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Haxxorz Hell

This is the profile page for a klan in Forumwarz. Forumwarz is the first "Massively Single-Player" online RPG completely built around Internet culture.

Hey, this is Haxxorz Hell. Things aren’t amazing looking because we got our page hacked, just like everyone else. Reconstruction is in progress.

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Name Klan Title Player Class Level Cred
Image Alex141516 I'm Alex? Hacker 16 400487
Image AtomicScripter Mastor Haxxor Hacker 33 63512533
Image Blackie Chan Blackula Hacker 23 2894691
Image buckeyefan1191 Fan of Buckeyes Hacker 11 84506
Image CR33D1ShD3thCU1t... Almost Good Hacker 8 24696
Image DOKTOR_CUTTY Budget Cuts are Ineffective Hacker 27 9913155
Image dragonblade629 VORPAL Dragonblade. Hacker 11 91682
Image Ehyeh Ohyeh? Ehyeh. Hacker 12 108405
Image Elphaba Haxxor Emo Kid 40 249938428
Image hostil3alien Cuddly Alien Hacker 27 10522104
Image Jeffthejar Script Kiddie Hacker 12 122040
Image Jewba Dirty Jew Hacker 25 6286726
Image KarnEdge Nom Nom Nom, oh hai! Hacker 20 1402252
Image KhahacK Big-Fat-Meanie-Head-Face-Pants Hacker 32 49912522
Image Kikko Mastor Altz Camwhore 21 1809574
Image M-O M Equal to or Greater Than 0 Hacker 25 6044138
Image manu de hanoi HAWAIIAN IS FOR fabulous personS Hacker 9 46508
Image masonga Script Kiddie Hacker 22 2348412
Image mority m(in)ority Hacker 19 991350
Image Natsuki Haxxor Hacker 9 49326
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