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Klans List

Forumwarz is the first "Massively Single-Player" online RPG completely built around Internet culture.

You are currently looking at our list of Klans from our community. Klans are grouping of players participating in the game.

Klan Name Klansmen Total Cred Average Cred Average Level
WeChall is a ****ty klan 2100 153743686127 73211279 15
WeChall 422 70740438391 167631371 27
The Flamers of Loathing 302 12788636982 42346480 16
Island of Avalon 220 88313193888 401423609 43
Fruit ****ers 190 43015280 226396 8
Facepunch 120 1043838862 8698657 8
NeoGAF 113 801456254 7092533 8
7 VIBRATING DOLDOES 107 19576487473 182957827 31
Brainfreeze 105 51224379948 487851238 47
Rowdyruff Boys 96 21792356687 227003715 29
Sisterhood of the Quivering Rose 78 2744290432 35183211 16
Grey Goose Mafiosi 77 18813776767 244334763 35
Team Shortbus 70 2257058007 32243686 16
The Protected 69 17113614463 248023398 36
The British Gentlemen Society 67 8373028737 124970578 25
SPF 64 10163973 158812 8
70 Character Storytellers 64 8227276270 128551192 25
NooBTooB 61 422988291 6934234 7
LemonParty 60 1460730874 24345515 16
Shack 59 943866843 15997743 8
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