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Teh Drama The Banning Game


Avatar: 148701 2010-01-03 11:24:25 -0500


Level 43 Hacker

“Backdoor Bob”

So its basically a banning game, you just have to make up a reason why the poster above you should be banned.

For eg.:-

Poster A: Banned because there’s no post above mine.

Poster B: Banned for first post

Poster C: Banned for being a ****



No trolling

Its just a game. Be nice lolwut

No srs bannedLog in to see images!

Ill start it off:-


SuperSonic edited this message on 09/06/2009 7:02AM


Avatar: 185740 Sun Jul 26 20:51:42 -0400 2009

[Everyday Regular N-
ormal Klan

Level 31 Troll


*user banned for making up a lame-bum game Log in to see images!


Avatar: 14557 2011-10-31 11:07:55 -0400


Level 69 Troll

:ronpaul: :****ing sucks:

^banned for pretending to be a girl on the Internet Log in to see images!


Avatar: 121820 2010-06-13 01:05:56 -0400

[Throne of Blood]

Level 60 Emo Kid

“Final Cut Pro”

quangntenemy Posted:

^banned for pretending to be a girl on the Internet Log in to see images!

Banned for harrbuming even the pretend women.

Player X

Avatar: 113668 2010-09-01 01:19:19 -0400

[Party Van Enthusia-

Level 66 Hacker

“Trojan Horse Magnum”

BloodyDemise Posted:

Banned for harrbuming even the pretend women.

Banned for sticking up for women when they should be in the kitchen, where they belong.

Joseph of Su-

Avatar: 182182 2014-09-14 14:41:25 -0400


Level 69 Hacker, Dev-free since 2012!

Banned for using the cheap bum “x” name modifier


Avatar: 185740 Sun Jul 26 20:51:42 -0400 2009

[Everyday Regular N-
ormal Klan

Level 31 Troll


*banned for being too dull to create his own avatar


Avatar: 148701 2010-01-03 11:24:25 -0500


Level 43 Hacker

“Backdoor Bob”

Banned for actually being creative and non-plagiaristic. How do you think I earned my rep?

SuperSonic edited this message on 09/06/2009 11:59AM


Avatar: 35643 2015-02-20 21:59:22 -0500

[Harem and Sushi Bar]

Level 62 Emo Kid

Hi, I'm an adult whos into bumes. But not boners!

Banned for being in Wechall.


Avatar: 152207 2011-11-01 00:46:41 -0400

[And The Banned Pla-
yed On

Level 47 Camwhore

I want to see some real, live poop.

Banned for tricking newbies into posting goatse.


Avatar: 70433 2014-06-07 22:10:47 -0400

[Grey Goose Mafiosi]

Level 60 Hacker

Ask me about how many male reproductive organs in my bum :zak:

Banned for being a hot chick.


Avatar: 12179 2010-01-24 16:27:57 -0500

[70 Character Story-

Level 35 Troll

You got a smudge there Phin... oh wait thats Trouts feces

I know all there is to know…about the banning game

I’ve had my share of the banning game

First there are kisses, then there are sighs

And then before you know where you are

You’re saying goodbye

One day soon I’m gonna tell the moon…about the banning game

And if he knows maybe he’ll explain

Don’t want no more of the banning game

Don’t want no more of the banning game

Don’t want no more of the banning game

Song parodies!


Avatar: 35643 2015-02-20 21:59:22 -0500

[Harem and Sushi Bar]

Level 62 Emo Kid

Hi, I'm an adult whos into bumes. But not boners!

Banned for writing something I can’t care enough about to read.


Avatar: 152207 2011-11-01 00:46:41 -0400

[And The Banned Pla-
yed On

Level 47 Camwhore

I want to see some real, live poop.

What’s this? What’s this?

There’s text everywhere

What’s this?

There’s harsh words in the air

What’s this?

I can’t believe my eyes

I must be dreaming

Wake up, Fie, this isn’t fair

What’s this?

What’s this? What’s this?

There’s something very wrong

What’s this?

There’s a bald man singing songs

What’s this?

The streets are lined with

Little creatures cursing

Everybody seems so angry

Have I possibly gone daffy?

What is this?

What’s this?

There are posters posting insults here

instead of posting content

They’re busy derailing

And absolutely no one’s good

There’s **** on every window

Oh, I can’t believe my eyes

And in my bones I feel the coldness

That’s coming from inside

Oh, look

What’s this?

They’re hanging allusions, they jerk

Why that looks so reused, uninspired

They’re gathering around to hear some drama

Roasting some newbie on a fire

What’s this?

What’s this?

In here they’ve got a webgame, how fabulous person

And who would ever think

And why?

They’re covering it with tiny little things

They’ve got electric lights on strings

but there’s a frown on everyone

So, now, correct me if I’m wrong

This looks like no fun

This looks like no fun

Oh, what could it be I got?

What’s this?

Oh my, what now?

The posters are asleep

But look, there’s nothing underneath

No action from the admins, no events here to amuse and delight them

Or ensnare them, only hollow little things

Promises of an Episode 3…

What’s this?

The goodness is all missing

And an improvement can’t be found

And in their place there seems to be

depressed feeling all around

Instead of laughs, I swear

I can hear boredom in the air

The smell of **** and ****

Is absolutely everywhere

The sights, the sounds

They’re everywhere and all around

I’ve never felt so bad before

This empty place inside of me is filling up

I simply cannot get away quick enough

I don’t want it, oh, I don’t want it

Oh, I don’t want it for my own

But I’ve got to know

But I’ve got to know

What is this place that I have found?

What is this?

Forumwarz Town, hmm…

Fie edited this message on 09/06/2009 1:55PM


Avatar: 79421 Tue May 26 22:06:20 -0400 2009

[Temple of the Anth-
ropomorphic Majesty

Level 35 Troll

It's actually an honor to be pranked, it means someone spent real money on you. Sir.

banned for meeting another FWZ player in real life


Avatar: 35643 2015-02-20 21:59:22 -0500

[Harem and Sushi Bar]

Level 62 Emo Kid

Hi, I'm an adult whos into bumes. But not boners!

banned for ninjaing me

CrinkzPipe edited this message on 09/06/2009 1:56PM


Avatar: 146808 2012-12-30 22:05:41 -0500

[Deth Krew 2010]

Level 69 Hacker

Scared of death

Fie Posted:

What’s this? What’s this?

There’s text everywhere

What’s this?

There’s harsh words in the air

What’s this?

I can’t believe my eyes

I must be dreaming

Wake up, Fie, this isn’t fair

What’s this?

What’s this? What’s this?

There’s something very wrong

What’s this?

There’s a bald man singing songs

What’s this?

The streets are lined with

Little creatures cursing

Everybody seems so angry

Have I possibly gone daffy?

What is this?

What’s this?

There are posters posting insults here

instead of posting content

They’re busy derailing

And absolutely no one’s good

There’s **** on every window

Oh, I can’t believe my eyes

And in my bones I feel the coldness

That’s coming from inside

Oh, look

What’s this?

They’re hanging allusions, they jerk

Why that looks so reused, uninspired

They’re gathering around to hear some drama

Roasting some newbie on a fire

What’s this?

What’s this?

In here they’ve got a webgame, how fabulous person

And who would ever think

And why?

They’re covering it with tiny little things

They’ve got electric lights on strings

but there’s a frown on everyone

So, now, correct me if I’m wrong

This looks like no fun

This looks like no fun

Oh, what could it be I got?

What’s this?

Oh my, what now?

The posters are asleep

But look, there’s nothing underneath

No action from the admins, no events here to amuse and delight them

Or ensnare them, only hollow little things

Promises of an Episode 3…

What’s this?

The goodness is all missing

And an improvement can’t be found

And in their place there seems to be

depressed feeling all around

Instead of laughs, I swear

I can hear boredom in the air

The smell of **** and ****

Is absolutely everywhere

The sights, the sounds

They’re everywhere and all around

I’ve never felt so bad before

This empty place inside of me is filling up

I simply cannot get away quick enough

I don’t want it, oh, I don’t want it

Oh, I don’t want it for my own

But I’ve got to know

But I’ve got to know

What is this place that I have found?

What is this?

Forumwarz Town, hmm…


Indiana Jonas

Avatar: 13850 2014-12-19 09:36:26 -0500

[At Least I Never M-
ade A Failure Of A-

Level 35 Troll


ballsacks lol

User banned for this post for being Hobart and posting in CD

Indiana Jonas edited this message on 09/06/2009 2:55PM


Avatar: 115546 2015-08-12 18:58:09 -0400

[Harem and Sushi Bar]

Level 69 Hacker

DIRTY ****ING fine upstanding member of society woman's genitals

user banned for failing at pretending to be banned


Avatar: Abstract Web


Level 16 Hacker

“Packet Sniffer ”

^ banned because mods were bored

Internet Delay Chat
Have fun playing!
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