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Jalapeno Bootyhole

Jalapeno Bootyhole is the lead writer for Forumwarz. If something made you laugh text-wise, chances are he either wrote it or edited it heavily.

His name is a clever abstraction of "All up in yo' Bootyhole," a reference to his fond appreciation for anal sex.

His IDC shortcut is jb.

It is widely accepted that Jalapeno Bootyhole is the true power behind Crotch Zombie and the most attractive member of the Crotch Zombie team.

As of 14 February 2011 Jalapeno Bootyhole's Epeen is 16.72

His presence in IDC has been known to make people instantly achieve orgasm.

This is his memorial site, which was made by Johnny Mac, because Jalapeno Bootyhole deserves to be loved very much.

On November 13, Jalepeno started a well-received contest to make friends, and give out 7 BP and Epeen. Many people vied for his affection, tossing out ads and threads by the boatload to proclaim of Jalepeno's sexiness. Shrtcat and Bootyhole met in this thread, and were BFFs at first sight. In his infinite generosity, he even named several runners up: Johnny Mac, 1338h4x, and the entirety of Brainfreeze. Shrtcat and the runner up users will be given their own epeens, and Brainfreeze will receive a Klan Epeen.

Many trolls expressed jealousy of Jalapeno's friends, but they are all fabulous persons.

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