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  Topic Author Posts Views Last
FAQ STICKY: READ ME: ITT we strictly post in character (and no embedded shock) Latest Post Jalapeno Bootyho... 2 4687
Feature I Am A Hacker ( 1 2 ) Latest Post The nerd o powa 30 7620 scully
Srs Bsns Advanced Role Playing Latest Post sdgrbbum09 8 3563 sdgrbass09
Debate Advancedly roleplay h ere Latest Post Skyman747 10 3934 kitsuneae
E-Peen(tm) male reproductive organ Latest Post Arch Fox 8 4474 kitsuneae
Rage a wrewolf bite me ( 1 2 ) Latest Post lost_papi_212 37 6966 ZergKing
Rant WTF man! Latest Post Savage Henry 8 4071 xsundae
Feature dead baby jokes ( 1 2 ) Latest Post Albert Fish 23 6938 iMac G4
Whores eeeeek wut is this?! Latest Post Flora 19 4238 swine
Spam Remember that time Latest Post sdgrbbum09 11 3651 iMac G4
Spam First 1000 people ITT gets a beep ( 1 2 3 ) Latest Post Raffle_Ticket 46 7807 iMac G4
Hell RIP /b/ Latest Post Ridiculous2pick 14 4098 iMac G4
Animu The arrival Latest Post Recoome 17 4061 iMac G4
Ban Me emo advanced roleplay in the year two thousand and thirteen Latest Post johnalds illegal... 1 3119 johnalds illegal...
Hell Auction: My Parent's Wedding Rings Latest Post Emotika 16 4216 Bacchus
Poll How do you feel about blood? ( 1 2 ) Latest Post viscera 36 7312 buttmonkey2011
Fly Fishing I AM ADVANCED ROLE PLAYING IN THIS THREAD :fabulous person: Latest Post Johnald The Robo... 5 3282 UnitedCheesecake...
Ban Me Post in this thread and I will permaban you ( 1 2 3 ) Latest Post Ricket 54 8853 Dunatis
Debate Alt Parades ( 1 2 3 ) Latest Post Dunatis 49 8057 Gordon Gray
Feature ARP as youself thid is a good idea everybody is gonna do it so do it first to be a trendsetter or at least be one of not the last or at lebumt cool enough to have posted because oh man this will be the one we talk about like the good olddayys ( 1 2 ) Latest Post Celerysteve 39 6373 Bacchus
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