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Indiana Jonas

Avatar: 13850 2014-12-19 09:36:26 -0500

[At Least I Never M-
ade A Failure Of A-

Level 35 Troll


ChilePepino Posted:

Seriously, if they want 4channers to feel like home, make the moderating rules like the ones in 4chan

for those not familiar, there are no rules for moderation in 4chan. So the mods will be able to ban dragon spammers and kaiser more often.

This brings up a good point. Why is it that only things that are annoying to the mods (fake contest spam) are banable, and things that are annoying to the community (who the mods are here to serve) like draginz and kaiser w/e isn’t? The mods are here to keep the forums enjoyable for the community, not themselves.

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