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Evil Trout Important Note: Abusing Kyoubai

Evil Trout

Avatar: 35 2023-04-24 23:24:10 +0000

[Crotch Zombie]

Level 21 Hacker

this site is deader than the toddlers in my basement

A bunch of people have found ways to use Kyoubai to transfer Flezz.

While we appreciate people finding exploits, anyone who abuses exploits will find themselves penalized. The best thing to do if you find something wrong with Kyoubai (or any other aspect of Forumwarz, really) is to report it to us and help us fix it.



Avatar: 10741 2010-01-24 16:21:30 -0500

[Grey Goose Mafiosi]

Level 35 Camwhore


Any kinds of Flezz-BP transactions are forbidden aswell, correct?


Avatar: 35643 2015-02-20 21:59:22 -0500

[Harem and Sushi Bar]

Level 62 Emo Kid

Hi, I'm an adult whos into bumes. But not boners!

Let’s say someone buys something from me for 1 million flezz. I’m so thankful I give 1bp. Is this against the rules, or safe?


Avatar: 22863 2010-11-15 01:15:51 -0500


Level 35 Emo Kid

A neverhasbeen

Crinkz Posted:

Let’s say someone buys something from me for 1 million flezz. I’m so thankful I give 1bp. Is this against the rules, or safe?

If it’s not against the rules it ought to be. BP are only supposed to be BUYABLE with real money.


Avatar: 35643 2015-02-20 21:59:22 -0500

[Harem and Sushi Bar]

Level 62 Emo Kid

Hi, I'm an adult whos into bumes. But not boners!

Fingerz Posted:

If it’s not against the rules it ought to be. BP are only supposed to be BUYABLE with real money.

Whoops, every contest is breaking rules then?


Avatar: 24745 2011-07-31 00:34:23 -0400

[Harem and Sushi Bar]

Level 69 Troll

Nicco Nicco Nicco Nicco Nicco Nicco Nicco Nicco Nicco Nicco Nicco Nicco Nicco Nicco Nicco Nicco

Crinkz Posted:

Whoops, every contest is breaking rules then?

They are closed already, atleast the ones where you had to bid on stuff

Nicco edited this message on 01/19/2009 12:20PM


Avatar: 22863 2010-11-15 01:15:51 -0500


Level 35 Emo Kid

A neverhasbeen

I said “buyable”, not “winnable” Log in to see images!

Contests are a different story, as far as I’m concerned. Maybe they’re not. Maybe we have to stop BP transfers altogether now. I dunno.


Avatar: 35643 2015-02-20 21:59:22 -0500

[Harem and Sushi Bar]

Level 62 Emo Kid

Hi, I'm an adult whos into bumes. But not boners!

I was refering to the “all contests break the rules” to Fingerz as the people in the contest arn’t buying the BP.


Avatar: Code (Blue)


Level 34 Hacker

“43 4f 44 45 20 4d 41 53 54 45 52”

Why is it a big deal of people buy BP through Kyoubai? Someone is still buying the BP, even if it’s being exchanged. It’s not like it’s being materialized out of thin air.


Avatar: 19712 Thu Mar 26 21:15:20 -0400 2009


Level 69 Troll

Causing Jealousy On The Internet On A Daily Basis.

Soulmech Posted:

Why is it a big deal of people buy BP through Kyoubai? Someone is still buying the BP, even if it’s being exchanged. It’s not like it’s being materialized out of thin air.

Buying flez is something you’d normally get marked a cheater for on the “support us” tab. Are you saying this should no longer be the case?

Evil Trout

Avatar: 35 2023-04-24 23:24:10 +0000

[Crotch Zombie]

Level 21 Hacker

this site is deader than the toddlers in my basement

There is going to be a new rule that no contests can encourage artificially bidding up items.

MC Banhammer

Avatar: 1887 2011-07-31 00:40:59 -0400

[Good Omens]

Level 69 Troll

Trying to create drama to drum up the ratings by any means necessary!

Evil Trout Posted:

There is going to be a new rule that no contests can encourage artificially bidding up items.

Already is Log in to see images!

Acid Flux

Avatar: 6767 Tue Mar 17 11:41:54 -0400 2009

[Country Kitchen an-
d Flea Market

Level 35 Troll


Fingerz Posted:

If it’s not against the rules it ought to be. BP are only supposed to be BUYABLE with real money.

The BP are still being bought with real money.

Here’s my question. I want to host a raffle, of sorts, in which anyone that makes a purchase on any of my auctions gets an Entry Ticket. If you buy an Item for less that  1000, then you get 1 Raffle Ticket. If you buy an Item for more than  1000, then you get 1 Ticket per  1000 (Rounded Down). If you buy an item worth  8300 (i.e., Mountain Dewm Extreme), you get 8 tickets. If you buy an item worth  504000 (Such as the Versnatche Glbumes), then you get 504 Tickets. After a predetermined period, I’ll randomly select a Ticket, and that player wins a certain amount of BP (also predetermined).

To keep it fair, I would limit it to those items that I list with a Buy It Now price (so that no player can try to artifically enhance their chances by bidding 30 million Flezz for a Smileprin XR that I listed for  550. And to keep the total number of purchases reasonable (and to give a greater number of players a chance to get a ‘Cheap’ Ticket), you’d only get a Raffle Ticket for a < 1000 purchase ONCE. (I.E., you can’t buy up all 100 of the Smileprins I have listed for 100 Tickets). I would also require that anyone that wanted to enter the contest post in my thread, with links to the Auctions that they won, so that anyone can verify they are receiving the correct number of Tickets. I would only count the transactions that were verified in this manner, both to make the administration easier on me, and to promote transparency in the Raffle.

None of these sale prices will be artifically inflated (in fact, some of them are exceptionally well-priced). I simply want to offer a ‘Value Incentive’ for people that decide to shop with me.

With these limitations in place, I do not think it’s exploitatable by anyone, nor is it a straight ‘BP for Flezz’ transaction. It is simply a random drawing Raffle. I would even be willing to allow a Mod (such as McBanhammer) to make the ‘random roll’, to make sure that noone thought I was trying to do anything ‘back door’.


Avatar: Code (Blue)


Level 34 Hacker

“43 4f 44 45 20 4d 41 53 54 45 52”

Wylin Posted:

Buying flez is something you’d normally get marked a cheater for on the “support us” tab. Are you saying this should no longer be the case?

Cheaters can’t use Kyoubai. Unless you’re trying to make some other point, getting flezz by cheating and then using that flezz to buy BP shouldn’t be relevant, since you can’t do that to begin with.


Avatar: 19712 Thu Mar 26 21:15:20 -0400 2009


Level 69 Troll

Causing Jealousy On The Internet On A Daily Basis.

Soulmech Posted:

Cheaters can’t use Kyoubai. Unless you’re trying to make some other point, getting flezz by cheating and then using that flezz to buy BP shouldn’t be relevant, since you can’t do that to begin with.

If I pay you 10 million flez for your bp via the auction house, how should that not flag you as a cheater for getting flez that you did not earn?

MC Banhammer

Avatar: 1887 2011-07-31 00:40:59 -0400

[Good Omens]

Level 69 Troll

Trying to create drama to drum up the ratings by any means necessary!

Acid Flux Posted:

Here’s my question. I want to host a raffle, of sorts, in which anyone that makes a purchase on any of my auctions gets an Entry Ticket.

Catt although

Avatar: 46806 2022-11-29 03:06:42 +0000


Level 69 Troll

Last Catt Standing

Any comment on leaderboard manipulation?

Acid Flux

Avatar: 6767 Tue Mar 17 11:41:54 -0400 2009

[Country Kitchen an-
d Flea Market

Level 35 Troll


MC Banhammer Posted:

It’s not designed to increase my auction winnings (as in a single item sells for an astronomical amount). That’s abusive.

It’s designed to increase my overall auction traffic. (FYI, None of the items listed are priced above the ‘Base Cost’, as set by Kyoubai)

That’s simple marketing.

There’s a difference, and I’d like that difference addressed.

Acid Flux edited this message on 01/19/2009 2:45PM


Avatar: 77864 Thu Jun 04 08:28:46 -0400 2009

Level 56 Hacker

“Logic Bomber”

Acid Flux Posted:

It’s not designed to increase my auction winnings (as in a single item sells for an astronomical amount). That’s abusive.

It’s designed to increase my overall auction traffic.

That’s simple marketing.

There’s a difference, and I’d like that difference addressed.


Johnny Mac

Avatar: 37704 2022-12-12 08:49:44 +0000

[Full of SbumSS]

Level 60 Troll

I grant you an bumhole x

Acid Flux Posted:

It’s not designed to increase my auction winnings (as in a single item sells for an astronomical amount). That’s abusive.

It’s designed to increase my overall auction traffic.

That’s simple marketing.

There’s a difference, and I’d like that difference addressed.

There is no difference since the intent is the same.

Stop trying to get around this.

Johnny Mac edited this message on 01/19/2009 2:46PM
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