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Avatar: 61989 2011-12-28 11:21:37 -0500

[Temple of the Anth-
ropomorphic Majesty

Level 35 Troll

Right from the moment when I saw Saw, I laughed.

Believe, Believe, in Celerysteve

The man known for his huge male reproductive organ

I see no reason why Celerysteven

Should ever be forgot…

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Celebrate stranger! Before you I am a certified stud of celebrity status, a central stone in forumwarz cyberspace static. Although certainly strange, my Cinderella story of cirgreat timesventing stupidity with cipherous strategy and certain style is a circus of stormy cynical striking. Ceasing such stanch censoriousness for a stint of civil standing, let me simply add that it’s my very good honor to meet you and you may call me Celerysteve.

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10/27/11 FLAMEBATE RPG UPDATED Flamebate RPG Dr. Seuss CS for Celerysteve Ban this Thread ET/Chuggo

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