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MC Banhammer

Avatar: 1887 2011-07-31 00:40:59 -0400

[Good Omens]

Level 69 Troll

Trying to create drama to drum up the ratings by any means necessary!

Evil Trout Posted:

Let’s say you have a bunch of extra moar files. Typically you have dozens of pieces you don’t want. So you go to the auction house. How do you unload them all?

Remember an auction has 4 fields -> minimum bid, reserve price, buy out price, length

So you’d have to fill out those fields for EACH piece you want to sell. And this is by file!

We came up with two ideas, neither of them popular. One was a tabular list, where it would list all your files, one piece per row, and all four fields to the side. Still, that’s tedious to use if you want to unload all your pieces.

You could have checkboxes by each piece, along with a set of control fields, and a bumon to apply those control values to all checked pieces.

Or limit users to only being able to sell one piece (not duplicates) at a time. So you could do it for piece #1 once, piece #2 once, but not piece #1 eight times.

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