Self Improvement
There are two ways to improve your character: one is by using Equipment and the other is by activating Upgrades. If you are going to succeed in the Forumwarz universe you'll have to keep on top of both.
Each character clbum in Forumwarz has multiple clbumes of items they can equip. To see what's available for your clbum, click on the Items sub-tab of your Character tab.
Each item you equip will enhance your character in different ways. You can see how any given item will affect your character by reading the small description underneath it. It is up to you to decide which items are best for your character based on the attributes the item will change, and how they relate to your playing style.
New items can be bought at various online stores in Forumwarz in exchange for Flezz. If you find yourself with extra cash, it's worth browsing through the Stores in your bookmarks for new equipment to improve yourself. Each clbum has at least 1 or 2 stores that are only available to them (see below), but occasionally you can find equipment from other clbumes' stores in The Ppwn Shoppe .
- Illegalities (fetishes)
- Under The Bridge (exclusive consumables)
- Aunt Jomama's Authentic Voodoo Emporium (fetishes)
All Clbumes
- Plum Computers (not available in early game)
- Dr Jojos Plastic Surgery Storeroom (Episode 2)
- TallJungle**** (Episode 2)
- Special Equipment
- Itembuildr_Consumers__Co_Op
As much as you might like to hold onto your junk for sentimental value, you can only have up to 300 items at a time, total.
Every time you pwn a thread, you will receive Cred. Whenever you increase your Cred, you move closer to advancing your Character's Level.
Reaching a new Level means you will obtain Upgrade Points which can be used to upgrade your Character's attributes and abilities. To redeem your Upgrade Points, click on the Upgrades sub-tab of your Character tab.
Your Upgrades tab contains a list of the upgrades available to your character at the current time. Each upgrade has a cost in terms of Upgrade Points so think carefully about which upgrades you want before spending all your points.
Upgrades are what makes your character unique. Many are restricted by player clbum, as well as by which upgrades you already have and your character's level. It's a good idea to check the Upgrades tab every time you gain a level to see what's new!
Resetting Upgrade Points
Once you meet haxlrose you'll have the ability to reset all your upgrade points once every four days. Not only is this free, it's also one of the best ways to maximize your effectivity ratio. For example, you may find that your new equipment makes you practically invincible even in forums higher leveled than you. haxl's service allows you to take points out of defense/ego and put them into something else, potentially drastically altering your play style and cred flow.
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