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Evil Trout Leaderboard E-Peen now awarded by clbum!


Avatar: 32555 2014-07-18 11:39:53 -0400


Level 69 Troll

male reproductive organMEISTER

Sergeant Cid Posted:

Bid, yes. Sell, no.

One of the most popular items on Kyoubai is the Versnatche EarBleeders. Only CamWhores can purchase those items directly from stores. Therefore, CamWhores have an advantage in that situation.

Is it enough to warrant a Clbum split? I’m honestly not sure. But there is a difference that is Clbum based, and that bears consideration.

True. You can sell them to more than one clbum.


Avatar: 14557 2011-10-31 11:07:55 -0400


Level 69 Troll

:ronpaul: :****ing sucks:

Sergeant Cid Posted:

Bid, yes. Sell, no.

One of the most popular items on Kyoubai is the Versnatche EarBleeders. Only CamWhores can purchase those items directly from stores. Therefore, CamWhores have an advantage in that situation.

Is it enough to warrant a Clbum split? I’m honestly not sure. But there is a difference that is Clbum based, and that bears consideration.

That’s what I thought at first, but in fact a player needs more than just glbumes, so that’s a very small advantage.

Another reason is the difference between old clbumes (Trolls, Camwhores, Emos) and new clbumes (Hackers, Permanoobs) but it has been pointed out that there is a flaw in it that the ones actually leading those clbum-specific boards are actually long time Re-Res.

Acid Flux

Avatar: 6767 Tue Mar 17 11:41:54 -0400 2009

[Country Kitchen an-
d Flea Market

Level 35 Troll


I don’t think it’s a small advantage.

A Troll can easily sell Fetishes to another Troll.

An EmoKid can easily sell Tattoos to another EmoKid.

A CamWhore can easily sell Glbumes to another CamWhore, or a Troll or a Hacker or a Permanoob.

That’s 4 times as many potential customers.

In fact, at one point, my CamWhore had more Unique Customers than my Troll, and I wasn’t even focusing on my CamWhore’s sales.

However, a concerted effort on the part of a player can overcome that advantage, but it’s definitely not an ‘equal footing’. Personally, I’d like to see the E-Peen split up. One E-Peen for topping the Overall board, and one for topping your Clbum board. Either accomplishment is worthwhile, although the overall Peen should be worth about 2-3 times as much as the Clbum Peen.

Re dei sepol-

Avatar: 94160 Sun Aug 02 22:32:53 -0400 2009

Level 35 Troll

“Problem Child IV”

Acid Flux Posted:

I don’t think it’s a small advantage.

A Troll can easily sell Fetishes to another Troll.

An EmoKid can easily sell Tattoos to another EmoKid.

A CamWhore can easily sell Glbumes to another CamWhore, or a Troll or a Hacker or a Permanoob.

That’s 4 times as many potential customers.

In fact, at one point, my CamWhore had more Unique Customers than my Troll, and I wasn’t even focusing on my CamWhore’s sales.

However, a concerted effort on the part of a player can overcome that advantage, but it’s definitely not an ‘equal footing’. Personally, I’d like to see the E-Peen split up. One E-Peen for topping the Overall board, and one for topping your Clbum board. Either accomplishment is worthwhile, although the overall Peen should be worth about 2-3 times as much as the Clbum Peen.


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