player Action, Optional: Read tubmail from Nautesticles.
- Player Action: sTalk with Carolyn Fartz.
- Game Event: Received the Mission: Outsourced.
- Game Event: Randroid112 wants to add you on GIMPY.
- Game Event: SuperGenus2 wants to add you on GIMPY.
- Player Action, Optional: sTalk with SuperGenus2.
- Game Event: Received tubmail from SuperGenus2
- Player Action, Optional: Read tubmail from SuperGenus2
Smoke 'em Out
- Player Action: sTalk with CarciNorman.
- Game Event: Received the Mission: Lung Cancer's a ****!
- Game Event: Received the Mission: Smoke 'em Out.
- Game Event: garbagebagofsmokes.com added to bookmarks.
- Game Event: Received tubmail from Shallow Esophagus.
- Player Action: Read tubmail from Shallow Esophagus.
- Game Event: Received tubmail from Doktor Jojo.
- Game Event: Received the Mission: Track the Hacker.
- Player Action: Read tubmail from Doktor Jojo.
- Game Event: added to bookmarks.
- Player Action: Pwn garbagebagofsmokes.com.
- Game Event: Completed the Mission: Smoke 'em Out.
- Game Event: CarciNorman sent you 75,000 flezz.
- Game Event: Big Chief Swollen bum wants to add you on sTalk.
Red Man's Justice
- Player Action: sTalk with Big Chief Swollen bum.
- Game Event: Received the Mission: Red Man's Justice.
- Game Event: All Aboot Canadia added to bookmarks.
- Player Action: Pwn All Aboot Canadia.
- Game Event: Completed the Mission: Red Man's Justice.
- Game Event: Big Chief Swollen bum sent you 100,000 flezz.
- Player Action: sTalk with Big Chief Swollen bum.
Rude Slang Fans Ain't Nothin' to Fuss With
- Player Action: sTalk with Spookface Killah.
- Game Event: Received the Mission: Rude Slang Fans Ain't Nothin' to Fuss With.
- Game Event: SomeOfMyBestFriends.com added to bookmarks.
- Player Action: Pwn SomeOfMyBestFriends.com.
- Game Event: Completed the Mission: Rude Slang Fans Ain't Nothin' to Fuss With.
- Game Event: Spookface Killah sent you 100,000 flezz.
- Game Event: Received tubmail from Spookface Killah.
- Game Event: Received tubmail from Shecky Salisbury.
Moar Vendor
- Stalk with clbum based NPC.
- PWN guild
- NPC sent you tubmail.
- Read tubmail.
- PWN guild for a while until you got the complete .moar file.
- choose an item. Be careful, it is an one time choice.
Bridal ****storm
- Player Action: sTalk with JetSetLover.
- Game Event: Received the Mission: Bridal ****storm.
- Game Event: Engrish Ressons added to bookmarks.
- Player Action: Pwn Engrish Ressons.
- Game Event: Get teleported to Huddled bumes.
- Player Ation: Pwn Huddled bumes.
- Game Event: Completed the Mission: Bridal ****storm.
- Game Event: Received tubmail from JetSetLover. Don't take out the attachment yet.
- Game Event: HugMastaDoug wants to add you on sTalk.
Tear Down This Forum!
- Player Action: sTalk with Randroid112.
- Game Event: Received the Mission: Tear Down This Forum!
- Game Event: LeninParty.org added to bookmarks.
- Player Action: Pwn LeninParty.org.
- Game Event: Completed the Mission: Tear Down This Forum!
- Game Event: Randroid112 sent you 165,000 flezz.
- Game Event: Received tubmail from Thinderella.
Say Yes to Vaccinations
- Player Action: sTalk with CarciNorman.
- Game Event: Completed the Mission: Lung Cancer's a ****!
- Game Event: Received the Mission: Say Yes to Vaccinations.
- Game Event: All Western Medicine is Bull**** added to bookmarks.
- Player Action: Pwn All Western Medicine is Bull****.
- Game Event: Get teleported to LOLkemia.
- Player Action: Pwn LOLkemia.
- Game Event: Completed the Mission: Say Yes to Vaccinations.
- Game Event: CarciNorman sent you 150,000 flezz.
- Game Event: Received tubmail from CarciNorman.
Pwn 'Em if They Can't Take a Joke
- Player Action: Read tubmail from Shecky Salisbury.
- Game Event: Shecky Salisbury added to GIMPY.
- Player Action: sTalk with Shecky Salisbury.
- Game Event: Received the Mission: Pwn 'Em if They Can't Take a Joke
- Player Action: Pwn The Hook.
- Game Event: Completed the Mission: Pwn 'Em if They Can't Take a Joke.
- Game Event: Shecky Salisbury sent you 1,750 flezz.
- Player Action: sTalk with Shecky Salisbury.
- Game Event: Received tubmail from Shecky Salisbury.
- Player Action: Read tubmail from Shecky Salisbury.
- Game Event: New Ability Learned: Bad Joke-a-Palooza.
NOTE: This mission will take several days to complete. It is advised you take this mission as soon as possible in the game. Preferably after you've pwned Huddled bumes.
- Player Action: sTalk with HugMastaDoug.
- Game Event: Received the Mission: Masta-Baiting.
- Game Event: VanillaLand woman's genitals Fetish Forum added to bookmarks.
- Game Event: Received tubmail from HugMastaDoug.
- Player Action: Take out attachment from HugMastaDoug's tubmail.
- Player Action, Optional: Pwn VanillaLand woman's genitals Fetish Forum.
At this point you'll have to wait 24 hours before you can contact HugMastaDoug again.
- Player Action: sTalk with HugMastaDoug.
- Game Event: Mission Updated: Masta-Baiting.
- Game Event: Overmale reproductive organers added to bookmarks.
- Game Event: Received tubmail from HugMastaDoug.
- Player Action: Take out attachment from HugMastaDoug's tubmail.
- Player Action, Optional: Pwn Overmale reproductive organers.
You'll have to wait another 24 hours before you can contact HugMastaDoug again.
- Player Action: sTalk with HugMastaDoug.
- Game Event: Mission Updated: Masta-Baiting.
- Game Event: ****MyWife added to bookmarks.
- Game Event: Received tubmail from HugMastaDoug.
- Player Action: Take out attachment from HugMastaDoug's tubmail.
- Player Action, Optional: Pwn ****MyWife.
From now on, HugMastaDoug will keep sending you bad gifts every rollover. You can choose to pwn him as soon as you get the tubmail from Shallow Esophagus and contacted him on sTalk.
However, it is advised to wait until HugMastaDoug doesn't sent you any gifts anymore, because that way you can net yourself an E-Peen™.
Shallow Esophagus will contact you on the first rollover after HugMastaDoug sent you the Flaming Bag Of Crap attachment.
First Rollover:
- Game Event: Received tubmail from HugMastaDoug.
- Game Event: Received tubmail from Shallow Esophagus.
- Player Action: Take out attachment from HugMastaDoug's tubmail.
- Player Action: Read tubmail from Shallow Esophagus.
- Player Action: sTalk with Shallow Esophagus.
- Game Event: Mission Updated: Masta-Baiting.
- Game Event: Stalker Central added to bookmarks.
You can pwn HugMastaDoug already if you want, this walkthrough is going to bumume you don't, and that you will wait a couple more rollovers to get all the gifts from HugMastaDoug.
Second Rollover:
- Game Event: Received tubmail from HugMastaDoug.
- Player Action: Take out attachment from HugMastaDoug's tubmail.
Third Rollover:
- Game Event: Received tubmail from HugMastaDoug.
- Player Action: Take out attachment from HugMastaDoug's tubmail.
Fourth Rollover:
- Game Event: Received tubmail from HugMastaDoug.
- Player Action: Take out attachment from HugMastaDoug's tubmail.
Fifth Rollover:
- Game Event: Received tubmail from HugMastaDoug.
- Player Action: Take out attachment from HugMastaDoug's tubmail. This should be his Final Gift. In fact, the subject will be "Final Gift"
- Player Action: Pwn Stalker Central.
- Boss Thread: Face HugMastaDoug himself. The gifts you took from HugMastaDoug have bad effects on you.
- Game Event: Completed the Mission: Masta-Baiting.
- Game Event: Received tubmail from HugMastaDoug.
- Player Action: Read tubmail from HugMastaDoug.
Skin and Pwns
- Player Action: Read tubmail from Thinderella.
- Game Event: Thinderella added to GIMPY.
- Player Action: sTalk with Thinderella.
- Game Event: Received the Mission: Skin and Pwns.
- Game Event: Emaciation Nation added to Bookmarks.
- Player Action: Pwn Emaciation Nation.
- Game Event: Completed the Mission: Skin and Pwns.
- Game Event: Thinderella sent you 200,000 Flezz.
- Game Event: Recieved Tubmail from Thinderella.
- Game Event: Received Tubmail from Geronimo! Technical Support.
- Game Event: Orville W. Moneybags III wants to add you on GIMPY.
Fail Britannia
- Game Event: Received Mission: Fail Britannia.
- Game Event: Hail Britannia! added to Bookmarks.
- Player Action: Pwn Hail Britannia!
- Game Event: Completed Mission: Fail Brittania.
- Game Event: New Ability Learned: woman's genitalsificate.
Optional: Futarani-Moe Mission
- Player Action: Take out attachment from Jetsetlover's tubmail. Do not sell the Used Blow-Up Doll
- Player Action: sTalk with Futarani-Moe
- Player Action: Let Futarani-Moe use the Used Blow-Up Doll for 100k flezz
- Player Action, Optional: sTalk with Jetsetlover
Clbumy Warfare
- Player Action: sTalk with Orville w. Moneybags III.
- Game Event: Received Mission: Clbumy Warfare.
- Game Event: Received bookmark: Gilded Pocket Country Club Lobby.
- Player Action: Attempt to enter Gilded Pocket Country Club Lobby.
NOTE: This bookmark is located under the Mission-Related tab.
- Game Event: Received Tubmail from The Gilded Pocket Country Club.
- Player Action: Read tubmail from The Gilded Pockey Country Club.
- Game Event: Gilded Pocket Country Club added to bookmarks.
- Game Event: Mission Updated: Clbumy Warfare.
- Player Action: Pwn Gilded Pocket Country Club.
- Game Event: Completed Mission: Clbumy Warfare.
- Game Event: Received Tubmail from Orville W. Moneybags III.
- Game Event: Orville W. Moneybags III sent you 225,000 Flezz.
Not HIV But Full-Blown AIDS
- Player Action: sTalk with CarciNorman.
- Game Event: Received the Mission: Not HIV But Full-Blown AIDS.
- Game Event: Ruin-A-Wish Foundation added to bookmarks.
- Player Action: Pwn Ruin-A-Wish Foundation.
- Game Event: Completed the Mission: Not HIV But Full-Blown AIDS.
- Game Event: CarciNorman sent you 330,000 flezz.
- Game Event: Received tubmail from CarciNorman.
- Player Action: Read tubmail from CarciNorman.
- Game Event: Received tubmail from Shallow Esophagus.
- Player Action: Read tubmail from Shallow Esophagus.
- Player Action: sTalk with Shallow Esophagus.
- Game Event: Received tubmail from Untied Sosiety fr tge Suppreshon of Buks.
- Player Action: Read tubmail from Untied Sosiety fr tge Suppreshon of Buks.
- Game Event: Banneds & Ignoble added to bookmarks.
Take a Bite Out of Crime
- Game Event: Received Mission: Take a Bite Out of Crime.
- Game Event: Salle de Bain du Vin added to Bookmarks.
- Player Action: Pwn Salle de Bain du Vin.
- Game Event: Completed Mission: Take a Bite Out of Crime.
- Game Event: Pavlov sent you 350,000 Flezz.
Heavy Meta
- Game Event: Received Mission: Heavy Meta.
- Game Event: Battlethreadz Lamebait added to bookmarks.
- Game Event: SpitFire451 wants to add you on GIMPY.
- Player Action: Pwn Battlethreadz Lamebait. NOTE: You can receive the Thursday Night Lights Out E-Peen for pwning Battlethreadz Lamebait on Thursday night, 8-9 PM GMT, which is now FWZ server time. (Used to be EST until the site died and ET ****ed the configuration.) If you're very special and can't convert time, the time displays on the the site on the front News page, Flamebate/IDC, or in the messages while pwning a forum. If this ever changes, it follows that. You can only get this E-Peen for pwning it the FIRST TIME.
- Game Event: Battlethreadz IDC cinematic.
- Game Event: Mission Updated: Finding Nordstorm.
- Game Event: -=FLAMING BLACK OPS HQ=- added to bookmarks.
- Game Event: BAAWZ sent you 250,000 Flezz.
- Game Event: Completed Mission: Heavy Meta.
Drooling Pistols
- Game Event: Received Mission: Drooling Pistols.
- Game Event: Netbangaz Online added to Bookmarks.
- Player Action: Pwn Netbangaz Online.
- Game Event: Completed Mission: Drooling Pistols.
- Game Event: Pavlov sent you 350,000 Flezz.
Snitch Hitter
- Game Event: Received Mission: Snitch Hitter.
- Game Event: Witness Defection Program added to bookmarks.
- Player Action: Pwn Witness Defection Program.
- Game Event: Completed Mission: Snitch Hitter.
- Game Event: Al Capwn sent you 500,000 Flezz.
- Game Event: Recieved Tubmail from Carolyn Fartz, CEO.
- Player Action: Read Tubmail from Carolyn Fartz, CEO.
- Game Event: New Ability Learned: Gatecrasher.
- Game Event: Completed Mission: Outsourced.
Perverted Justice
- Game Event: Received Mission: Perverted Justice.
- Game Event: 60 Secondmen added to Bookmarks.
- Player Action: Pwn 60 Secondmen.
- Game Event: Completed Mission: Perverted Justice.
- Game Event: Pavlov sent you 600,000 Flezz.
Fire at Will
- Player Action: sTalk with SpitFire451.
- Game Event: Received the Mission: Fire at Will.
- Game Event: Pyro-MANIAX! added to Bookmarks.
- Player Action: Pwn Pyro-MANIAX!.
- Game Event: Completed the Mission: Fire at Will.
- Game Event: Received tubmail from SpitFire451.
- Game Event: SpitFire451 sent you 1,200,000 Flezz.
- Player Action: Read tubmail from SpitFire451.
- Game Event: msable743873 added to contacts.
Pwnstown Mbumacre
To start this mission, you must have got at least 3 tubmails from Nautesticles.
- Player Action: Read the third tubmail from Nautesticles.
- Game Event: Nautesticles added to contacts.
- Player Action: sTalk with Nautesticles.
- Game Event: Received the Mission: Pwnstown Mbumacre.
- Game Event: Human Ziggurat of the Cosmic Center added to bookmarks.
- Game Event: Received tubmail from Nautesticles.
- Player Action, Optional: Read tubmail from Nautesticles.
- Player Action: Pwn Human Ziggurat of the Cosmic Center.
- Game Event: Completed the Mission: Pwnstown Mbumacre.
- Game Event: Nautesticles sent you 2,000,000 flezz.
Mind Hack!
- Player Action: sTalk with Shallow Esophagus.
- Game Event: E-Dipus added to contacts.
- Game Event: Received the Mission: Mind Hack!
- Game Event: Psych Yourself Out added to bookmarks.
- Player Action: Pwn Psych Yourself Out.
- Game Event: Completed the Mission: Mind Hack!
- Game Event: New Ability Learned: Psychoanalyze.
Track the Hacker
- Player Action: Enter Denture Chat and use DAS Bloodhund. You will receive a pop-up window stating that a new contact has appeared on your sTalk list. You can pwn Denture Chat or leave. It's your choice.
- Game Event: Mission Updated: Track the Hacker.
- Game Event: RWOX CVDK OAAX added to contacts.
- Player Action: Keep talking to RWOX CVDK OAAX until he says he will send you two Tubmails.
- Game Event: Received Tubmail from RWOX CVDK OAAX.
- Player Action: Read Tubmail from RWOX CVDK OAAX.
- Game Event: Received Tubmail from RWOX CVDK OAAX.
- Player Action: Read Tubmail from RWOX CVDK OAAX.
- Player Action: sTalk with RWOX CVDK OAAX.
- Game Event: Completed Mission: Track the Hacker.
Forward... To The Past!
- Game Event: Received the Mission: Forward... To The Past!
- Game Event: Geronimo! Official Forums 2 Die Harder added to Bookmarks.
- Player Action: Pwn Geronimo! Official Forums 2 Die Harder.
RWOX CVDK OAAX Will follow you into the forum and heal 25 ego per turn.
If you have the Gatecrasher ability you can also choose not to pwn the forum, and instead pretend to pwn it.
Use this link to skip the forum: http://www.forumwarz.com/geronimo/pretend
- Game Event: Completed Mission: Forward... To The Past!
- Game Event: Completed Mission: Kill The Noise.
- Game Event: Received Tubmail from RWOX CVDK OAAX.
- Player Action: Take out the attachment from RWOX CVDK OAAX's tubmail.
- Game Event: Received Mission: CONNECT 4800.
- Game Event: The Great Beyond BBS added to Bookmarks.
- Player Action: Pwn The Great Beyond BBS.
RWOX CVDK OAAX will also follow you into this forum.
- Game Event: Death of RWOX cinematic.
- Game Event: Completed Mission: CONNECT 4800
- Game Event: Mission Updated: What The **** Was That?
- Game Event: Received Tubmail from Clbum-Based NPC.
- Player Action: Read Tubmail from Clbum-Based NPC.
- Game Event: Clbum-Based NPC wants to add you on sTalk.
DinkDonkDoink.org SteamBoards Mission
- Player Action: sTalk with Clbum-Based NPC.
- Game Event: Received Mission: DinkDonkDoink.org SteamBoards Mission. This is a generalized name for the mission because the mission name is different for each clbum.
- Game Event: DinkDonkDoink.org SteamBoards added to Bookmarks.
- Player Action: Pwn DinkDonkDoink.org Steamboards.
- Game Event: Snorri Attacks! Cinematic.
- Player Action: Pwn Snorri.
- Game Event: Death of Rory Cinematic.
- Game Event: Completed the Mission: DinkDonkDoink.org SteamBoards Mission.
- Game Event: Received the Mission: In the Thicke of It.
- Game Event: New Ability Learned: Death Note.
- Game Event: ThickeHeads The Alan Thicke Fan Club added to Bookmarks.
In the Thicke of It
- Player Action: Pwn ThickeHeads The Alan Thicke Fan Club.
- Game Event: Cinematic with PurifyingSelector88.
- Boss Thread: Face PurifyingSelector88, The Rogue Hacker. Use Psychoanalyze 7 times to severely weaken the thread. Then pwn it as usual.
- Game Event: Death of PS88 cinematic.
- Game Event: Completed the Mission: In the Thicke of It
- Game Event: Completed the Mission: What the **** Was That?
- Player Action: sTalk with msable743873.
- Game Event: Received the Mission: Robo-Pogrom.
- Game Event: JewRaffeBots.gi Conspiracy Board added to bookmarks.
- Player Action: Pwn JewRaffeBots.gi Conspiracy Board.
- Game Event: Completed the Mission: Robo-Pogrom
- Game Event: msable743873 sent you 1,750,000 flezz.
Finding Nordstrom
- Player Action: Pwn -=FLAMING BLACK OPS HQ=-.
- Game Event: Nordstrom Confrontation cinematic.
- Boss Thread: Internet-RIØT !!!! Face Ravit "Blacksnake" Nordstrom III. After Nordstrom has hit you a few times he runs out of energy.
- Game Event/Player Action: Finish Nordstrom. You should have 5 choices:
- Very Evil Option: Kill Nordstrom with the Death Note. (5 Evil Alignment Points)
- Evil Option: Pwn Nordstrom. (2 Evil Alignment Points)
- Neutral Option: Leave Nordstrom alone. (Neutral, no change in alignment)
- Good Option: Let Nordstrom pwn you. (2 Good Alignment Points)
- Very Good Option: Give Nordstrom the modem from RWOX CVDK OAAX. (5 Good Alignment Points)
- Game Event: Completed the Mission: Finding Nordstrom
- Game Event: Received tubmail from Flaming Black Ops.
- Player Action: Read tubmail from Flaming Black Ops.
- Game Event: New Ability Learned: DDoS.
Search and Destroy
- Player Action: sTalk with msable743873.
- Game Event: Received the Mission: Search and Destroy.
- Player Action: Search for Secret Sentrillion Forum on Sentrillion.
- Game Event: Completed the Mission: Search and Destroy.
- Game Event: Received the Mission: Sentrilliwhacked!
- Game Event: Sentrillion Clbumified Codebase (BETA) added to bookmarks.
- Player Action: Pwn Sentrillion Clbumified Codebase (BETA).
- Boss Thread: Face Shallow Esophagus and his alternative characters. This boss thread has 500,000 pwnage and there is no way to weaken the thread. Be sure to stock up on a lot of consumables!
- Game Event: Completed the Mission: Sentrilliwhacked!
- Player Action: sTalk with Shallow Esophagus.
- Player Action: sTalk with three random NPCs that are in your sTalk list.
- Player Action: sTalk with Shallow Esophagus.
- Game Event: Received the Mission: Final Boss of the Internet.
Final Boss of the Internet
- Player Action: Go to the Final Boss of the Internet bookmark.
- Game Event/Player Action: Finish Shallow. You have 3 choices here:
- Lawful: Use the DDoS ability on Shallow.
- Unaligned: Use the Gatecrasher ability on Shallow.
- Chaotic: Use the Bash Keyboard with Helmet ability on Shallow.
- Game Event: Completed the Mission: Final Boss of the Internet.
- Game Event: Congratulations added to bookmarks.
The E-Peen you receive and the character you unlock depends on your alignment and the attack you used to finish off Shallow.
There are a total of 9 E-Peen and 9 characters to unlock. These characters are plain useless, but they add to a collection of art in the Congratulations screen.
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