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Contest Out of visits, but still feel like pwning? A contest by Joseph of Suburbia.

Joseph of Su-

Avatar: 182182 2014-09-14 14:41:25 -0400


Level 69 Hacker, Dev-free since 2012!

Hey everyone. I’ve been bored for a couple of weeks, and as a result I’ve had a bit of spare time. Some point during my boredom, my mind wandered to ForumWarz. I thought, woah, how cool would it be if you could beat the hell out of other players? So, I got to writing a plausible (lol not) scenario where your character could beat the hell out of ME AND MY ALTS.

Sound like fun? It should. But that’s not all. You can also win BP if you beat it! 50-150 BP, to be exact. Play my game right and you could be sitting on an Episode 3 preorder soon.
So what do you have to do? Well, after this post, I will make 15 posts, not including 1 for toxx. I’ll need these to reserve for space. After that, the first 10 people to sign up will be put into a Random number generator tomorrow, and the ONE that is selected will be the contestant. What you will be required to do is:
-Agree to a good amount of roleplay.
-Be willing to be active (in this contest, at least) for a period of 1-2 weeks.

Well, this is a little game I thought up, running off the ForumWarz universe. You will receive missions, pwn pwople, sTalk people, and the like. However, know this is not some beautiful flash like FWZ. This is a text-y adventure. It’ll have pictures, but they’ll be done in paint. Don’t come in expecting much. What will happen you will, like FWZ, earn flezz for missions, talk to contacts for missions, be able to spend flezz at a store, and earn E-PeenBP VOUCHERS. These will determine how many BP you win (from a minimum of 50 to a maximum of 150). There will be 5 missions to complete, and once you have completed the last one, you will be awarded BP. Should you fail to complete the contest by Christmas Eve (December 24th), you will be awarded whatever BP you have obtained through vouchers and sent on your way.
So, to sum it all up: Play a bored man’s version of ForumWarz in this thread for 2 weeks, and I’ll give you some BP.
So, get started, 10 people post after my 15 reserved spots, and tomorrow we’ll get this train wreck a-rollin’. More detail will be given tomorrow.
P.S. Please keep trolling and off/topic comments to a minimum. Of zero.

Joseph of Su-

Avatar: 182182 2014-09-14 14:41:25 -0400


Level 69 Hacker, Dev-free since 2012!

Joseph of Suburbia Posted:

Hey everyone. I’ve been bored for a couple of weeks, and as a result I’ve had a bit of spare time. Some point during my boredom, my mind wandered to ForumWarz. I thought, woah, how cool would it be if you could beat the hell out of other players? So, I got to writing a plausible (lol not) scenario where your character could beat the hell out of ME AND MY ALTS.

Sound like fun? It should. But that’s not all. You can also win BP if you beat it! 50-150 BP, to be exact. Play my game right and you could be sitting on an Episode 3 preorder soon.
So what do you have to do? Well, after this post, I will make 15 posts, not including 1 for toxx. I’ll need these to reserve for space. After that, the first 10 people to sign up will be put into a Random number generator tomorrow, and the ONE that is selected will be the contestant. What you will be required to do is:
-Agree to a good amount of roleplay.
-Be willing to be active (in this contest, at least) for a period of 1-2 weeks.

Well, this is a little game I thought up, running off the ForumWarz universe. You will receive missions, pwn pwople, sTalk people, and the like. However, know this is not some beautiful flash like FWZ. This is a text-y adventure. It’ll have pictures, but they’ll be done in paint. Don’t come in expecting much. What will happen you will, like FWZ, earn flezz for missions, talk to contacts for missions, be able to spend flezz at a store, and earn E-PeenBP VOUCHERS. These will determine how many BP you win (from a minimum of 50 to a maximum of 150). There will be 5 missions to complete, and once you have completed the last one, you will be awarded BP. Should you fail to complete the contest by Christmas Eve (December 24th), you will be awarded whatever BP you have obtained through vouchers and sent on your way.
So, to sum it all up: Play a bored man’s version of ForumWarz in this thread for 2 weeks, and I’ll give you some BP.
So, get started, 10 people post after my 15 reserved spots, and tomorrow we’ll get this train wreck a-rollin’. More detail will be given tomorrow.
P.S. Please keep trolling and off/topic comments to a minimum. Of zero.


Joseph of Su-

Avatar: 182182 2014-09-14 14:41:25 -0400


Level 69 Hacker, Dev-free since 2012!

Log in to see images!

Consumables: Smileprin XR™ x 26

Dr. Feelgood’s™ Cheeriject™ x2

2 – CX x3

Currently Equipped:

Books: Down the Road, Not Across The Street! An Illustrated guide to Suicide

Computers: PruneServ

Special: Fr4gGingR1teZ 2020 male reproductive organblaster™ Premier Xtreem™ Edition

Added Upgrades:

Log in to see images!

Log in to see images! – Offense +14

Log in to see images! – Defense +8

Log in to see images! Joseph of Suburbia edited this message on 04/13/2010 6:28PM

Joseph of Su-

Avatar: 182182 2014-09-14 14:41:25 -0400


Level 69 Hacker, Dev-free since 2012!

You currently have 5 completed missions.

Murder the Musician – Kill Kanye West’s dumb bum.

Welcome to the internet – Show some intellectual some brawn over brain action.

Wo-ah Oh, Doctor O – B&Helmet wants you to beat up this crazy fanboy. Just go into his forum, suck up to him, then give Sir William the cue to take him down.

Tear Down The Wall! – Holy ****! Something on the internet matters! KILLITKILLITKILLIT

East Joseph Nowhere – This is it. End all of this and you’ll get your rewards.

You currently have 0 active missions.

Joseph of Suburbia edited this message on 04/11/2010 9:40PM

Joseph of Su-

Avatar: 182182 2014-09-14 14:41:25 -0400


Level 69 Hacker, Dev-free since 2012!

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Log in to see images!

Log in to see images!

Log in to see images!

Log in to see images!

Log in to see images!

Log in to see images!

Log in to see images!

Log in to see images!

Log in to see images!

Log in to see images!

Log in to see images!

You have earned a BP Voucher!

Joseph of Suburbia edited this message on 12/09/2009 7:45PM


Avatar: 34789 2015-08-06 21:23:09 -0400

[A Beautiful Place -
Out in the Country

Level 62 Camwhore

I wonder who is the bumbling idiot that still has fake currency on this website and actually spends

Sounds interesting.


Fran edited this message on 12/08/2009 11:48PM

Joseph of Su-

Avatar: 182182 2014-09-14 14:41:25 -0400


Level 69 Hacker, Dev-free since 2012!

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Log in to see images!

Kanye’s Korner added to bookmarks.

New Mission: Murder the Musician

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Please select an option.

Log in to see images!

You were Evil!

You’ve earned a BP Voucher!

Joseph of Suburbia edited this message on 12/09/2009 6:55PM

Joseph of Su-

Avatar: 182182 2014-09-14 14:41:25 -0400


Level 69 Hacker, Dev-free since 2012!

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Log in to see images! Joseph of Suburbia edited this message on 12/09/2009 7:55PM

Joseph of Su-

Avatar: 182182 2014-09-14 14:41:25 -0400


Level 69 Hacker, Dev-free since 2012!

Log in to see images!

Log in to see images!

Log in to see images!

Log in to see images!

Log in to see images!

Log in to see images!

Log in to see images!

Log in to see images!

You’ve earned a BP Voucher!

Joseph of Suburbia edited this message on 12/18/2009 7:54PM

Joseph of Su-

Avatar: 182182 2014-09-14 14:41:25 -0400


Level 69 Hacker, Dev-free since 2012!

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Three Weeks Later

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Log in to see images!

Log in to see images!

Log in to see images!

Log in to see images!

Log in to see images!

Log in to see images!

Log in to see images!

Log in to see images!

Log in to see images!

Sir William H. Verbosity added you to sTalk

Log in to see images!

Log in to see images!

Log in to see images!

Log in to see images!

Log in to see images!

Log in to see images!

Sir William H. Verbosity joined your team!

Joseph of Suburbia edited this message on 04/06/2010 7:02PM

Joseph of Su-

Avatar: 182182 2014-09-14 14:41:25 -0400


Level 69 Hacker, Dev-free since 2012!

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Log in to see images!

Log in to see images!

Log in to see images!

Log in to see images!

Log in to see images!

Log in to see images!

Log in to see images!

Log in to see images!

Log in to see images!

Log in to see images!

Log in to see images!

Log in to see images!

You’ve earned a BP voucher!

New Mission: Wo-ah Oh, Doctor O.

Doctor O’s Thread of Positive Comments Only added to bookmarks.

Joseph of Suburbia edited this message on 04/06/2010 7:03PM

Joseph of Su-

Avatar: 182182 2014-09-14 14:41:25 -0400


Level 69 Hacker, Dev-free since 2012!

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Log in to see images!

Log in to see images!

Log in to see images!

The next day

Log in to see images!

Log in to see images!

Log in to see images!

Log in to see images!

Log in to see images!

Log in to see images!

Log in to see images!

Log in to see images!

Log in to see images!

Log in to see images!

Log in to see images!

Log in to see images!

Log in to see images!

New Mission: Tear Down The Wall!

The Wall added to bookmarks.

Joseph of Suburbia edited this message on 04/07/2010 6:53PM

Joseph of Su-

Avatar: 182182 2014-09-14 14:41:25 -0400


Level 69 Hacker, Dev-free since 2012!

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Log in to see images!

Log in to see images!

Log in to see images!

You Earned a BP Voucher!

Log in to see images!

haxlrose has messaged you.

Log in to see images!

Log in to see images!

Log in to see images!

Log in to see images! Joseph of Suburbia edited this message on 04/08/2010 7:24PM

Joseph of Su-

Avatar: 182182 2014-09-14 14:41:25 -0400


Level 69 Hacker, Dev-free since 2012!

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Log in to see images!

Log in to see images!

Log in to see images!

Log in to see images!

Log in to see images!

Log in to see images!

Log in to see images!

Log in to see images!

Log in to see images!

Log in to see images!

Log in to see images!

Log in to see images!

Log in to see images!

Log in to see images!

Log in to see images!

Log in to see images!

Log in to see images!

Log in to see images!

Log in to see images!

Joseph of Suburbia’s sad, lonely thread added to bookmarks.

Joseph of Suburbia edited this message on 04/09/2010 11:50PM

Joseph of Su-

Avatar: 182182 2014-09-14 14:41:25 -0400


Level 69 Hacker, Dev-free since 2012!

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The next day

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Log in to see images!

Thank you for playing!

You know, a lot of people worked on this. I’m going to thank them.

Me, Joseph of Suburbia: I worte it all and acted it all out. And I made it all. Hell, I pretty much did it all.

Bandaney: She made that awesome pic of electrocuted jesus. I thought it looked cool.

Jenny6969: She made that picture at the top of this! I dunno, I wanted a lot of art in the end.

ForumWarz: For letting me rip off every aspect of their site.

Tinypic and Photobucket: For the image hosting.

xxEmoxKidxx and CrinkzPipe: For playing the thing.

But most of all,

MS Paint: For being there whenever I needed anything. And I mean anything.

Thanks for watching!

Joseph of Suburbia edited this message on 04/11/2010 9:38PM

Joseph of Su-

Avatar: 182182 2014-09-14 14:41:25 -0400


Level 69 Hacker, Dev-free since 2012!


Kanye’s Korner

The singer Kanye West thinks he can keep you down. Kick his bum, like George Bush kicked so many black bumes during hurricane Katrina (allegedly)

A topic kindly referred to by the vernacular term of “Forum”

Some guy’s trying to use proper grammar? That should be enough right there to mess him up.

Doctor O’s Thread of Positive Comments Only

Yeah… Not much I can say on this one. I hope you’re as tired of Doctor O as I am.

The Wall

You’ve finally found the source of all this unspeakable evil. Best get in there and **** its **** up!

Joseph of Suburbia’s sad, lonely thread

This is it, yo. Pwn this forum and we can finally put all this behind us.

CrinkzPipe earned 4 BP Vouchers:

Log in to see images! – Joined a band of mobsters. Real good planning there. +50 BP

Log in to see images! – Was really mean to Taylor Swift. +10 BP

Log in to see images! – Character died. -5 BP

Log in to see images! – Took pity on the USFTSOB. +10 BP

You have earned 3 BP vouchers:

Log in to see images! – Was especially mean to B&Helmet. +10 BP

Log in to see images! – Payed for Al Cabone’s funeral. +10 BP

Log in to see images! Joseph of Suburbia edited this message on 04/11/2010 9:33PM

Joseph of Su-

Avatar: 182182 2014-09-14 14:41:25 -0400


Level 69 Hacker, Dev-free since 2012!

You’re not a cop, are you? I don’t like cops.

Welcome to NOT A MAFIA RUN STORE. Where a wide variety of, uh… DISCOUNT ITEMS. Come check out our stuff for Emo Kids. To buy stuff, just post how many and what item you want to buy.

 24 Log in to see images!

 785 Log in to see images!

 1773 Log in to see images!

 100000Log in to see images!

 1000Log in to see images!

 4500Log in to see images!

 10000Log in to see images!

 10000Log in to see images!

 30000Log in to see images! Defense +5

 500000Log in to see images! – Offense +8 Defense +8

 500000Log in to see images! – BP Voucher

 500000Log in to see images! Offense +5 Defense +5

 600000Log in to see images! Joseph of Suburbia edited this message on 04/08/2010 7:15PM

Joseph of Su-

Avatar: 182182 2014-09-14 14:41:25 -0400


Level 69 Hacker, Dev-free since 2012!

You have 1 Upgrade Point.

Please decide between the upgrades on this page, for offense, defense, egomania, and attacks. You may choose any increment, but only for those 4 areas.

As a level 35 Emo Kid, you have the following attacks.

Log in to see images!

Log in to see images!

Log in to see images!

Log in to see images!Emo Haiku

Log in to see images!

Log in to see images!

Log in to see images!

Log in to see images!Self Diagnose With Asperger’s

Log in to see images!

Log in to see images!Self-Mutilate

Log in to see images!

Log in to see images!

Log in to see images!My Morbid Portfolio

Log in to see images!

Log in to see images!

Log in to see images!Life After Death

Log in to see images!Bash Keyboard with Helmet

Log in to see images!Drool on Keyboard

To use these attacks, simply click the link provided, save for stat increasing effects. Just post that you’re using those. For Bash Keyboard and Drool of Keyboard, just mash your palm over some keys. Also, I left Emo Haiku Intentionally blank to force you to write your own. (Should you use that attack.)

Joseph of Suburbia edited this message on 04/08/2010 7:14PM


Avatar: 35643 2015-02-20 21:59:22 -0500

[Harem and Sushi Bar]

Level 62 Emo Kid

Hi, I'm an adult whos into bumes. But not boners!

Sounds cool.


Avatar: 152207 2011-11-01 00:46:41 -0400

[And The Banned Pla-
yed On

Level 47 Camwhore

I want to see some real, live poop.

I’m down.

Internet Delay Chat
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