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Forumwarz is the first "Massively Single-Player" online RPG completely built around Internet culture.

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Contest [CLOSED] [Closed] OFFICIAL Crotch Zombie Contest: Funniest Omegle Ogre! Win BP + E-Peen + Lulz + ???!!!

Vageena Davis

Avatar: 151797 2010-01-24 16:34:00 -0500

[pizza party]

Level 69 Camwhore

I am easily offended. I also suck fine upstanding member of society male reproductive organs.

Connecting to server…

Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.

You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: hi

You: Hi

You: how are you today?

Stranger: not bad u?

Stranger: ASL?

You: 17/f/GA

You: you?

Stranger: 18/M/UK

Stranger: wats GA?

You: georgia, USA

You: its a state

Stranger: oh yer i could of guessed that

Stranger: xD

You: i guess thats why they call this place omegle xD

Stranger: well i seriously hope they dont

Stranger: xd

Stranger: so tell me something that none of the other strangers would have?

You: you want me to tell you somethign that none of the other strangers would have told me?

Stranger: tell me

Stranger: =]

You: go to, sign up for a free account.

Stranger: wats forumwars?

Stranger: lol

You: just do it. you’ll see mammary glands

You: lots of them

Stranger: i aint that desperate hun

You: i’m going to post this conversation on the message boards there

Stranger: oh noes

You: yes.

You: to win a conest

Stranger: lol now thats sad oki

You: no its awesome

Stranger: wat prize do u get?

You: internet currency

You: plus respect

Stranger: now thats some sad shizz rite there

Stranger: is that moni like on facebook

You: no, I already explained to you, its awesome.

You: yes, kinda like that

Stranger: u need respect over the interent?

Stranger: girl wat u need is a reality check

Stranger: xD

You: yes. from people I don’t know

Stranger: kk reality check ****

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

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Avatar: 64129 Thu Oct 16 17:05:30 -0400 2008

[Haxxorz Hell]

Level 33 Hacker

This Stays On The Internet

Connecting to server…

You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: helll

Stranger: o

You: **** YOU


You: ot. Log in to see images!

You: Log in to see images!

Stranger: why cpme on if your just gonna be a prick

Stranger: ‘no man


You: noob

Stranger: your ****ing imature up the bum dogg

You: don’t ill with the ****ING FILLIN

Stranger: imma noob, and your a male reproductive organleess fabulous person

You: up the bum UP UR MOMS bum

You: MY male reproductive organS BIGGER THAN YOURS

Stranger: ill **** ur mom up her bum


Your conversational partner has disconnected.



Avatar: 83756 2009-10-01 09:57:31 -0400

[Phantasmagoric Spl-

Level 69 Hacker

Making laws and snuggling dark matter.


Talk to strangers!

3470 users online

the Funadvice Traffic Exchange

Connecting to server…

Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.

You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: hi

You: GOD!

Stranger: WHERE?

You: Sorry


Stranger: Oh ****!

Stranger: Repent

Stranger: the end is very nigh!

You: Ok

You: I repent

You: Now what?

Stranger: Now.

You: NOW?

Stranger: We play ski ball with jesus

You: Awesome

Stranger: Not really

Stranger: He’s really good

Stranger: I mean come on.

Stranger: he’s the son of god

You: Yep

Stranger: How is that fair

You: I know

Stranger: and you can’t turn him down

You: But… maybe we can pull something off

You: how about satan?

Stranger: He goes all “hey do you recall when i died for your sins?”

Stranger: What about him.

You: I forgot about that…

You: Well, Satan has powers and stuff

You: Maybe he’s good at ski ball

Stranger: That be a great match

You: Yes

Stranger: best part

Stranger: Jesus can’t cheat

You: But Satan can. And will cheat

You: Maybe satan will win

Stranger: We should call satan up.

You: yep

You: Do you have his number?

Stranger: 666-666-6661

You: Ok, i’ll dial it

Stranger: I bet he busy.

Stranger: I mean we did just have the kulling of all mankind.

You: OK.

You: Satan says he…

You: Will be there

Stranger: Awesome

You: Yeah.

You: Better get some cheerleaders

You: And beer

Stranger: I was totally going to pretend to be a 13 year old girl. and spam ________________░▒▒▓▒▒▒▒▒▒▓▓▒░____________________ _________________________

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_____________▓▓▒▒▒▓▓▓▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▓▓░_________________ ________________░▒▒▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▒_________

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_░▓▓▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▓▓▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ ▒▒▒▒ ▒▒▒▒▒▒▓__▒▒▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▒▒▒▒▒▒

Stranger: but this turned out well

You: Yeah

Stranger: You did good.

You: You totally fooled me

Stranger: Hey, i don’t practice.

You: You’re really a guy

You: Aren’t you?

Stranger: Clearly

You: Heh. My feminine instinct is never wrong

Stranger: So

You: How about you?

Stranger: hmm?

You: Yeah…

Stranger: yep…

You: I guess so…

Stranger: i can’t call you out if your not a chick

Stranger: well played

You: Maybe we can hang out

You: And have a beer

Stranger: and speak of old times

You: Yes. And old friends

Stranger: Where you from?

You: Europe

You: You?

Stranger: R.I the states.

You: Far away, man

Stranger: thats a long way to travel

Stranger: been here long have you?

Stranger: on the site i mean

You: Not really. 5 minutes

Stranger: Ohh

Stranger: well

You: How about you?

Stranger: I found it the other day

You: Cool. I just found it.

Stranger: its a good time sink

You: And it’s pretty funny

You: Yep

You: I like time sinks

Stranger: With other people.

You: And robots

Stranger: You could be a bot

You: I am a real person

Stranger: I could be a bot for that matter

Stranger: Am i?

You: You are a real person too

Stranger: Good.

Stranger: I was worried.

You: Nah, you seem to be very human and random

You: Robots are predictable

Stranger: good point.

Stranger: Who sent you this site?

You: And boring and… you know. Someone sent me on this site

You: To check it out

Stranger: same

You: Maybe it’s the same person

Stranger: Gatcity?

You: Yes!

You: Man, this is weird

Stranger: So…

You: Yeah…

Stranger: Wanna get breakfast?

You: Sure. It’s on me

Stranger: your a kind person.

You: I’m a cool guy

Stranger: Well i’ll see you.

Stranger: Time to be random.

You: Hey, wait.

Stranger: ?

You: Ok.

Stranger: Wait for what

You: For Gaticity to join


You: Ok. I know about that

Stranger: Then to join?

You: It’s not the time. Soon, very soon

Stranger: lurk all you like, beware you will be berated.

Stranger: its what we do

You: I am no lurker

Stranger: your a stranger

You: I am your best buddy


You: YES! High five down low

Stranger: woot

You: Hehe. True

Stranger: best of luck

You: Hey, wait

Stranger: ?

You: It works

Stranger: Ah

You: Yep… I know.

You: Holy Jesus

Stranger: ?

Stranger: He lost?

You: Nope. He plays pretty darn well

You: But Satan is good too

Stranger: afk

Stranger: Bathroom!

You: Hey

You: Come back soon

Stranger: heh

You: I have the bathroom close to my chair

Stranger: Why?

You: It’s convenient

Stranger: i suppose

Stranger: Doesn’t it smell?

You: My **** don’t smell!

Stranger: You said you were a man!

You: I am a man

You: A bionic man, that is

Stranger: A robot!

You: Not quite

You: My brain is human…

Stranger: cyborg

You: So to speak…

Stranger: So had any interesting convos?

Stranger: beside this one

You: This is my first

Stranger: Ohh

You: And it’s pretty interesting

Stranger: Awesome

Stranger: watch out, some can be creepy

You: I know. But I have a vivid imagination

You: Wait…. how creepy?

Stranger: 4 times in a row

You: Impressive

Stranger: people opened up with cyber? or

Stranger: m/f

You: That’s boring

Stranger: then quit if i said no or M

Stranger: yeah

You: And predictable

Stranger: but so many in row creeped me out

Stranger: also one time it was this far into a convo

You: People are boring. Most of them

You: How far?

Stranger: Like we had been talking this long

Stranger: “so…i was wondering”

You: Indeed?

Stranger: indeed

You: Agreed

Stranger: So

You: I was wondering

Stranger: oh god

You: Not this again

Stranger: Its all happening again

You: Wait for the bleep

Stranger: D:

You: Look outside now

You: Do you smell it?

Stranger: you said look

Stranger: my window was closed!

You: I am dada

You: Open your mind

You: And your bum will follow

Stranger: beware the walking dude.

You: I have cleaned my thrash bin

You: How about you? Is it clean?

Stranger: no

Stranger: Its full

You: Empty it. Like a cup of tea

Stranger: overflowing

You: Like a buffer

Stranger: Streaming into the dumpster

You: It’s a strange sensation

Stranger: Hmm

You: What do you know?

Stranger: I know many things

You: What do you don’t know?

Stranger: future

You: Are you sure?

Stranger: Well i’m debating too paths

You: The future controls the present in my opinion

Stranger: Were always moving to it

Stranger: No one cares for the now

Stranger: It more about tomorrow

You: The present is an illusion

Stranger: Time is an illusion

You: Time is just anotehr dimension

You: Look at your hand

Stranger: both?

You: No. Just one of them

Stranger: k

You: What do you see?

Stranger: my hand

You: Details, details, man

Stranger: cracks

Stranger: callouses

Stranger: a burn

Stranger: a cut

You: Interesting. How many cracks

Stranger: one

You: Is it a deep cut?

Stranger: no its healing

You: How did you get it?

Stranger: from a knife

Stranger: in clbum


Avatar: 83756 2009-10-01 09:57:31 -0400

[Phantasmagoric Spl-

Level 69 Hacker

Making laws and snuggling dark matter.

You: A rusty knife?

Stranger: No it was clean

You: What clbum was it?

Stranger: My Hot and cold plated dessert clbum

You: Sounds boring to me

Stranger: Eh

Stranger: at times

You: Clbumes rise, clbumes fall, Mao said that

Stranger: Great leap foward

You: He was a great dictator

Stranger: I thought stalin overall did more

You: It depends. But you could say that

You: Mao killed more people

Stranger: Are we going by his own or others?

You: By his own, of course

Stranger: Well stalin might get a mark up if you count military decisions.

Stranger: that he ****ed up

Stranger: and got his own men killed

You: He had the geographic adevantage

You: Hitler ****ed up

You: Napoleon ****ed up

Stranger: For invading?

You: Indeed. The Soviets had three generals: cold, distance and mud

You: Mud as in bad roads

Stranger: I think they saw Russsia as supporting Britain soon

Stranger: so just acted with a preemptive.

You: Well, Hitler ****ed up

Stranger: Oh totally defense would of beent he way to go

You: He rushed into it

Stranger: I think japan should of avoided attacking us as well

You: Maybe, but that was a different story

Stranger: We really didn’t want to get involved beyond supporting supplies and small amount of men

You: Pearl harbour changed that

Stranger: yep

You: USA pride and all that

Stranger: It was really that we cut off japan from oil if i recall

You: You take pride in your country

Stranger: they needed that.

You: Oil is essential in war

You: Black gold

Stranger: Texas T

You: Indeed

Stranger: Oh god

Stranger: I just got that.

You: But that was that

You: Second world war

Stranger: GG no RM

You: Also, no blood for oil

Stranger: Yeah…

Stranger: yeah..

You: What about Obama?

Stranger: I’ll give him a year before i judge him

You: Very well said

Stranger: I mean he wasn’t really handed a good start

You: But he started well

Stranger: Oh yes

You: All this Obama mania

Stranger: Have you been to DC?

You: No. I’m not a gib fan of USA

You: A big fan i mean

Stranger: Ah, sorry to hear that

Stranger: not that i don’t blame you

Stranger: or say you don’t have valid cause

You: Well, you know. It’s too much Big Brother

Stranger: It just its upsetting to be hated.

You: You have a ****ed up country

You: A bipolar country

Stranger: Well said with that

Stranger: 4 years we might be crazy, we might be sane

Stranger: 8 years we maybe something else.

You: Some of you are insane

Stranger: Some of us are idiots.

You: That’s a clichee

Stranger: True, they’re everywhere

You: And that corporation paranoia

You: And… the rest. Some are true, some are garbage, some are everywhere

Stranger: I do dislike corporations to some point.

You: Same here

Stranger: Because some are generally out only for themselves.

Stranger: and are ruthless.

You: That’s the general perception

You: I can’t really name a good corporation

You: Not even google

Stranger: Really?

You: Google spooks me out

Stranger: Whats google done?

Stranger: Oh..oh..

Stranger: Damn never really saw it that way

You: Well think about it

Stranger: almost everyone uses

Stranger: to find everything

Stranger: or anything

You: Yes. It’s a monopoly

You: And Google is trying to take over other sectors

Stranger: Yeah but they wouldn’t be the first i’d crack down on

You: Heh, Microsoft?

Stranger: No

Stranger: I forget the name sadly

You: IBM then

Stranger: but in the states

Stranger: all the seeds and food

Stranger: is crontoled by i think two companyies.

You: Are controlled by…

You: Interesting

Stranger: Well they sell the seed

Stranger: they also grow or rent out land to farmers

Stranger: Then they ship it and sell it

You: Well, I aways say that Big Pharma is the most evil

You: But you have a point

You: Food is essential

Stranger: I’m in the food industry or plan to be

Stranger: So they tell us things like this

You: it’s good that they tell you

You: And don’t try to manipulate you

Stranger: I mean its really several companies but they’re under the umbrella of another

Stranger: Its gone gobal too

Stranger: last i heard it was in Mexico and India.

You: That was the nazi dream: at the surface to have variety

You: But all controlled by a single authority

You: Maybe if we follow the tracks…

You: But that’s another conspiracy theory

Stranger: heh

You: Yeah. Those amuse me

Stranger: Yeah one of my friends is big on telling me them

You: Those guys have some facts, but the way they glue them together

You: Is ridicolous

Stranger: does flat earth society fit in there?

You: But there’s a seed of truth

You: Flat Earth Society. Heard about it

Stranger: Some do make you question.

Stranger: Which is nice.

You: It’s beyond nice

You: It’s what I love. Thinks that make you ponder

Stranger: I never heard many about other countries.

You: That’s what i dislike about you americans

You: Most of you are ignorant about the rest of the world

You: But on the other hand, your educational system is pretty good

Stranger: could you tell me the others?

Stranger: The names at least

You: The other countries?

Stranger: No Log in to see images!

Stranger: The conspiracy theory names

You: Ah, well: the illuminati is a good one

Stranger: Oh

You: You heard about that one?

Stranger: yeah

Stranger: Read a book awhile ago on the freemasons

Stranger: And how the illuminati members became freemasons

You: Indeed. And their connection with the templars

You: And that.. covenant

You: So, yeah. Under the umbrella of the Illuminati there are lots of theories

Stranger: I’d say thats more global theory

You: Exactly. It’s all conected.

You: All the pieces fit

You: And that’s pretty ridicolous

Stranger: I was speaking more along the lines i don’t know more localized ones.

Stranger: I mean outside of ww2

You: Here are some others: area 51, the bilderberg group

You: roswell

You: Skull and bones

Stranger: Oh skull and bones

You: Nazis and ufos

You: Yeah, skull and bones. Preyy big too

Stranger: crystal skulls.

You: Now thats another cool subject

You: Turns out those skulls were a hoax

Stranger: yeah that was depressing

You: Sort of

You: But there are a lot of misteries left

You: Tons of misteries

Stranger: Hitler and the spear of destiny

You: Yeah, that’s another weird theory

Stranger: Project Odessa

You: I don’t know about that one

Stranger: That was is proven pretty much but there thing that surround it

Stranger: It was before the war ended allot of germans shipping to south America

You: Go on…

Stranger: One person said hitlers death was a houx

Stranger: that there was a attempt on restarting the war

You: Ah, I know. Nazis in south america

Stranger: Yep

Stranger: I like the odd things around world war 1 too

Stranger: ones a theory the other i think was proven

Stranger: not sure on the details

You: Don’t know much about that

Stranger: the Christmas cease fire?

You: No

Stranger: Oh on christmas there was a cease fire and the french song christmas songs, the germans song some back

Stranger: the part i’m unsure of

You: Interesting

Stranger: is i recall someone saying is the met in no mans land

Stranger: and kinda drank and sang for a bit

You: Weird

Stranger: Yeah

You: You seem to be pretty knowledgeable

Stranger: I try to be.

You: Same here

You: So I alwayd end up having interesting covnersations

Stranger: Always something to talk about

You: Endless talks. I know

Stranger: but i have to go.

Stranger: it was really nice speaking with you

You: Same here, man

You: Hope we’ll chat again

You: We all know

You: that… it’s wont happen

You: You know why?

Stranger: Why

Stranger: D:

You: That will remain a mistery, my random friend

Stranger: Curse you detective.

You: I’m not sure now

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

or send us feedback.


Avatar: 83756 2009-10-01 09:57:31 -0400

[Phantasmagoric Spl-

Level 69 Hacker

Making laws and snuggling dark matter.

Hobo the hobo

Avatar: Nipple Piercing


Level 20 Troll

“Li'l Hellraiser”

waitwat short and…well not so sweet.

Stranger: hi

You: did u do sex cuz i did once but it hurt

You: bad

You: ??????????????????

Stranger: good I like

Stranger: ****


Avatar: Middle Finger

Level 9 Troll

“Jerk Chicken”

Connecting to server…

Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.

You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: hi

Stranger: hii

You: ever heard of forumwarz?

Stranger: uhh….. nope

You: the online game about the internet

Stranger: oh really?

You: ya

Stranger: cooool

You: sign up and tubmail jalapeno bootyhole and he will send you child porn

You: also giant woman's genitalss

Stranger: ....

Your conversational partner has disconnected.


Avatar: Middle Finger

Level 9 Troll

“Jerk Chicken”

better one

Connecting to server…

Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.

You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: lube it up real nice cause im gonna stick it in your tight little bumhole

You: oh yess plaese do

You: real hard

Stranger: would you like that?

You: id love it

Stranger: i will give you no remorse

Stranger: i will tear your bumhole apart

You: no remorse needed

Stranger: prolapse you

You: so youll goatse me then?

Stranger: and im gonna shoot a load in your bumhole so you remember the carnage the next time you ****

You: lol

Stranger: goatse is a lesser of a term needed here

You: mega goatse?

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

he left before i could mention forumwarz.Log in to see images! peach_fart edited this message on 04/08/2009 10:34PM

Sexy Beast

Avatar: Guitar Girl

[Your Moms Fan Club]

Level 35 Camwhore

“Legs Wide Open”

Connecting to server…

Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.

You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: hi

Stranger: hello

You: m or f

You: ?

Stranger: m

Stranger: YOu

Stranger: >

You: **** u

You: wanna **** me

You: ?

You: im a male also

You: and

Stranger: **** you fabulous person motha****a

You: i need sum nice fine upstanding member of society male reproductive organ

You: in my mouth

Stranger: what makes you think im some white fine upstanding member of society trash

Stranger: you fabulous person

You: ur not white ur a black niger

You: im giving u a compliment fine upstanding member of society

You: saying u have a big male reproductive organ

You: ur welgreat times

You: u should b thanking me

You: fine upstanding member of society

You: fine upstanding member of society

Stranger: white trash

You: fried chicken

Stranger: white trash

You: for dinner

Stranger: white trash

You: o wow im scared

You: fine upstanding member of society

Stranger: o wow im scared

You: hitler shoulda kill u other then the jews

Stranger: white trash

Stranger: too bad

You: i like the jews more

You: then u ****in fine upstanding member of societys

Stranger: that’s ok

You: smellin up my neigborhood

Stranger: too

You: blattt

You: blattt

Stranger: bad

You: blatt

Stranger: white trash

You: go back on that boat 2 africa

Stranger: don’t take showers

You: u ****in kenyan

Stranger: hahahaha

You: go ****in run 10 miles

You: *cracks whip*

You: u ****in fine upstanding member of society

You: go

You: go

Stranger: white trash

You: go

You: !!

You: great times on!

Stranger: white trash

You: fine upstanding member of society

You: !!

Stranger: white trash

Stranger: white trash

Stranger: you devil

You: u want my big white male reproductive organ in ur bum dont u

Stranger: devil

Stranger: devil

You: o wowww

You: the devill

Stranger: you vampire

You: wtf is he goinna do

You: \u ****in fine upstanding member of society

You: hes on my side wit this one

You: he hates u fine upstanding member of societys also

Stranger: no your the devil white trash are

Stranger: they vampire

You: thats y u all go 2 a white place called heaven

You: cause its all white up there

You: and i no how u fine upstanding member of societys hate white

You: and pplz runnin around in the kkk

You: u ****ing fine upstanding member of society

Stranger: white trash

Stranger: white trash

Stranger: white trash

You: umm

Stranger: go and take a shower

Stranger: white trash

You: is that all u ****in dumb fine upstanding member of society bum has 2 say

Stranger: you stink

You: ?

You: lmfao

You: ur a fine upstanding member of society

Stranger: white trash

You: where do u ive3

Stranger: white trash

Stranger: cracker

You: ill send my friends from the kkk 2 ur ****in niger bum house

You: so i cn ****in get ur bum ****in linched

Stranger: you ****ing waste of space on earth

You: u ****in fine upstanding member of society

You: i hope u die

You: dude!

Stranger: cracker

You: ur the color of night

Stranger: cracker

You: u watse more s[ace then me

Stranger: cracker

You: o wow

You: im a cracker

Stranger: cracker

You: big whoop

You: but ur a fine upstanding member of society

You: and thats even worse

Stranger: that’s why you’re dumb

You: u ****in fine upstanding member of society

Stranger: and can’t even spell

Stranger: you white trash

You: cause ur a fine upstanding member of society!

You: i dont like nigers

You: !

Stranger: you’re mother is a **** and you’re daddy sucks male reproductive organ

You: they can all go rot inna ****in ditch and rot inna bigger ditch

Stranger: white trash

Stranger: you ****ing cracker

You: okay and im proud of that

You: my mom is a ****

You: ohh wow

Stranger: go and have sex with you mother

You: a ur mom joke

You: wtf is that

You: and a ur dad joke?

Stranger: like all you white people

You: wtf is that

Stranger: do

Stranger: trash

You: they dont even have those

You: get some new material

You: u ****ing fine upstanding member of society

Stranger: you fabulous person

You: ohh now its fabulous person?

You: read a boo

Stranger: white trash

You: get a better vocabulary

You: u ****in ignurant niger

Stranger: you can’t even spell book

You: go ****in play sum forumwarz

Stranger: hahahaha you can’t even spell ignorant

Stranger: dumbbum

Stranger: white trash

Stranger: learn how to spell

You: but im automatically smarter then u cause

You: UR A fine upstanding member of society



You: AND

Stranger: stupid white trash



You: IS UR ****IN


You: AND

You: UR ****IN


Stranger: OBAMA is the president you white trash



Stranger: you cracker

You: HES HALF fine upstanding member of society

You: HALF fine upstanding member of societyS DONT COUNT

Stranger: white trash

You: UR A FULL fine upstanding member of society




Stranger: you think you putting that hurts my feelings


Stranger: you dumbbum


Stranger: I don’t give a **** about you

Stranger: I hope you die

You: and i dont give a **** about nigegrs

Stranger: you cracker

You: fine upstanding member of societys*

You: okay fine

You: u fine upstanding member of society

You: u can go kill urself

You: fine upstanding member of society

You: go back 2 kenya

You: where u ****in belong

You: watch ima b the next hiter

Stranger: don’t leave I have a surprise for you

You: and its 2 kill u ****in fine upstanding member of societys

You: and rid u outta the fine upstanding member of society infested united states


Stranger: Your IP address has been traced and infected with the Conficker.C virus

Stranger: hahahaha

Stranger: bumhole

Stranger: you cracker

Stranger: white trash

Stranger: you dumb ****

Stranger: you cracker

Stranger: white trash

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

I AM NOT RACEST… THIS GUY JUST CANT TAKE A JOKE… I LOVE ALL U fine upstanding member of societyS IN THE WORLD =] Log in to see images!


Avatar: 64129 Thu Oct 16 17:05:30 -0400 2008

[Haxxorz Hell]

Level 33 Hacker

This Stays On The Internet

Connecting to server…

You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: hey

Stranger: waddup rider !

You: do you know any jokes?

Stranger: what your sex aaight ?!?

Stranger: jup jup


You: aiiiiiiiiight!!!


Stranger: it is black and if it falls out of a tree, then your furnace is broken !!!!

Stranger: what is it ?!!?

You: a dirty fabulous person

Stranger: NOOO FAKKING ****


You: **** YOU

You: FAKKER Log in to see images!

Stranger: i kill you with my firm dic k !! !


You: 4EVER

Stranger: male reproductive organ in hand, singign songs from da hitler jugend aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaight

You: i kill you with my ****ting male reproductive organnipples!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Stranger: west-saaaaight

You: east-saaaaaaaaight!!!

Stranger: i like horse porn man Log in to see images!

You: U ****ING CRIP

You: omg bestiality


Stranger: those horses **** like crayzey whahahahhahah Log in to see images! i do too !!


Stranger: **** THEM PIGS @@



Stranger: DEATH !! ! TILL NO LIFE !!


Stranger: I HAVE THREE HORSES fine upstanding member of society !



You: DOUBLE fine upstanding member of society




Stranger: then ol bobby here screams like a little child when its ****ed with a ****ING CUgreat timesBER WAHHAAHHAHA KRUKRUKRURKURKRU

You: lolwut

Stranger: well i’m off killing first-graders

Stranger: BUBAY

You: DIE fabulous person


Stranger: dag lieve jongen Log in to see images!

You: im posting this conversation online

You: on

You: check it out


Stranger: BOBBY DONT KNOW !!

Stranger: BOBBY DONT KNOW ! !


You have disconnected.


Omegle Posted:

Stranger: then ol bobby here screams like a little child when its ****ed with a ****ING CUgreat timesBER WAHHAAHHAHA KRUKRUKRURKURKRU

You: lolwut


AtomicScripter edited this message on 04/08/2009 10:52PM


Avatar: 64129 Thu Oct 16 17:05:30 -0400 2008

[Haxxorz Hell]

Level 33 Hacker

This Stays On The Internet

Connecting to server…

Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.

You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: Hi!

Stranger: hi

You: Would you like to be a beta tester for my new game?

You: You can make lots of rupees!

You: And be famous!

You: And maybe become president!

Stranger: ok,let’s try…

You: Okay, to play, you need a special controller.

You: It’s like, a… capsule.

Stranger: ok

You: You don’t have to buy it.

You: We can supply one.

You: The game is called Candle.

You: You play a giant candle.

You: You light children on fire, and they laugh, and eat cake!

Stranger: ok

You: You have to fill the container with liquid nitrogen, then pour lighted pitch through a funnel into the tube.

You: This simulates the sensations of being a candle.

You: You can play the game on your Station for Playing.

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Win…? Log in to see images!


Avatar: 159411 2009-11-14 17:42:21 -0500

Level 67 Troll

oh god why

Connecting to server…

Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.

You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: oi

You: i liek turtlez

You: do u liek turtlez?

Stranger: i like boobiez

You: o

You: wel

You: turtlez has boobies

Stranger: ewwwwwww

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Re dei sepol-

Avatar: 94160 Sun Aug 02 22:32:53 -0400 2009

Level 35 Troll

“Problem Child IV”

I dont know if this is good for the contest but it is extremely funny!Sorry if i forgeted to copy the log but only the screens.It is long and the auto-resizing of the forum may make it hard to read(i actually have tried many options to make it as readable as possible, this is the best i have come up with).

It started innocently enough then the guy said that he wanted to go to japan and here i came up with this idea.Look how i slowly take him in a world of horrors that gets worse and worse,Look how he started interested but then became more and more disgusted.And then the pearl of the father,when the guy started to understand with who he messed, he craped its pants!

He will never place a feet even near japan in all its life!!!Log in to see images!

Log in to see images!

Log in to see images!

Log in to see images!

Log in to see images!

Log in to see images!

Log in to see images!

Log in to see images!

Log in to see images!

Log in to see images!

Re dei sepolcri edited this message on 04/09/2009 1:03AM


Avatar: 79421 Tue May 26 22:06:20 -0400 2009

[Temple of the Anth-
ropomorphic Majesty

Level 35 Troll

It's actually an honor to be pranked, it means someone spent real money on you. Sir.

Log in to see images!


Avatar: 79421 Tue May 26 22:06:20 -0400 2009

[Temple of the Anth-
ropomorphic Majesty

Level 35 Troll

It's actually an honor to be pranked, it means someone spent real money on you. Sir.










Log in to see images!

Log in to see images!

Log in to see images!

Log in to see images!

Log in to see images!


Avatar: Bacteria

[We Built This Klan-
On Rock And Roll

Level 31 Troll


Connecting to server…

Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.

You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: Hai

Stranger: Hello. Age/sex?

You: legal/male

You: You?

Stranger: I murder animals for fun

You: Nice

You: Sex?

Stranger: Im a dude. Legal as well

You: kk

You: You liek ghey bumsecks?

Stranger: No. woman's genitalsl is alright with me. You straight??

You: No

You: wanna have e-sex?

Stranger: Sounds like fun

Stranger: And no I don’t


Avatar: Code (Green)

Level 12 Hacker


Connecting to server…

Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.

You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: horse

Stranger: dog

You: waffle

Stranger: ****

You: chocolate

Stranger: cake

You: forumwarzx

Stranger: WoW

You: Forumwarz!

Your conversational partner has disconnected


Damn opera web browser, didnt copy the disconnect bit from the log GAH

i edited it in

Eclipse2020 edited this message on 04/09/2009 7:57AM


Avatar: 77214 Thu Nov 06 20:03:31 -0500 2008

Level 39 Troll

“Hot Sauce in the Dick Hole”

You: I need your help

Stranger: why?

You: I know I shouldn’t be asking a random stranger, but it’s really simple

You: my website needs pageviews, or it’ll be taken down soon

You: if you can, just visit it, look around, and get out

You: that is all

Stranger: ok

You: thanks! you’re a lifesaver!


Stranger: thts somekind of porn or gore site

You: of course not

Stranger: i knew it

Stranger: bumhole

You: LULZ have a nice day

You: better press that Disconnect bumon now, because I have more

Stranger: yes

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Log in to see images!


Avatar: Server Hacker

[Island of Avalon]

Level 69 Hacker

“Trojan Horse Magnum”

Connecting to server…

You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: hi

You: Wanna here something cool that everybody knws?

Stranger: no

You: Is dat yes?

Stranger: yes

Stranger: r u girl?

You: The fbi takez all da chaild pornagruphee of the intarwebz and faps to it

Stranger: ...

You: !!!

You: They izz stealking ur lawli

Stranger: 听不懂你说什么

You: Yes yours

Stranger: what

Stranger: where r u?

Stranger: ...

Your conversational partner has disconnected.


Avatar: Server Hacker

[Island of Avalon]

Level 69 Hacker

“Trojan Horse Magnum”

Connecting to server…

You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: O hai

You: fine upstanding member of society

You: fine upstanding member of society

You: fine upstanding member of society fine upstanding member of society CHICKEN DINNER

Stranger: HelloLog in to see images!

You: ANSWER fine upstanding member of society

Stranger: asl?

You: I’ll give you you sum chaild pornagruphee 4 ur phone number and name

You: fine upstanding member of society

Stranger: what im a with personLog in to see images!

You: fine upstanding member of society PEDO

You: PEDO fine upstanding member of society

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Internet Delay Chat
Have fun playing!
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