MC Banhammer Posted:
Yep, I’m running a contest. Paid for by my very own money.
With ET and CZ hard at work on Episode 2, it’s only a matter of time until we see it. Do you think you know when that will be? If you do, you can win 3 BP, which you know will be of value when Ep. 2 comes out.
The rules:
1) Each alt many enter only once. (Note I said “alt”, not “player”. Yes, I’m going to double-ePeen quest this thread in an attempt to get the Flamebate ePeen. Should I get said ePeen at any point during this contest, I will post a notice to that effect and update this post to indicate that from that point forward, I will allow only one entry per player. And yes, I can tell.)
2) Your entry should indicate a date, the date you think Episode 2 will be released. For purposes of this contest, all dates will be considered the Eastern Standard or Eastern Daylight time date, whichever is in effect at the time of the release of Episode 2. Please spell out the month so there is no confusion between American and European date format. i.e., don’t use ‘1/5/09’ because I’ll think it means January 5th while you might think it means May 1st.
3) You may not edit your post with the guess. Any such edit will invalidate that post; I won’t look at it when determining the winner. (However, if you’re sniped by someone with the same entry date, tubmail me and I may make an exception. Any such exceptions will be noted in this OP.)
4) The contest will end on the day and at the moment when Episode 2 is first released to the public. If CZ decides to pull it back after release to fix things, the first date still holds.
5) In case of a tie, the alt who submitted the date first will be the winner.
6) In the case where no one has the exact date, the winner will be whoever picked the latest date which occurs before the correct date.
7) In the case where Episode 2 is never released, the contest is null and void. And lynching parties aimed at CZ will organized.
Good luck!
Quoting to avoid toxx. This post will not be edited.