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Civil Discussion
Switch to Role-Playing Civil Discussion So, something happened earlier and apparently it's up to either me or Hobart to bring up these things.


Avatar: 40896 2011-11-01 00:47:59 -0400

[fine upstanding member of society]

Level 35 Troll

Wher Have My Poor Imaginary Wife and Child Gone

It seems that the last person heavily committed to role play has left this community. Now I don’t know what their reasons are, but for the sake of this thread I am going to bumume it was for being banned for the post I am quoting without ignorance.

Robert James Fischer Posted:

Flamebate backwards is a ****load of idiots who are incapable of original thought slowly learning to stop posting.

User was banned for this post

You know what never mind. I was going to make some post or something, but I am really tired of this subject. There is no real point when there is a very limited chance in anything changing for the better and none of you think you are doing anything remotely wrong. All you offer is justifications and petty excuses, because, But hey right, all we got to do is not break the rules. The rules essentially being you can ban anyone for any reason at any time. Piece of cake.

And really, I am one of only like four people that cares about these things. Unless it happens to one of the “cool people” and then it’s time to hop on the bandwagon, there’s always room for one more. So go ahead and continue on missing the point and you can alienate all the people that bring variety to flamebate to your hearts content, they have already paid their money right? A player base just gets in the way anyway, makes too many messes. We have to keep flamebate clean and ordered! If you want you can borrow my broom.

Ohh, and by the way. Someone can go ahead and send this to the Closet of Shame. There is no point in anyone replying to this, because I already know every side to this and its all been said before anyway. I am going to spend some time elsewhere and wouldn’t even read it.

Or you can move it to the Emo forum and sticky it. They are starting to get jealous of the camwhores and their glut of stickied threads.

Post Script: I still want a reversible pet.

Log in to see images!

Sometimes I want to feel needed. Sometimes I want to feel like a slave.

Post Post Script: Scully put fruit in me and I don’t know how to get it out.

Post Post Post Script: That thing I quoted is half true.

-The Gamecube controller is underrated. –

Someone needs to help me get ride of my brand loyalties.

I have a strong desire to just delete this, but that is boring.

The moon looks very cool right now out my window. Go look Adapt.



Avatar: 101005 2010-01-24 16:17:40 -0500

[Full of SbumSS]

Level 35 Permanoob

Well, spf357 really rocks.

It’s sad that GS49 and alts (lol) left. And it’s dumb that he got banned for that but eh….... FEAR THE MOD.


Avatar: 101005 2010-01-24 16:17:40 -0500

[Full of SbumSS]

Level 35 Permanoob

Well, spf357 really rocks.

All jokes belong over there!——————————->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

where they’ll get spammed by kaisers and dragons and other ****

we had a joke on CD by PhineasPoe this morning, someone complained it was trolling Log in to see images!


Avatar: 36735 2015-06-13 23:04:37 -0400

[Full of SbumSS]

Level 25 Re-Re

Head of the Ministry of Man bumes

I’m personally going to miss GS a lot. That mofo could RP.


Avatar: 10221 2011-10-31 21:15:57 -0400

[Harem and Sushi Bar]

Level 69 Troll

I congratulate you in recognising my superiority and choosing me to be your love pig!

I was honestly shocked by the news.

One more step downward for this community.

I’ll be having an extra drink tonight for SG.


Avatar: 12797 2015-07-20 16:59:13 -0400

[Good Omens]

Level 69 Camwhore

I really do talk ****!

was Posted:

It seems that the last person heavily committed to role play has left this community. Now I don’t know what their reasons are, but for the sake of this thread I am going to bumume it was for being banned for the post I am quoting without ignorance.

Robert James Fischer Posted:

Flamebate backwards is a ****load of idiots who are incapable of original thought slowly learning to stop posting.

User was banned for this post

You know what never mind. I was going to make some post or something, but I am really tired of this subject. There is no real point when there is a very limited chance in anything changing for the better and none of you think you are doing anything remotely wrong. All you offer is justifications and petty excuses, because, But hey right, all we got to do is not break the rules. The rules essentially being you can ban anyone for any reason at any time. Piece of cake.

And really, I am one of only like four people that cares about these things. Unless it happens to one of the “cool people” and then it’s time to hop on the bandwagon, there’s always room for one more. So go ahead and continue on missing the point and you can alienate all the people that bring variety to flamebate to your hearts content, they have already paid their money right? A player base just gets in the way anyway, makes too many messes. We have to keep flamebate clean and ordered! If you want you can borrow my broom.

Ohh, and by the way. Someone can go ahead and send this to the Closet of Shame. There is no point in anyone replying to this, because I already know every side to this and its all been said before anyway. I am going to spend some time elsewhere and wouldn’t even read it.

Or you can move it to the Emo forum and sticky it. They are starting to get jealous of the camwhores and their glut of stickied threads.

Post Script: I still want a reversible pet.

Log in to see images!

Sometimes I want to feel needed. Sometimes I want to feel like a slave.

Post Post Script: Scully put fruit in me and I don’t know how to get it out.

Post Post Post Script: That thing I quoted is half true.

-The Gamecube controller is underrated. –

Someone needs to help me get ride of my brand loyalties.

I have a strong desire to just delete this, but that is boring.

The moon looks very cool right now out my window. Go look Adapt.




Avatar: 35643 2015-02-20 21:59:22 -0500

[Harem and Sushi Bar]

Level 62 Emo Kid

Hi, I'm an adult whos into bumes. But not boners!

I give flamebate till next year to die, if not before then.

I don’t know what to think about this. It was a day ban for trolling in non-rp and sg left because of it? I thought the post was funny and wouldn’t have banned for it because it’s probably expressing a real opinion, but to someone who doesn’t invest themselves emotionally in a website, it seems like a temper tantrum. When I express ban outrage, it’s not really genuine.

Still, SG, when you lurk and read this consider I don’t know any more background on it and think you’re a tremendous loss to the community.


Avatar: 23167 2010-01-24 16:31:18 -0500

[Phantasmagoric Spl-

Level 35 Emo Kid

I haven't seen a bad idea that I didn't like.

I’m p much getting fed up with it too. I’m pretty much only sticking around for the Apprentice thing at this point.

Indiana Jonas

Avatar: 13850 2014-12-19 09:36:26 -0500

[At Least I Never M-
ade A Failure Of A-

Level 35 Troll


I’m going to actually seriouspost in GD here, so brace yourselves.

I’m sure it’s no secret that I, along with a few other posters, purposely get banned by doing grey-area things and then try to cause a ****storm because of said ban. In other limited cases, as the one stated by was, we latch on to someone elses ban and raise hell on their behalf. I’m aware that a good number of mods know this game, and play along accordingly. I don’t think I’ve ever talked about the motive behind it though.

First and foremost, causing drama and arguements in CD is about the only ****ing entertaining thing left on these boards. CZs decision to advertise on a few select sites, make the RP boards basically unmoderated, and even create an anon forum has attracted the most boring of all personalities to this community. Sure, its a revolving door of ****ty posters, but the constant volume of crap keeps a lot of the people that actually contribute comedy here away. I realize that this is a business, and I can’t argue their decisions from a bottom-line perspective, but I don’t think anyone can say that the community is better off now than when it was a smaller.

But Im getting off topic. The consistently unfunny barrage in the RP forums, combined with the black-or-white enforcing of rules in CD leaves a lot of the intelligent-but-kind-of-an-bumhole type posters with literally nowhere to post. I know it’s personal preference, but I think all of the best posters in the history here have fallen into that category, and it was those types that really made this place take off in the beginning.

I used to post in full sentences and try to make sense in RP forums. I also used to avoid non-RP because it bored me. Now, I can’t be bothered to put any thought into anything in RP because it’ll just get buried under a steady stream of ****, and CD is so strictly enforced I could never get away with saying what I wanted to. So I’ve devolved into ****posting in RP and way over the top careposting in CD, because it’s really the only way left to get people to react.

I guess I don’t know how I would go about rectifying this, and I can’t imagine it changing anytime soon. Ep 3 is just going to bring in 10,000 new people, 3 of which I’ll probably like and want around. I know I’m an bumhole, and I know “good poster” is subjective, but I can’t help but to try to steer the forums away from the direction they’re headed.

in short Log in to see images!


Avatar: 101005 2010-01-24 16:17:40 -0500

[Full of SbumSS]

Level 35 Permanoob

Well, spf357 really rocks.

first post after the best post ever. related to Hobart’s post.

ChilePepino edited this message on 07/10/2009 3:46AM

Great post, that’s pretty much exactly how I feel. Here’s some interesting points:

1. More mods were added, but instead of increasing their presence all over the forums, they completely abandoned rp.

2. Anon forum was added (presumably to filter out the crap a little), but after a short time the spam in other rp forums actually increased.

3. Image limits were cut and cut again, and image spam is worse than it’s ever been.

4. Shock pics being allowed really haven’t ended up being a big deal.

When you join a new community you should adapt to it. Almost all of the ED and 4chan people haven’t tried to do this. I can’t honestly think of any of them who rp in the rp section. Most of them, if you speak to them outside of rp, you find that’s their real personality. I was against it at first, but maybe there really should be rules that you have to rp over there.

Maybe you should even bumign mods to specific forums and let the rp ones mess with people or ban them to other forums instead of real bans.


Avatar: 101005 2010-01-24 16:17:40 -0500

[Full of SbumSS]

Level 35 Permanoob

Well, spf357 really rocks.

1337xxxxxxxxxlolololololololololxxxxxxxxx1337 Posted:

When you join a new community you should adapt to it.

And that’s the primary problem IMO, that now the community “has” to adapt to the new people. It’s all CZ’s business so I guess there’s not much we can do. They have to do between something that keeps the old but cool people or something that brings a ****load of people (that will probably leave soon anyway).

ChilePepino edited this message on 07/10/2009 3:58AM

Well, we’ll stick around, play ep 3, and then abandon the site forever.


Avatar: Courtney's Avatar

[Board of Directors]

Level 35 Camwhore

“Legs Wide Open”

SG94 was a guy?


Avatar: 115546 2015-08-12 18:58:09 -0400

[Harem and Sushi Bar]

Level 69 Hacker

DIRTY ****ING fine upstanding member of society woman's genitals

1337xxxxxxxxxlolololololololololxxxxxxxxx1337 Posted:

1. More mods were added, but instead of increasing their presence all over the forums, they completely abandoned rp.

Mods can’t do much in RP because of it’s rules. They can go ban-happy on every little thing in CD, but in RP, their power only comes with that stupid “No spam in sticky” rule. As a result, they will seem to stay in CD.

Skyman747 edited this message on 07/10/2009 4:26AM

Indiana Jonas

Avatar: 13850 2014-12-19 09:36:26 -0500

[At Least I Never M-
ade A Failure Of A-

Level 35 Troll


Thanks for the reply. Real quick:

1337xxxxxxxxxlolololololololololxxxxxxxxx1337 Posted:

2. Anon forum was added (presumably to filter out the crap a little), but after a short time the spam in other rp forums actually increased.

I would say they made it to make some of our /b/retheren feel more at home Log in to see images!airly obvious.

1337xxxxxxxxxlolololololololololxxxxxxxxx1337 Posted:

When you join a new community you should adapt to it. Almost all of the ED and 4chan people haven’t tried to do this. I can’t honestly think of any of them who rp in the rp section. Most of them, if you speak to them outside of rp, you find that’s their real personality. I was against it at first, but maybe there really should be rules that you have to rp over there.

Maybe you should even bumign mods to specific forums and let the rp ones mess with people or ban them to other forums instead of real bans.

The main problem is that forumwarz was such a small niche community to begin with it didn’t stand a chance once the mbumive waves of terrible unfunny people came. It’s one thing when the existing community outnumbers the new people coming in, but with the two mbumive influxes of people from the dark corners of the internet, forumwarz had no hope of maintaining an identity. It’s pretty much a lost cause unless something is done to let quality posters carve out a part of the boards and hold it to some kind of standard.


Avatar: 101005 2010-01-24 16:17:40 -0500

[Full of SbumSS]

Level 35 Permanoob

Well, spf357 really rocks.

Seriously, if they want 4channers to feel like home, make the moderating rules like the ones in 4chan

for those not familiar, there are no rules for moderation in 4chan. So the mods will be able to ban dragon spammers and kaiser more often.

Indiana Jonas

Avatar: 13850 2014-12-19 09:36:26 -0500

[At Least I Never M-
ade A Failure Of A-

Level 35 Troll


ChilePepino Posted:

Seriously, if they want 4channers to feel like home, make the moderating rules like the ones in 4chan

for those not familiar, there are no rules for moderation in 4chan. So the mods will be able to ban dragon spammers and kaiser more often.

This brings up a good point. Why is it that only things that are annoying to the mods (fake contest spam) are banable, and things that are annoying to the community (who the mods are here to serve) like draginz and kaiser w/e isn’t? The mods are here to keep the forums enjoyable for the community, not themselves.


Avatar: 186403 Wed Jul 01 20:19:39 -0400 2009

Level 20 Troll

“Li'l Hellraiser”

ChilePepino Posted:

Seriously, if they want 4channers to feel like home, make the moderating rules like the ones in 4chan

for those not familiar, there are no rules for moderation in 4chan. So the mods will be able to ban dragon spammers and kaiser more often.

There are no rules on the /b/ board on 4chan, except for stuff like “no furry” which is ignored anyway and “no cp” which people post anyway to antagonize the mods. Most of the other boards are supposed to be moderated similarly to Forumwarz CD boards, but the mods are either never around or don’t give a ****.

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