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Avatar: 61989 2011-12-28 11:21:37 -0500

[Temple of the Anth-
ropomorphic Majesty

Level 35 Troll

Right from the moment when I saw Saw, I laughed.

I consider myself not racist in the slightest. I mean I hate political correctness and **** like that. The

notion that if someone is offended they are automatically right and the offending party is wrong is completely

very special. People need to take a joke. I also don’t like the fact some white people think they should feel

guilty for **** in the past they have no control over; we get snubbed by affirmative action; any advocacy of

the white race is seen as offensive and extremist. It’s bull**** right? But really, it’s such a minor thing it’s not

worth getting worked up about. We still have it better. I kind of had an epiphany over this one day. I pbumed

this black guy and his kid in the grocery store. Really, really dark both of them. It just dawned on me. I could

be that. I could be that and it would suck and when went places people would respond to me ****ty. There is

also the fact racism is instilled by the elitist to pit the lower clbum against each other in an effort to divide

them so they can’t unite and rise up.

Religion is a different story. The three Abrahamic religions are the absolute scourge of mankind. Especially

the Jews. I know that probably offends some people because they have conditioned you to be offended by it.

If that’s the case, bury your head deeper in the sand because you’re a lost cause that can’t be reasoned with

and it doesn’t matter too much anyway because you’re too mentally weak to even matter. Jews are supremacists.

All of them. They believe they are God’s people and better than everyone else. ALL OF THEM. It’s the ****ing

foundation of Judaism. As bad as Christians and Muslims are you can’t even say the same thing about them. On

top of all this — I mean Google some of the ****ed up rules they got — there’s all kind of Jewish doctrine about

****ing babies and raping Christian women and a billion other things. Jews consider everyone else as not even

having the rights of animals basically. I mean you should know this. It’s pretty ****ed up.

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10/27/11 FLAMEBATE RPG UPDATED Flamebate RPG Dr. Seuss CS for Celerysteve Ban this Thread ET/Chuggo

That Reactio-
n Face Guy

Avatar: 223807 2009-12-29 01:30:17 -0500

Level 69 Troll


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Avatar: 164527 2010-01-24 16:15:19 -0500

[The Scrotal Safety-

Level 37 Camwhore


i consider myself slightly racist. and i think religious ppl are stupid.


Avatar: 51460 2010-11-03 22:07:34 -0400

[Dom Jihad]

Level 65 Hacker


****tard Posted:

i consider myself slightly racist. and i think religious ppl are stupid.

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male reproductive organFACEPANTS

Avatar: 60174 2010-06-14 22:20:22 -0400


Level 65 Troll

REDNECK fine upstanding member of societyfabulous person WHORE

In b4 somebody mentioned the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.

Oh wait…



Avatar: 61989 2011-12-28 11:21:37 -0500

[Temple of the Anth-
ropomorphic Majesty

Level 35 Troll

Right from the moment when I saw Saw, I laughed.

That Reaction Face Guy Posted:

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10/27/11 FLAMEBATE RPG UPDATED Flamebate RPG Dr. Seuss CS for Celerysteve Ban this Thread ET/Chuggo


Avatar: 61989 2011-12-28 11:21:37 -0500

[Temple of the Anth-
ropomorphic Majesty

Level 35 Troll

Right from the moment when I saw Saw, I laughed.

I think people who consider themselves “slightly” racist are probably not. Sounds like more sensitive white guilt bull****. Preferring people of your own race, for example, is not racist. You just have more in common. It’s normal. If you prefer people more around your own age are you agist? If you prefer platonic friendship from people of your own sex are you sexist? Of course not, so why is race different? You just prefer people you can relate to.

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10/27/11 FLAMEBATE RPG UPDATED Flamebate RPG Dr. Seuss CS for Celerysteve Ban this Thread ET/Chuggo


Avatar: 164527 2010-01-24 16:15:19 -0500

[The Scrotal Safety-

Level 37 Camwhore


Celerysteve Posted:

I think people who consider themselves “slightly” racist are probably not. Sounds like more sensitive white guilt bull****. Preferring people of your own race, for example, is not racist. You just have more in common. It’s normal. If you prefer people more around your own age are you agist? If you prefer platonic friendship from people of your own sex are you sexist? Of course not, so why is race different? You just prefer people you can relate to.

nah i’m definitely slightly racist. i def don’t have any white guilt.

i consider myself slightly racist because:

– i expect people to fulfill their racial stereotypes

– if i see a fine upstanding member of society in my neighborhood i tell my dogs “get the fine upstanding member of society!” so they know to bark at fine upstanding member of societys

– i feel grossed out in the gym when there are indian people in the pool because i don’t think they bathe much and they smell like BO all the time

– i don’t like ethnic restaurants because i think their sanitation and food handling techniques are subpar

this is why i’m not completely racist:

– there are exceptions to all of this

– i will still hire colored help

– black guys have big male reproductive organs


Avatar: 32555 2014-07-18 11:39:53 -0400


Level 69 Troll

male reproductive organMEISTER

Wow how I wish some country would stand and up and try to solve the Jew problem once and for all.

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Avatar: Middle Finger

Level 17 Troll

“Inflammatory Agent ”

I’m slightly racist. I say slightly because I didn’t divorce my boys’ mom when I found out her dad was a fine upstanding member of society.

Blow Me


Avatar: 156485 2010-01-24 16:36:14 -0500

[Harem and Sushi Bar]

Level 69 Hacker

Selfish fine upstanding member of society

Depending on where you look, the Jews, Christians or Muslims could all claim to be the worst of the Abrahamic religions.

Christianity’s just bloody huge, pushing very special ****wittery into schools, and a nice heap of guilt onto anyone they can indoctrinate. Raping minds (figuratively) and children (literally) wherever they go, using every ounce of whatever political power they’ve got to further their own ****ty agenda. Less of a problem on this side of the Atlantic, but I hear it’s sort of a big thing in the US.

The Jewish vote/lobby has an influence on American politics way above their actual voting numbers (atheists outnumber Jews by a mbumive margin, look how much political pull they’ve got in America) and afaic Israel is as guilty as any of the other ****ty little countries around them in the conflict over there. Actually, I’d say they’re the least bad of the three; they at least don’t encourage conversion too much, so it’ll probably fade away of it’s own accord eventually.

Islam… just ****ing scares me with the way it wraps a disgustingly primitive, theocratic political/legal system right into the religion then obligates every “true believer” to try and install that system across the entire world. Whatever ****ed up rules the Jews have tucked away in a mostly ignored corner of the Old Testament, the rules you’d get under Islamic law are probably worse.

‘Moderates’ of any of the above I have less issue with, but they still legitimise the whole festering pile of bull**** that is faith (defined as “believing something you wish was true but know isn’t") and go about demanding respect for their ignorance. I’ll respect their right to believe what they want if they respect my right to ridicule (without having to give a thought to “hate crime” laws)

Edit: Did I mention that I feel slightly dirty for agreeing, ever partially, with CS?

man-man edited this message on 09/20/2010 5:12PM


Avatar: Middle Finger

Level 17 Troll

“Inflammatory Agent ”

man-man Posted:

Edit: Did I mention that I feel slightly dirty for agreeing, ever partially, with CS?

He is a dirty motehr****er. You can be dirty with me, if you like.

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Blow Me


Avatar: 115546 2015-08-12 18:58:09 -0400

[Harem and Sushi Bar]

Level 69 Hacker

DIRTY ****ING fine upstanding member of society woman's genitals

man-man Posted:

Islam… just ****ing scares me with the way it wraps a disgustingly primitive, theocratic political/legal system right into the religion then obligates every “true believer” to try and install that system across the entire world. Whatever ****ed up rules the Jews have tucked away in a mostly ignored corner of the Old Testament, the rules you’d get under Islamic law are probably worse.

Someone’s been watching their fox news like a good boy.

Dysnomia Posted:

I wish MercWithMouth was permabanned

I wish everyone in WeChall was permabanned

I wish Skyman747 was permabanned



Avatar: Middle Finger

Level 17 Troll

“Inflammatory Agent ”

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Blow Me

****tard Posted:

and i think religious ppl are stupid.

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Avatar: 156485 2010-01-24 16:36:14 -0500

[Harem and Sushi Bar]

Level 69 Hacker

Selfish fine upstanding member of society

Skyman747 Posted:

Someone’s been watching their fox news like a good boy.

Maybe you missed the part where I don’t live in America? Fox News is a joke from overseas that I’m guessing most people here don’t quite think can be real.

The majority of muslims, the ones not blindly following every word in their holy book, not a problem. Stupid, but not a problem. The few that are, scary ****s. Their tendency to (1) Get into power in ****ty foreign countries, (2) Export little bits of their madness, also somewhat scary.

“Blindly follows every word of X” is going to produce a scary **** for most values of X, but there does seem to be a special level of scary for the bumorted abrahamic scriptures.

There are courts in this country (once again, for all the Skyman’s out there, I’m talking about the UK if I say “this country") where, admittedly for civil matters only, you can be tried under Sharia law. You have to consent to their “arbitration” first, but if you can be coerced into agreeing (if, say, you’re a muslim, in a muslim community, with a muslim family that you don’t want to “bring shame upon” for example) then the decision is legally binding. No hand-chopping, ‘cause it’s not a criminal court and that’d be ****ing insane, but it’s hard not to see it as a toe in the door.

The trends are encouraging; less and less people give a toss about religion every time they do a census. Even the ****ing Pope didn’t manage to sell all the tickets to his thing when he came here. But there are still hardcore religious types around, and not all religions have the benefit of centuries of gradually being disregarded to soften them up.

man-man Posted:

it’s hard not to see it as a toe in the door.

I wouldn’t say a toe in the door so much as very special favoritism. Are there Old Testament courts for Jews and Buddhist courts for Hindus? Of course not.

Muslims were not the ones to pbum the law creating the Sharai courts, though, dumbbumes who think Muslims are children who who won’t survive without ridiculous overcompensation for being in a new society did. They’re human like everyone else, they can keep their morals and traditions so long as they live within the laws of the country they reside in.

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Avatar: 115546 2015-08-12 18:58:09 -0400

[Harem and Sushi Bar]

Level 69 Hacker

DIRTY ****ING fine upstanding member of society woman's genitals

I only read the first little paragraph cause your post is tl;dr, but just an fyi I know you live in the UK. People here watch BBC so I bumume there are people there that watch fox/msnbc.

Dysnomia Posted:

I wish MercWithMouth was permabanned

I wish everyone in WeChall was permabanned

I wish Skyman747 was permabanned



Avatar: 156485 2010-01-24 16:36:14 -0500

[Harem and Sushi Bar]

Level 69 Hacker

Selfish fine upstanding member of society

Skyman747 Posted:

I only read the first little paragraph cause your post is tl;dr, but just an fyi I know you live in the UK. People here watch BBC so I bumume there are people there that watch fox/msnbc.

Not really. Our news is good enough for export.


Avatar: 104315 Sat Apr 11 13:02:16 -0400 2009

[The Scrotal Safety-

Level 40 Troll

i finally grew a male reproductive organ

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