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MC Banhammer

Avatar: 1887 2011-07-31 00:40:59 -0400

[Good Omens]

Level 69 Troll

Trying to create drama to drum up the ratings by any means necessary!

MC Banhammer’s Guide to the Klans — A Travelogue

And we’re back, with another review. This time up: SRSLY.

SRSLY is quite a different animal than TSB. Srsly.

They’re pretty quiet. Their main purpose, near as I can tell, is to promote role-playing in the forums, and to that end, they (as of this writing) sponsor a contest each week. I didn’t participate in the voting, but those who do discuss their favorites and their reasons.

Occasionally one of their members comes up with an idea for a role-playing thread or storyline, and solicits the other members for feedback and to participate. Response varies but the results are usually worth it. I myself enjoyed playing in a rick-roll thread they created in-house.

What I feel they’re missing, though, which could make them a real draw if they decide to incorporate this idea, is advice on how to role-play. I’m not saying they should teach how to be interesting or creative (although if they could pull that off it would certainly help), but I would’ve liked to have seen ideas on how to sound like a camwhore, emo kid, re-re, or yes, even troll, consistently; how to use clbum-appropriate emoticons correctly; what level of Unintelligencer to use and whether you should replace words it doesn’t; etc. If they offered this service I think they’d get a bigger draw.

Not that it looks like they want a big draw; their klan description reads “We do like to see RP in forums before we invite folks.” Given the problems people have playing non-trolls, SRSLY may be keeping out the very people who could most add to their mission of being “fabulous persongy RP people with others”.

tl;dr: I was hoping for more encouragement and help in role-playing, and hope they expand to this soon. Right now they mainly focus on their contest.

For my next stop, I’ll be visiting Good Omens, as a new Domination season has just started and they’re one of the biggest Domination-themed klans I’m aware of.

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