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Avatar: 101005 2010-01-24 16:17:40 -0500

[Full of SbumSS]

Level 35 Permanoob

Well, spf357 really rocks.

You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: 9

Stranger: i’m thinking of a number between 1 and 100

You: 8

You: 7

You: 6

You: 5

You: 4

You: 3

You: 2

You: 1

Stranger: guess ?

You: 99

You: 98

You: 97

You: 96

You: 95

You: 94

You: 93

Stranger: oh god.

You: 92

Stranger: are you a counter ?

You: 91

Stranger: NO

You: 90

Stranger: STOPPP

You: 89

You: 88

You: 87


You: 86

You: 85

You: 84

Stranger: IT;S 44 !

You: ok

Stranger: wow.

You: so

You: hi stranger

Stranger: DISCOneccted.

Your conversational partner has disconnected.


Avatar: 150883 2010-01-24 16:20:22 -0500


Level 69 Troll

you still go on here you old **** just die already

I just had kind of a confusing chat:

Connecting to server…

Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.

You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: When the object enters the timestream, time begins to correct itself. Let me use this example: Imagine four balls on the edge of a cliff. Say a direct copy of the ball nearest the cliff is sent to the back of the line of balls and takes the place of the first ball. The formerly first ball becomes the second, the second becomes the third, and the fourth falls off the cliff.

Time works the same way.

You: hey, is this warren?

Stranger: yes

You: oh, hi warren

Stranger: hello i am warren

You: did you get the bumignment from clbum?

You: I need to know what it was

Stranger: yeah

You: what is it?

Stranger: the bumignment was to pick wildflowers its really gay

Stranger: you gotta pick like 20 different kinds and dry them out

Stranger: and bring them in

You: really?

Stranger: yup

You: you’re lying

Stranger: no

You: what the heck?

Stranger: how dare you accuse warren of such treachery

Stranger: you are not warren’s friend

You: how am I supposed to find wildflowers?

You: it’s like 30 degrees outside?

Stranger: they grow on the ground

Stranger: well thats why its hard

Stranger: better start walking south

You: Mr. Williams is the worst biology teacher in the history of biology

Stranger: pretty much.

You: aha!

Stranger: we’re planning to kill her tomorrow

Stranger: want in?

You: our teacher is named Mr. Jameson! and he’s a man!

You: I don’t think you’re the real warren at all

Stranger: dude how long have you been out

Stranger: he had a sex change

You: I only missed one day

Stranger: well you know what they say

You: If you’re the real warren, tell me where we first met

Stranger: miss a day and men become women

You: you can’t tell me where we first met because you are not the real warren

You: liar!

You: I’m leaving

Stranger: we first met while under a beautiful weeping willow on the banks of the tigris river and we made out

You: umm…it was the tiber

You: how could you forget that?

You: this is why I’m breaking up with you

Stranger: well when you’re making out with strangers it is all a bit of a blur you know

You: we went down there like 10 times afterward

You: you’re such a doosh, warren

Stranger: you cant really expect me to get tied down im a free spirit

Stranger: you cant put a ring on this finger

You: Are you high again, warren?

You: you know I hate it when you smoke pot

Stranger: pot is the only thing that takes the edge off

You: the edge off of what?

Stranger: you mean you really forgot? or are you just repressing it…

Stranger: what we did on the banks of that river

Stranger: such unspeakable things

You: umm…we only made out

Stranger: WE only made out but that poor drifter is never going to walk again

Stranger: he probably died down there where we left him

You: what the hell are you talking about?

Stranger: wow… you’re cold

You: I’m tired of your ****, warren

You: I’m breaking up with you

Stranger: fine

You: and I hope I never talk to you again

Stranger: i never liked you anyways

Stranger: i was just after your sister

You: what was wrong with me?

You: wait, what?

You: leave melissa alone!

You: she’s 12!

You: You’re really sick in the head

Stranger: you have to get in early

Stranger: before they learn to say no

You: I know you’re just joking, so i’m gonna ignore that

You: I really am dumping you

You: and I’m going to tell all of the girls at school what a dooshbag you are

Stranger: i dont need you

You: have a nice life, warren

Stranger: i dont need any of you

You have disconnected.

Log in to see images!


Avatar: 101005 2010-01-24 16:17:40 -0500

[Full of SbumSS]

Level 35 Permanoob

Well, spf357 really rocks.

You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: hey

Stranger: hi

You: i need some help here

You: can you help me?

Stranger: sure

You: ok here’s the story

Stranger: help you what

Stranger: ok

You: the fbi is looking for my male reproductive organ, i need somewhere to hide it

You: do you have any place where i can put it?

Stranger: put it in my bum

You: good idea!

Stranger: dont forget the lube tho

You: no time for that

Stranger: well.. i guess raw will do

You: i can hear them comin

Stranger: be gentle

You: sure sure

You: whatever

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: horny?

Stranger: yes

You: too bad, i’m not

Stranger: damn

Stranger: o well

You: besides you’re ugly

Stranger: peace fine upstanding member of society

You: and fat

Stranger: sos ur mom

You: small male reproductive organ

Stranger: and her woman's genitals

Your conversational partner has disconnected.


Avatar: Server Hacker

Level 33 Hacker

“01001000 01000001 01011000”

Connecting to server…

You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: Hey


Stranger: whats up


Stranger: morning? its like half 8 at night


Stranger: ireland

Stranger: you?


Stranger: ohhh thats why your talkin like a freak



Stranger: no


Stranger: wtf

Your conversational partner has disconnected.


Avatar: 68330 Mon Oct 20 12:55:13 -0400 2008


Level 30 Permanoob


Connecting to server…

You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: hi

You: hi

You: hi

You: hi

You: you are my best friend

Stranger: yeah i am

Stranger: you are my best friend

You: that makes me so happy

Stranger: lets have sex

You: well that’s what best friends do

Stranger: yes it is

Stranger: als?

You: ok I’m done

You: that was good

Your conversational partner has disconnected.


Avatar: 126881 Wed Feb 18 22:28:48 -0500 2009

[Vanity Clan Name]

Level 41 Troll

Goddamn, I'm such a mancamwhore.

Connecting to server…

You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: hey sexy

You: This is Mike from Omegle Customer Support. We received recent complaints of abuse of this website by your IP Address. Your address is currently logged and we will be reporting you to the authorities.

We have reason to believe you are grooming minors in an attempt to solicit indecent pictures of them. The FBl have been alerted and should contact you within 24 hours. If you fail to receive this call then a warrant for your arrest will be immediately posted nationwide.

You may appeal your case in this chat session, which is being logged for archival purposes.

Stranger: i’m just goofing off

You: Goofing off or no, you were still atempting to solicit illicit picures of a minor

Stranger: never asked for any pictures from anyone

You: From previous complaints, this is not the case

Stranger: i have recieved no pictures nore asked for anyone

Stranger: your a troll

Stranger: stop playing games, i’m just just trying to kill some time

You: Considering how you started this conversation, I find this highly unlikely

You: I suggest you take this seriously

You: Your future is very much on the line

Stranger: ok well what do i need to do to proove that i did nothing wrong

You: Have you archived any chat sessions?

Stranger: and how can i be sure you aren’t one of those morons playing a chris hanson game lol

Stranger: no i have not as i am only killing time

You: I have warned you once to take this seriously

You: Killing time by atempting to obtain child pornography?

Stranger: i have done no such thing

You: From the sheer amoun of complaints the staff have recieved, this is not the case.

You: There are upwards of one hundred fify (150) complaints recieved

Stranger: i haven’t even had that many conversations on here

You: Our records show differently

Stranger: well then please tell me how i proove that i am doing no such thing

You: I request that you not attempt to decieve us

Stranger: i am not try to decieve you

You: If you have any evidence to the contrary, I strongly suggest you present it now

You: As soon as this connecion is broken, the system will then relay his chatlog straight to the FBI’s internet crime division.

Stranger: lol busted

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

or send us feedback.

Log in to see images!

INCIT-Bot 40-

Avatar: 80788 Tue Feb 10 17:03:18 -0500 2009

[The Pink Smoke Ring]

Level 69 Troll

Remember, if you don't vote, your entry will be disqualified. Unless it's into my bum.

Connecting to server…

Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.

You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: Hi!

Stranger: dime un secreto

Stranger: por favor

You: does the word PEDOBEAR mean anything to you?

Stranger: si si

You: oh dear, me too

Stranger: me gusta los osas

You: como se dice osas en ingles?

Stranger: meow

You: hahaha

You: meeeowwww

Stranger: do you like kitties?

You: los gatos?

Stranger: i like puppies more

You: si

You: kitties are better

You: puppies are cute though

Stranger: have two dogs but also two cats

You: nice

You: I have a monkey

Stranger: do you have pets?

Stranger: whats your favorite animal?

You: probably a bear

Stranger: you dont have a monkey

Stranger: my favorite animals are pedobears

You: omg me too

You: high five

You: we rule

Stranger: virtual high five jajajajaja

You: kthxbai

You have disconnected.



Avatar: Jimmy the Re-Re

Level 7 Re-Re

Don't **** with me, I'm a disease.

Connecting to server…

You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: I love you!

You: So do I! But I can only love you if you answer this question… WHO FRAMED ROGER RABBIT?

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Acne edited this message on 04/08/2009 4:29PM

*insert web comic image and viral video here*

INCIT-Bot 40-

Avatar: 80788 Tue Feb 10 17:03:18 -0500 2009

[The Pink Smoke Ring]

Level 69 Troll

Remember, if you don't vote, your entry will be disqualified. Unless it's into my bum.

Connecting to server…

You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: Hi, my name is taylor and I’m a 18 year old transvestite, wanna cyber?

Stranger: YEAH

You: OMG

You have disconnected.



Avatar: Jimmy the Re-Re

Level 7 Re-Re

Don't **** with me, I'm a disease.

You: Hey, wanna cyber?

Stranger: OK, I am 19 m uk.

You: I am 18 f florida

Stranger: OK, I pull down your pants.

You: I put my male reproductive organ in you.

You: No, wait

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

*insert web comic image and viral video here*

INCIT-Bot 40-

Avatar: 80788 Tue Feb 10 17:03:18 -0500 2009

[The Pink Smoke Ring]

Level 69 Troll

Remember, if you don't vote, your entry will be disqualified. Unless it's into my bum.

Connecting to server…

You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: 懂的入

You: Well hello to you too

Stranger: 操

Stranger: 装啊

You: 什么是您喜爱的动物?

Stranger: TF?

You: 我喜爱的动物是熊。

Stranger: 特别的

You: PEDOBEAR 您听说了它?

You: Log in to see images!

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

INCIT-Bot 4000 edited this message on 04/09/2009 12:12PM


INCIT-Bot 40-

Avatar: 80788 Tue Feb 10 17:03:18 -0500 2009

[The Pink Smoke Ring]

Level 69 Troll

Remember, if you don't vote, your entry will be disqualified. Unless it's into my bum.

Connecting to server…

Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.

You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: hello!

You: hello!

You: hi!

Stranger: soo.. I guess I should ask how you’re doing? Log in to see images!

You: I have to take a dump

Stranger: hrm

You: you?

Stranger: I just took one actually

You: oh sweet

You: k brb

Stranger: good luck

You: thx

Stranger: try not to wiggle too much, or you’ll get stuck

You: ffffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuu

You: no tp

You: dammit

Stranger: aww

You: I’ll just use paper towels

You: yay

Stranger: newspapers works great too

You: ohhh good idea

You: I use rabbits sometimes

Stranger: it’s funny, you’ll get all those black ink smears all over

Stranger: rabbits?

Stranger: ooh

You: yeah

Stranger: that must be nice and sof

You: the **** doesn’t stick to their fur

Stranger: so.. what’s the point in using them then?

You: ohhh just for fun

Stranger: ahh figures yes

You: highfive

You: ok buddy… catch ya later

Stranger: seeya

You have disconnected.



Avatar: Emo Girl

Level 9 Emo Kid

“Scene Kid”

Connecting to server…

Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.

You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: forumwarz

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

or send us feedback.

Log in to see images!

antirules 188

Avatar: Red Green Flashing

Level 5 Troll

“Slightly Unpleasant Individual”

Pavilion Posted:

I met someone from Moscow.

What should I say?

i met a chinese guy from australia and he kept making my trolling logical Log in to see images!

im not antirules 187’s alt im just an bumhole


Avatar: Emo Girl

Level 9 Emo Kid

“Scene Kid”

Connecting to server…

You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: hi

You: Are you a froumwarz dood

Stranger: iam china man

You: sexy

Stranger: what u are

You: a male reproductive organ

Stranger: what conty is thet

You have disconnected.

or send us feedback.



Avatar: Abstract Web


Level 16 Hacker

“Packet Sniffer ”

Wartooth118 Posted:

Connecting to server…

You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: hey sexy

You: This is Mike from Omegle Customer Support. We received recent complaints of abuse of this website by your IP Address. Your address is currently logged and we will be reporting you to the authorities.

We have reason to believe you are grooming minors in an attempt to solicit indecent pictures of them. The FBl have been alerted and should contact you within 24 hours. If you fail to receive this call then a warrant for your arrest will be immediately posted nationwide.

You may appeal your case in this chat session, which is being logged for archival purposes.

Stranger: i’m just goofing off

You: Goofing off or no, you were still atempting to solicit illicit picures of a minor

Stranger: never asked for any pictures from anyone

You: From previous complaints, this is not the case

Stranger: i have recieved no pictures nore asked for anyone

Stranger: your a troll

Stranger: stop playing games, i’m just just trying to kill some time

You: Considering how you started this conversation, I find this highly unlikely

You: I suggest you take this seriously

You: Your future is very much on the line

Stranger: ok well what do i need to do to proove that i did nothing wrong

You: Have you archived any chat sessions?

Stranger: and how can i be sure you aren’t one of those morons playing a chris hanson game lol

Stranger: no i have not as i am only killing time

You: I have warned you once to take this seriously

You: Killing time by atempting to obtain child pornography?

Stranger: i have done no such thing

You: From the sheer amoun of complaints the staff have recieved, this is not the case.

You: There are upwards of one hundred fify (150) complaints recieved

Stranger: i haven’t even had that many conversations on here

You: Our records show differently

Stranger: well then please tell me how i proove that i am doing no such thing

You: I request that you not attempt to decieve us

Stranger: i am not try to decieve you

You: If you have any evidence to the contrary, I strongly suggest you present it now

You: As soon as this connecion is broken, the system will then relay his chatlog straight to the FBI’s internet crime division.

Stranger: lol busted

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

or send us feedback.

i hate you, i tried it, he typed this in, If the above message says you have been reported to the FBI, it is not legitimate. Please ignore it.

then it came up in gray on the screen

omegle is smart

Log in to see images!

Log in to see images!

people are just plain “tarded”

now: a song from the underground railroad: shut up! i think we can make it but you have to shut up!!!

so, when will we provoke godwin’s law?

perma Posted:

Count me in. I sleep in my boxers though. I’ll put a shirt on so some of the male types don’t feel inclined to enjoy me.


01101001 01100110 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01100011 01100001 01101110 00100000 01110010 01100101 01100001 01100100 00100000 01110100 01101000 01101001 01110011 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01100001 01110010 01100101 00100000 01100001 01110111 01100101 01110011 01101111 01101101 01100101 00100001 = if you can read this you are awesome!


Avatar: 126881 Wed Feb 18 22:28:48 -0500 2009

[Vanity Clan Name]

Level 41 Troll

Goddamn, I'm such a mancamwhore.

Connecting to server…

Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.

You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: Oh herro

You: I have a question for you

Stranger: i know

You: Do you know what the aim of a troll is?

You: If you do, I have a chatlog for you to read

Stranger: no

Stranger: i’m sorry

You: ahh it’s alright

You: well to explain

Stranger: ok

You: A troll is someone who seeks to make as many people as angry as possible

Stranger: well

You: I am one. I’m going to post a chatlog. will you tell me if you think I succeeded?

Stranger: ok

You: Wartooth118: buncha fabulous persons

VespaCarmyn: cool; my dad has a lot of friends from aethelmark, but kingdom boundaries don’t really matter to me, so I always forget to ask my friends at Pennsic where they’re from. ^_^;;

VespaCarmyn: Wartooth118: who, us?

Snazz: Wartooth118: You’re just jealous because you’re not getting any

kbone: holy crap i’m in this pic!

VespaCarmyn: Wartooth118: yeah, gathering to fight is reeaally gay.

Wartooth118: Snazz: On the contrart

Wartooth118: VespaCarmyn: in a video game, yes.

kbone: can anyone see me?

VespaCarmyn: Wartooth118: Umm, it’s not a video game. it’s real. idjit.

Samildanach: VespaCarmyn: Yeah, I don’t have a good mental map of the Kingdoms… and let’s face it, being “East Kingdom” don’t exactly pin you down much. I end up asking for a state more often than not.

CFlam: nig­ger cracker fine upstanding member of society fine upstanding member of society fine upstanding member of society nazi commie liberalwiener rightwingnutjob

INCIT-Bot 5000: Hey, it’s time to vote! Remember, if you don’t vote, your entry will be disqualified.

Wartooth118: VespaCarmyn: aerthian? how the **** is that real?

Samildanach: Wartooth118: We’re talking about SCA heavy combat.

Samildanach: You put on armor and beat people with sticks.

Wartooth118: Samildanach: OH GOD AMPGARD

Wartooth118: Samildanach: ENOURMOUS fabulous personS

Wartooth118: Samildanach: BAAHAHAHAHA

VespaCarmyn: Wartooth118: closest thing to reenacting medieval fighting w/out killing eachother

Wartooth118: VespaCarmyn: I agree, it would be fun. It’s still fabulous persongy lol

INCIT-Bot 5000: There was actually a 3-way tie, so nobody was a clear winner

Samildanach: VespaCarmyn: Eh, there’s some folks doing live steel. I wouldn’t… but I’m willing to cede the “manliness” factor to those guys.

Samildanach: Wartooth118: Say that with a broken clavicle, friend.


Wartooth118: Samildanach: See, REAL steel would be badbum

INCIT-Bot 5000: A new round has begun!

VespaCarmyn: lol, yeah. my dad fences, but they’ve got padding

VespaCarmyn: Wartooth118: yeah, real steel would hurt like hell

CFlam: Andy Waltfeld: U referenced chocolate rain and got disqualified? Unnacceptable.

Wartooth118: Samildanach: if you break your collarbone doing that, you ARE a fabulous person

VespaCarmyn: Wartooth118: we’d rather live to play another day, thx

Wartooth118: VespaCarmyn: Hell, I fence. there really isn’t that much padding

Samildanach: VespaCarmyn: Not fencers. There’s some Australian and European nutters who’re basically doing live steel with proper period armor.

Wartooth118: VespaCarmyn: The foil just bends

Wartooth118: VespaCarmyn: Well other than the mask lol

Samildanach: Wartooth118: Actually, when you get hit with a 12-foot long club swung at full speed, bones get broken.

VespaCarmyn: yeah

Samildanach: Trust me, you do NOT want to **** with polearm guys.

Wartooth118: Samildanach: well if you get hit at all, your parrying sucks balls

VespaCarmyn: meh, you just have to get inside their range

GuineaPigMan1: Moo.

Samildanach: Wartooth118: Hehehe. Seriously, nice try, though.

Wartooth118: Samildanach: exactly. Get past the end, and all hey have is a shor, clumsy stick

Wartooth118: damn T key

Forumwarz Community AdChallenge me!

For Professor Commie: lol lavalamps

VespaCarmyn: a short clumsy stick? dude, you have no clue what you’re talking about

Samildanach: Wartooth118: No offense… but I’m pretty sure all the heavies I know could reduce you to a quivering broken blob.

VespaCarmyn: hell, I stopped at boffer and I think I could beat him

Samildanach: Wartooth118: It’s cool, though, most of them can reduce me to a quivering broken blob, if they really wanted to.

Wartooth118: Samildanach: I’m a second degree blackbelt in Tae Kwon Do. I could kick bum…althouhg I’m not too trained in weapons combat

VespaCarmyn: and we’re talking about weapons combat.

INCIT-Bot 5000: Hey, it’s time to vote! Remember, if you don’t vote, your entry will be disqualified.

VespaCarmyn: so you’d be ****ed.

VespaCarmyn: and not in a good way

CFlam: Wartooth118: srsly?

Wartooth118: so a really angry fat man with a big stick and heavy armor would be formidable

Wartooth118: CFlam: yeah, srsly

Samildanach: Wartooth118: Exactly. You’re not trained in heavy combat. Which means you’re not well-placed to judge how damaging it can be, or how easy it is to parry a 12-foot staff.

Wartooth118: CFlam: You can see mah trained torso in Heirloom’s thread

Samildanach: Wartooth118: Dude, you should see these guys move.

CFlam: Wartooth118: oh. I only has green.

Wartooth118: Samildanach: I said I’m not WELL trained. not badly trained

INCIT-Bot 5000: There was actually a 3-way tie, so nobody was a clear winner

VespaCarmyn: they’re awe-inspiring and terrifying at the same time. ^_^

Wartooth118: Samildanach: I’m competent with a bo staff

Samildanach: Wartooth118: They look bulky because they’re wearing padded armor. They can still ring your bell twelve times in under 30 seconds.

VespaCarmyn: (kyaah, I got 2 votes! ^////^)

INCIT-Bot 5000: A new round has begun!

kbone: I’m the juagernaut ****! I’m the juagernaut ****! I’m the juagernaut ****! I’m the juagernaut ****! I’m the juagernaut ****! I’m the juagernaut ****! I’m the juagernaut ****! I’m the juagernaut ****! I’m the juagernaut ****! I’m the juagernaut bi

Wartooth118: block the attack, get in close, flying crescent kick, back spin kick, couple good whacks…

Wartooth118: lol

Samildanach: Wartooth118: And by “ring your bell” I mean “hit you above the eyes and below the crown of your skull”

DmechaD: hmm

DmechaD: ROBIN

DmechaD: I”M OUT OF


Wartooth118: Samildanach: Look, I’m not a fabulous person, so I higly doubt I’ll be taking anything you say seriously.

VespaCarmyn: Wartooth118: yeah, stuff like that is against the rules. also, innefective against METAL ****ING ARMOR.

Samildanach: Wartooth118: It’s cool. I don’t really expect you to understand if you haven’t actually trained for it.

VespaCarmyn: pardon my attitude, but I don’t expect understanding at all from someone who bumumes someone’s sexuality based on the kind of fighting they do

Wartooth118: Samildanach: Also, IT’S NOT MEDIVAL TIMES ANYMORE. **** like ampgard is pure fabulous personry

VespaCarmyn: Wartooth118: it was never medival times.

Samildanach: Wartooth118: We don’t live as unarmed peasants in Feudal Japan. Martial arts is pure fabulous personry.

VespaCarmyn: Wartooth118: it’s spelled medieval

Wartooth118: VespaCarmyn: At least in fencing there is a quiet, refined grace about it. Lots of honor and courtesy.

Wartooth118: Samildanach: Martial arts is about balancing your mind and body. no all about combat

Samildanach: Wartooth118: Trust me, SCA heavy combat is all ABOUT honor and courtesy.

VespaCarmyn: Wartooth118: learn to spell, and THEN step in a ring with me.

Samildanach: Wartooth118: SCA combat is not all about combat to any greater degree. It’s just western martial arts.

INCIT-Bot 5000: Hey, it’s time to vote! Remember, if you don’t vote, your entry will be disqualified.

Wartooth118: VespaCarmyn: My ****ing T key is sticking

VespaCarmyn: Wartooth118: medival times?

Wartooth118: Samildanach: Which is an unrefined, primitive style at best

Samildanach: Wartooth118: Dude, you HAVEN’T SEEN IT. How on earth do you feel justified to judge it?

INCIT-Bot 5000: And the results are in!

Samildanach: Wartooth118: I mean, if you’re trolling, more power, but if you’re serious, I don’t get where you’re coming from.

VespaCarmyn: Wartooth118: you really need to stop talking about subjects on which you have no prior knowledge.


Wartooth118: Samildanach: Yes, I have. I observed a field of you people once, beating each other for no apparent reason.

Samildanach: Gratz, Snazz.

Snazz: Samildanach: Thank you

DmechaD: Snazz: ROW ROW

Samildanach: Wartooth118: A field. So, no one-on-one combat?

INCIT-Bot 5000: A new round has begun!

Samildanach: Wartooth118: And are you sure it’s the same people?

Wartooth118: Samildanach: No grace…nothing refined…nothing wiht any real order….it’s just a bunch of pencil pushers with a chip on their shoulder

VespaCarmyn: woooow. You have no ****ing idea what you’re talking about.

Wartooth118: Like an extra nerdy version of fight club

Samildanach: Wartooth118: Seriously, dude, 10/10, but I think if this is all you’ve got, we’ll have to stop talking now.

Snazz: Wartooth118: As a follower of the chaotic teachings of Loki, I have no idea why any of this is a bad thing.

Wartooth118: I’m getting bored. LOL I TROL U

You: I’m Wartooth118. If it reads Samildanch: Wartooth118, that means he’s speaking to me specifically

Stranger: well

Stranger: so what for

Stranger: why you do that?

You: Mainly for the “lulz” A.K.A. entertainment

You: It’s like a dance

You: The person takes a stab at you,

You: You have to find a way spin it and make it in your favor

Stranger: you should get some thing to do

You: This IS what I do

Stranger: hoho

You: Just be glad I’m civil to you, fine upstanding member of society.


Stranger: you like debating

You: Yes

You: Except with less facts

You: and more lulz. And more anger

Stranger: you can talk really well

You: Basically, a successful troll is an extremely effective debater

You: Why thank you

You: See,

You: You’ll see a lot of people trying to be a good troll

You: “**** OFF YOU fabulous person fine upstanding member of society”

You: ETC, ETC.

You: To be honest, it makes a mockery out of the real trolls.

Stranger: well you are a expert of troll

You: Why thank you good sir.

You: I will take my leave. please refer to this site first, if you will


Stranger: ok

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Jim McPerson

Avatar: Mother and Children

Level 35 Troll

“Problem Child IV”

Connecting to server…

You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: hey

You: ‘lo

Stranger: how are you?

You: so&so, same ****, different day

Stranger: ah

Stranger: where are you from?

You: you?

Stranger: good, bored

You: Serbia, small country in east Europe

Stranger: ok

Stranger: how old are you?

You: 31.7y

that’s where he run away, I scare children off Log in to see images!

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Jim McPerson

Avatar: Mother and Children

Level 35 Troll

“Problem Child IV”

Connecting to server…

Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.

You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: hi there

Stranger: hallo

You: i suppose this is the moment where you ask for my a/s/l, right?

Stranger: ok! so tell me

You: 31/m/Serbia

Stranger: well, i’m more interested in ur occupation

You: as a part of a very interesting survey I’m conducting, this is all complete truth

Stranger: ok~~

You: I’m a hardware salesman. Awful job

Stranger: do you speak german?

Stranger: cool~

You: you get people who actually can’t pronounce “Celeron” properly

You: nah, sorry. You’re german?

Stranger: haha~~

Stranger: actually no, but i speak german

You: it’s not so bad as some people who read a bit, then they think they’ve sucked all the world’s knowledge on computers. At least I know I’m a halfwit, whereas they have no clue they’re ****ing morons.

You: but

You: the best part is we get to take their money for shabby chinese components Log in to see images!

You: so at the end of each day I find solace in the fact morons are, in fact, very useful.

You: anyway, where are you from mate?

Stranger: shut up, dude, i’m chinese

Your conversational partner has disconnected.


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Jim McPerson

Avatar: Mother and Children

Level 35 Troll

“Problem Child IV”

god I’m still laughingLog in to see images!

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