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The Flamers of Loathing

This is the profile page for a klan in Forumwarz. Forumwarz is the first "Massively Single-Player" online RPG completely built around Internet culture.

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A friendly Klan for those who play Kingdom of Loathing and others.

Read on if you want to join.

Klan Rules:

-Be considerate of Klannies in Domination. See the Domination rules in the forum, here. (You won’t be able to read that if you’re not in the klan)

-Don’t be a jerk. You will get banned from the Klan.

-Vote Forumbuildr topics fairly; no excessive down voting for example. The custom forums should be cool, funny and creative, not just a way to get chocolate scoops.

-Be patient after asking for an invite, because we’re all idle as hell!

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Klan E-Peen™


Lowest Standards

This Klan topped the Largest Klans Leaderboard.

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Name Klan Title Player Class Level Cred
Image Aaron0710 Troll 7 22088
Image Advice Daog Troll 12 126698
Image Agent Valkyrie Hacker 24 4197972
Image AgNoThree Merely a Flesh Wound Troll 19 1089525
Image Akatosh B'gosh Emo Kid 21 1733529
Image Aktung Troll 10 2045727
Image Alaxar Troll 10 139116
Image Alex Bogan Emo Kid 19 910996
Image Alpha Troll 69 950000000
Image Alybia Camwhore 10 127345
Image Alysonne Camwhore 35 100000000
Image amistangel Camwhore 10 682901
Image Andy Waltfeld Schmaltfeld Troll 34 84061459
Image antipokhmelin Emo Kid 7 21472
Image Ara Emo Kid 10 456125
Image Arashmin Like Magic, eh? Emo Kid 10 224673
Image Asarathi Troll 10 423011
Image Atkinson Troll 8 31987
Image Aznjoey78 Emo Kid 12 113779
Image baf Stinky Emo Kid 10 155387
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