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THeReMiNoRiTy RuLe

Log in to see images! tHeReMiNoRiTy_RuLe is an NPC introduced in Episode 2. Her actual name is Tchelsea and she has her own zine at Her favorite genre of music is mincore- hardcore rock played entirely by the outdated and obscure instrument called the theremin. She has never heard of any band released before 1998, when her favorite band Thereminority Threat was formed. She bumigns the mission I'm With the B& and asks you to suck up to Trident Media on her behalf.

tHeReMiNoRiTy_RuLe is extremely indie, to the point where she openly admits to disliking things solely because others like them (including sex). She speaks a franglais blend of English with way too many French words mixed in. If she is ever reminded how many people in the world breathe, she will probably die.

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