Forumwarz is the first "Massively Single-Player" online RPG completely built around Internet culture.
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It’s been 10 days since Forumwarz was last updated without a bug fix. That seems like forever in Internet time. Rest bumured, dear player, that tonight’s update is HUGE. It will be live probably before 11pm unless my server maintenance takes longer than I think.
I’m creating this thread because the update touches so much that I don’t want it to spam up my Site updates thread. Here is a list of everything new/changed: Cool New Stuff Threads now quote you when replying You can now carry over visits on days you don’t play. Up to 2 days worth, or enough to satisfy people who only play at the office and miss the weekend. Consuming an item results in a post There’s more variety to the randomness in posts Added tips for pwning tough forums, with a link when you die to help frustrated noobs. New character, Haxlrose, with upgrade resetting service. First time is free. The_****’s now has a sTalk based Roids store. Added Plum Computers, which didn’t make launch for some reason even though it was fully complete. Bug Fixes Doctor O, Krystal now go offline after their AFK messages If DrrtyCop is hiding your contacts and you get a new one, the new one will be hidden too. Deliveries can no longer be doubled up through a race condition You can no longer spam a last attack in after you die, you cheaters. Item related Changes Drugs are more expensive across the board Plum computers break less frequently Low level anti-depressants are more effective Expensive Sunglbumes break a lot less Nutmeg is more effective Androst is more effective Overall Balance Changes DrrtyCop comes later in the game, so that you don’t have two money sink ‘quests’ in a row Most low/medium forums are weaker Early levels take a little more cred to advance Offense is no longer additive, so low level attacks never become many multiples of their attack. Defense upgrades are now the same price as Offense Upgrades. Defense is a much more useful stat than it was before, completely new formula. Camwhore Changes Coverwhore now recovers 15 sexiness instead of 8 Post Bra show now uses 2 sexiness Prepubessence now recovers 25 sexiness instead of 20 Vivid Description of Sex now costs 5 sexiness instead of 6 Contact authorities now costs 6 instead of 8, is available at level 7 instead of 8. Increased gift bonus for Charisma Pump me up gives more Ego, costs less sexiness, can be cast more often, stacked and the buff gives more offense Trolls Fap lasts 9 turns now Spoil costs 1 more douchebaggery, slightly more effective Ascii art is slightly more effective Annoying Text costs 2 more douchebaggery, slightly more effective Insult costs 1 more douchebaggery Emo Self Mutilate has been nerfed to +2 Defense instead of +5, Only recovers 10 ego instad of 20 Low ego attack bonus is less effective (for all such attacks) Whine about parents takes 2 more tears, is now attack 9 instead of 6 Whine about school takes 1 more tear, now attack 12 instead of 15 Depressing poem is now attack 15 instead of 20 Whine about Girlfriend is now attack 20 instead of 30 I have issues is now attack 25 instead of 40 Many players may wish to reset their upgrade points now that the game balance has been shifted. Early on in the game you will gain access to the Haxlrose character who will change it for free. The first time is free, after that the costs increase. We can hardly wait until you try out the new balance and let us know what you think! The major things we were trying to address were: – Too many items were required to beat forums – Emo Kids were too powerful – Levelling up wasn’t always a smooth curve – Camwhore and Troll had some bumps in their progress |
Posted On: 11/28/2007 7:08PM | View Evil Trout's Profile | # |