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Writing "My Immortal", The worst fan fiction ever.


Avatar: 22473 Sat Nov 29 21:01:08 -0500 2008

[Crotch Zombie]

Level 35 Troll

7 Vibrating Doldoes was never a meme

/me applauds

Lemon Tree

Avatar: 93540 Fri Dec 05 23:57:01 -0500 2008

[The Airship]

Level 33 Camwhore


Please have my babies. Log in to see images!

King Krimson

Avatar: King Krimson's Avatar

[Snobby McSnobbers-

Level 69 Troll

A lot fo kewl boiz wer it ok!

Hello again chaps.

Some time ago, I was tubmailed this picture by a certain Shary White, who couldn’t post it herself due to level restrictions. I then said I would post it on this thread, and then promptly forgot about it.

Well, here it is in all it’s belated glory. This is probably the best of these I’ve seen so far, because it is probably exactly how Ebony envisioned it.

Log in to see images!

Thanks, Shary!

If you have any thoughts, ideas, or foul verbal attacks for me that you don’t want to post in the forums, feel free to tubmail me.

Please tubmail me.

I’m ever so lonely.

King Krimson edited this message on 12/15/2008 3:51PM

King Krimson

Avatar: King Krimson's Avatar

[Snobby McSnobbers-

Level 69 Troll

A lot fo kewl boiz wer it ok!

Back again, are we? And they called me insane. Well, chapter 26 of this Abomination is ready and waiting. Enjoy!

Or don’t. Your call.

Chapter 26.

AN: PREPZ STUP FLAMING SDA STRY OK!1 if u dnot lik da story den go fok urself u fokeng prep! U SUK!111 oh y and I wuznt beng rasist ok!11

Sure. Pointing out that Kingsley Shacklebolt had frizzy hair and big, red lips wasn’t racist at all.

Oh, just black up and be done with it.


A few mutates later Vampire came 2 da tree.

“Sporting a new and very fetching tentacle protruding through his chest.”

He was wearing a blak leather jackson,

Yeah. Draw attention to the colour of Jackson’s skin, and not the fact that Harry is wearing said skin. I bet you think it’s okay because he was black, don’t you? Racist.

black leather pants and a Good Chralotte t-shirt.

“Hi Vampire.” I said flirtily as I started to sob. Draco hugged me sexily tryont to comfrot me.

I would say that this was hugely insensitive of Draco, but you know. It’s Ebony.

I started to cry tears of blood

You know, **** it. I’ve been over this dozens of time, but Ebony never learns.

Neither do I, apparently, as I’m still putting my sanity on the line by reviewing this monstrosity.

and then told them what happened.

“A black man shot Lucius and Sirius! Then I offered him some fried chicken, and he did a little jig, then submitted to my white superiority! What? Why are you looking at me like that? I’m not racist, okay?”

“Oh **** it!” Vampire shouted angrily.

Suddenly realising that no amount of money would ever compensate for the ridicule of starring in this fanfiction.

He4 started to cry sadly. “What ****ing male reproductive organ did that!”

“It was a Ni- Uh, I mean, Black man.”

“I don’t know.” I said. “Now come on we have 2 tell Dumbledor.”

Because he’s seriously going to take a dream conjured up by a proven psychotic ‘goff’ as conclusive evidence. I mean, who wouldn’t?

We ran out of the tree and in2 da castle. Dumblydor was sitting in his office.

It’s sad, really. He used to be so active. Now he just sits in his office, mumbling something about ‘motherfukers’.

“Sire are dads have been shot!”

Oh. I seem to have confused myself somewhat. You see, I thought that by ‘Sirius and Lucian’ she meant ‘Snape and Lupin’ Um. Heh.

Let’s move on before I further draw attention to my gradually failing mental facilities, shall we?

Draco said while we wipped sum tears from his white face. “Enoby had a vision in a dreem.”

“We are idiots and blindly believe dreams. Oh, and there’s also a murderous clown roaming around in the corridors, in addition to this, said corridors have mysteriously started singing rude songs about my mother. And I also came into school naked today.”

“Wait. That wasn’t a dream. Nobody look at my thingy!”

Dubleodre started to male reproductive organle.

I don’t even want to know.

“Hahahaha! And How due u aspect me to know Ebony’s not divisional?”

You know, if you ignore the spelling, grammar, and the fact that if Ebony had a certificate stating ‘I’m not insane’ he’d probably believe her, that’s the first halfway intelligent thing Dumbledore has said.

I glared at Dumbledore.

“Look ****.” he said angrily as Dumbeldore gasped (c is da toot of crakter).

Yes. Yes it is.

“U know very well that I’m not decisional.

The fact that you wasted two hours you wasted getting dressed in the morning corroborates this statement.

Now get some ****ing ppl out there to look for Series and Lucian- pornto!”

Bom chika wow wow!

“Okay.” he said in a intimated voice.

“Not now Dumbledore! There are children present!”

…Said Professor Flitwick.

“Were are they?”

I dare you to spot the spelling mistake in that last sentence.

I fought about it.

“Finish her! Fatality! The readers WIN!

Then all of a sudden….. “Longdon.”

Hey, don’t mess with Longdon. I mean London.

I said. I told him which street. He went and called some people and did some stuff.

Essentially, this whole story can be distilled to the single sentence of ‘Ebony and friends did some stuff’. If it were only so, the world would be a much better place.

After a few mistunes

“Let’s see. Do ray me… No, that’s not it. Damn it.”

he came back and said people were going out looking for them. After a while someone called him again.

You can almost taste the excitement.

He said that they had been found.

…In pieces, concealed in several dustbins scattered over town.

Draco, Vampire and I

I don’t believe it! Proper use of grammar! Hooray!

all left to our rooms together.

Wait, nevermind. I thought it was too good to be true. It was.

I went with Draco to wait in the nurses office while Vampire went to slit his wrists in his room.

Real smart move there, Mr. ‘I’m not actually undead’. Hell, why not cut out the middle man and just hurl yourself off the rooftops?

We looked at each other’s gothic, derperessed eyes. Then, we kissed.

Dicovering that his Father is in critical condition really makes Draco horny! I kid, I kid. In fact, Draco is perpetually horny.

Suddenly Serious and Lucian came in on stretchers……………………….and Proffesor Sinister was behind them!1

Long winded exposition town, here we come.

I’m off again, but I’m sure you’ll see me again soon. After all, what better way to celebrate the birth of Christ and season of goodwill than to review and then post another blasphemous, horribly depressing chapter of ‘My Immortal’?

Until then, take care. Bye!

King Krimson edited this message on 01/30/2009 6:13AM


Avatar: harblgar

Level 21 Troll

“Li'l Hellraiser”

Good sir, your tolerance for this drivel is nothing short of miraculous. You do us a service by making this gibberish intelligible and even entertaining. I dare say that without your bumistance I would have never heard of this “Enoby” character.




And here I was about to say something complimentary to you.


Avatar: 22473 Sat Nov 29 21:01:08 -0500 2008

[Crotch Zombie]

Level 35 Troll

7 Vibrating Doldoes was never a meme

It really says a lot that your MST3King makes this drivel readable, let alone entertaining.

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Avatar: 42627 Wed Oct 15 19:08:31 -0400 2008

[70 Character Story-

Level 28 Troll

“Gaping Asshole”

If it makes any sense, the chapters seem shorter when you add your commentary. Keep up the work, so long as you don’t snap.


Avatar: 65150 Sat Oct 25 21:25:27 -0400 2008

[Festina Lente]

Level 35 Emo Kid

“Cutty Cutterson”

Jesus Christ in thigh-thigh red vinyl boots. This is actually worse than the legendary “Little Miss Mary”.


Avatar: 67073 Sat Nov 01 14:39:53 -0400 2008

[team awesome face]

Level 30 Troll


BirdofPrey Posted:

quote this if you only read the first sentence of this thread


Avatar: Emo Girl 1

Level 15 Emo Kid


I showed this horrible spectacle (not your commentaried version, though, that was hilarious) to my boyfriend.

The following things happened:

-I fell off of his couch and rolled around his living room floor for a bit as he read it arloud.

-We started singing a parody of Evanescence’s My Immortal, which is actually a good song, about this fic. It was nearly as good as my Cats’ Misery (like the Stephen King book) parody.

-He had a subsequent snot attack (had to run to the bathroom and cough it out)

-We now have a meme. Log in to see images!


Avatar: harblgar

Level 21 Troll

“Li'l Hellraiser”

Maybe I’m out of line here, but:


King Krimson

Avatar: King Krimson's Avatar

[Snobby McSnobbers-

Level 69 Troll

A lot fo kewl boiz wer it ok!

undeed Posted:

Maybe I’m out of line here, but:


Nah, ask away. I’m fine with being badgered. Means I’m more likely to get around to something.

So, yeah, I’ll, uh, get right on that.

Papa Zito

Avatar: Papa Zito's Avatar

[Disciples of Atrop-

Level 63 Troll

“Flame Retarded”

Bill_Murray_Fan_7383 Posted:

A++++++, would read again!


Avatar: harblgar

Level 21 Troll

“Li'l Hellraiser”

Bump for MOAR

Unless it finally got to King Krimson…

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What has science done?!?!

King Krimson

Avatar: King Krimson's Avatar

[Snobby McSnobbers-

Level 69 Troll

A lot fo kewl boiz wer it ok!

You guys still here? Really?

Okay. I’ll tell you what I’m going to do. Hopefully, by the end of this week (Sunday/Monday), I should have posted the next chapter. However, I’m not really feeling the spark anymore. I haven’t really felt it since Ebony died. Kind of dilutes the point, really.

So, that being said, it could be… less than funny. To be honest I want to try something new. Something that isn’t completely derivative.

Only partially derivative.

See you soon!


Avatar: 42627 Wed Oct 15 19:08:31 -0400 2008

[70 Character Story-

Level 28 Troll

“Gaping Asshole”

If you can’t do it anymore, then don’t. Find something just as soul-crushingly horrible to “review”, or even find an actual published piece of work that probably shouldn’t have.

Either way you go I know I’ll still be reading either way.

Player X

Avatar: 113668 2010-09-01 01:19:19 -0400

[Party Van Enthusia-

Level 66 Hacker

“Trojan Horse Magnum”

Dumbledore? Mcgonagall? Flitwick? Rocky? Dumbledore?

Great “Rocky Horror” reference in your commentary.

Player X edited this message on 02/23/2009 12:05AM


Avatar: 82700 Sun Nov 09 11:06:38 -0500 2008

Level 29 Hacker


Hey guys. King Krimson can’t make it here today, as he’s currently chewing on the curtains and sobbing. Instead, I, The one and only Captain Amazing, will take his place.

I have never stooped so low. I wish the Justice League would return my calls.

So here we are at Chapter 27. There’s not much I can say about the number twenty-seven really. It’s a nice number, I suppose, but kind of dull. It’ll never quite hold the same place in my heart the 23 does. Right then! On with the pain!

Chapter 27. vampirz wil never hurt u

I decided to test out this theory and discovered that, yes, they will hurt you. Quite a bit, in fact.

AN: u no wut!111 I dnot giv a fok wut u prepz fink abot me!1111

Good for you. Then I guess you won’t mind if I call you… Call you a… Hmm. I’ll get back to you on that.

so stup flaming da foking story bichez!1111

See, it’s ironic because just earlier she told us that she didn’t care what we think. Notice also the plethora of ‘ones’. She must really be upset.

fangz 2 raven 4 ur luv n sport

34! 56! HUT!

n help i luv u gurl soz i kodnt update lol I wuz rly deprezzd n I silt muh rists I had 2 go 2 da hospital

What a shame. Should have gone down the street instead.

rraven u rok gurl!11111111111111111111

I like to think that at this point the mental retardation kicked in and she couldn’t lift her finger from the keyboard.


Every1 in the room stated to cry happly- I had saved them.

Only to condemn them to a fate worse than death – THIS FANFIC.

Drako, Lucian, Serious bond

The names Bond. Serious Bond.

Vampire all came to hug me. The nurse started to give them medicine.

Draco and Vampire are technically fine, but the nurse hopes that if she keeps them drugged up to their eyeballs she can save them from the terrible and traumatic realisation that they spend every waking moment with Ebony.

“great times on Enoby.”

Oh Boy. What have I gotten myself into? I’m just going to go and ask Krimson to save a bit of curtain for me.

said Proffesor Sinatra. She was wearing a gothic blak leader dress with a corset top and real vampir blood on it

I see no reason why this is seen as acceptable behaviour. This is like you or I turning up wearing bloody, human bones at a child’s birthday party.

and fuking black platinum boots.

Professor Sinatra, soon to be featured in extreme fetish porno, volume 12.

“I have to tell you the ****ing perdition.”

“The lowest level of Hell awaits you, Ebony, and there’s nothing you can do to about it. **** male reproductive organ****”

I locked at Lucian, Serifs,

A proud member of the house of font.

Drake and Vampire. They nodded.

“Yes. You’re only seventeen, and not only have you broken all seven deadly sins, you’ve somehow managed to create two new ones. That’s an express ticket to hell if ever we saw one.”

I smelled happily

Here, Ebony reveals her scent secretions glands, shocking everyone present to a stunned silence.

and went into a dark room. I had changed Profesor Sinister took out some black cards. She started to look into a black crucible ball.

I’m going to be honest here. I had no idea what a crucible was until I looked it up on Wikipedia. Apparently, It’s some kind of heat proof cup, used for heating things that could not be heated up in conventional containers. Ebony sure has a way with spell checkers, huh?

She said……………………… “Tara, I see drak times are near.”

Dark Times this, Dark Times that. Honestly, you people. Can’t someone write ONE story without some kind of dark prophecy, or murders, or unsavoury goings on? One that isn’t entirely centred around filthy, animalistic sex?

She said badly.

Because, obviously, her tone wasn’t going to be sweetness and light now, was it?

She peered into da balls.

…Discovering a distressing and unsightly lump. It seemed that poor old Draco only had six months left to live.

“You see, you must go back in time.”

Alas, and here I was thinking that all the major literary sins had been covered.

She took out a Time-Toner

Don’t you mean, a Time-BONER?

Oh, shut up. You were thinking it as well.

like B’loody Mary had. “When Voldemint

The unconventional yet strangely delicious new flavour from Ben and Jerry!

was in Hogwarts before he became powerful he gut his hearth borken.

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Now do you fink he would still become Volxemort if he was in love?”

Would he become Volxemort? No, probably not. Voldemort? Almost certainly.

I shook my head. “U must go back in time and sedouce him. It is the only way.

So, to stop him from becoming Voldemort, the respectable authority figure is suggesting that her underage pupil go back in time and have a one night stand with Voldemort, then come back to the present day, leaving poor old Riddle alone and depressed about the fact that his ‘girlfriend’ left him, therefore kicking off the whole series of events, that, if the Prof is correct, led to him becoming Voldemort in the first place?

There is no possible way this plan can go wrong.

If he is still evil then you must kill him. You can come to my room tomorrow and you can do it.

“And by ‘do it’ I mean…”

Oh, what’s the point? You’ve heard it all before.

“Okay.” I said sadly. We did dethz tuch sin.

I can’t even begin to imagine what she meant to say here. Something filthy, probably.

I went outside again sadly.

Please. Leave the adjectives alone. Please.

“What ****ing happened?” asked Draco and Vampire.

Ah. I’ve heard much of the legendary misplaced ‘****’.

“Yeah what happened?” asked Darkness, Willow and Boldy Mary?

Even Ebony’s not sure who’s who anymore.

I was about to tell them bum

Blah blah blah, unintentional innuendo, blah blah, not-so-unintentional innuendo.

every1 was there. They were celebrating Lucian and Sirius being fond.

Fond of each other? Now there’s a surprise.

Oh God. I can barely take it anymore.

Everyone was proud of me bum I jut wonted 2 talk 2 Draco.

About what? Clothes? Goffs? Sodomy?

Please end soon.

They were cheesing my name

That cheese-whiz sure has some interesting purposes nowadays.

and some reporters were there, trying to interview Dumblydore.

“Please. I’m old. Why won’t you let me die? What did I do to deserve this living hell? Is it because of that incident with the cat? I swear, I thought it was dead at the time!”

A banner was put up. Lotz of ****ing prepz were there oviously tring 2 be b goffik wering the HIM sign

Or, as I like to call it, the heartagram. Doesn’t sound so tough now, does it?

on their handz- depite them not having akshelly heard of him.

So, where did they find the symbol? I don’t know, I’ve long since ceased caring.

Even Mr. Noris looked happy.

They say that under his beard is another fist.

A blak and red cake had been brought out.

Unfortunately, the stripper inside had long since asphyxiated.

Crabbe and Goyke set up some fireworx

Fireworks. BUT XTREME!

in the shape of skulls from Wesley’s Whizard Wises.

So close, and yet so far.

I put on my Invisibility coke

Dyslexia can only explain so much. This, dear readers, is irrefutable proof that the human gene is actually degrading. Darwin was wrong.

with Vampire and Draco and we sneaked outside 2gether.

Is it over? It is! It’s finally over! Hooray! Now, luckily for me, next time it’ll be a return to your usual schedule, with Krimson taking back the reigns. But for now, it’s goodbye, and goodnight!

(P.S. Seriously, how did you guys manage to read this far? You guys must be real gluttons for punishment. If your trying to atone for any kind of past sins, there’ll be plenty of time for that when you’re dead. Anyway. I really am going this time. Bye.)

(P.P.S. Does anyone know how to take screen captures off of mobile phones? I am told that this is important for some reason, but I am in no position to gain any definite reasons why, as the original asker is, uh, otherwise indisposed at the moment. Chewing on the curtains.)

(P.P.P.S. I don’t know why I haven’t left yet. I think the story is keeping me here. If you are reading this, please Send hel- What was that? Oh God! No! Not the bees! NOT THE BEES!)

Captain_Amazing edited this message on 03/15/2009 10:48AM


Avatar: 22473 Sat Nov 29 21:01:08 -0500 2008

[Crotch Zombie]

Level 35 Troll

7 Vibrating Doldoes was never a meme

I just about lost it at the swedish chef. Bravo.


Avatar: 121820 2010-06-13 01:05:56 -0400

[Throne of Blood]

Level 60 Emo Kid

“Final Cut Pro”

I know I’m probably rehashing what’s already been said in this hugely long thread, but obvious troll, has been since forever.

First off, the spelling and grammar get progressively worse, secondly you get the sly and seemingly accidental references to Tom Bombadil, Morty McFly etc. Things like ‘masticating’ and ‘viower excretion advisd’ simply have to be deliberate.

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