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Avatar: 83756 2009-10-01 09:57:31 -0400

[Phantasmagoric Spl-

Level 69 Hacker

Making laws and snuggling dark matter.


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You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

Stranger: hi

You: GOD!

Stranger: WHERE?

You: Sorry


Stranger: Oh ****!

Stranger: Repent

Stranger: the end is very nigh!

You: Ok

You: I repent

You: Now what?

Stranger: Now.

You: NOW?

Stranger: We play ski ball with jesus

You: Awesome

Stranger: Not really

Stranger: He’s really good

Stranger: I mean come on.

Stranger: he’s the son of god

You: Yep

Stranger: How is that fair

You: I know

Stranger: and you can’t turn him down

You: But… maybe we can pull something off

You: how about satan?

Stranger: He goes all “hey do you recall when i died for your sins?”

Stranger: What about him.

You: I forgot about that…

You: Well, Satan has powers and stuff

You: Maybe he’s good at ski ball

Stranger: That be a great match

You: Yes

Stranger: best part

Stranger: Jesus can’t cheat

You: But Satan can. And will cheat

You: Maybe satan will win

Stranger: We should call satan up.

You: yep

You: Do you have his number?

Stranger: 666-666-6661

You: Ok, i’ll dial it

Stranger: I bet he busy.

Stranger: I mean we did just have the kulling of all mankind.

You: OK.

You: Satan says he…

You: Will be there

Stranger: Awesome

You: Yeah.

You: Better get some cheerleaders

You: And beer

Stranger: I was totally going to pretend to be a 13 year old girl. and spam ________________░▒▒▓▒▒▒▒▒▒▓▓▒░____________________ _________________________

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Stranger: but this turned out well

You: Yeah

Stranger: You did good.

You: You totally fooled me

Stranger: Hey, i don’t practice.

You: You’re really a guy

You: Aren’t you?

Stranger: Clearly

You: Heh. My feminine instinct is never wrong

Stranger: So

You: How about you?

Stranger: hmm?

You: Yeah…

Stranger: yep…

You: I guess so…

Stranger: i can’t call you out if your not a chick

Stranger: well played

You: Maybe we can hang out

You: And have a beer

Stranger: and speak of old times

You: Yes. And old friends

Stranger: Where you from?

You: Europe

You: You?

Stranger: R.I the states.

You: Far away, man

Stranger: thats a long way to travel

Stranger: been here long have you?

Stranger: on the site i mean

You: Not really. 5 minutes

Stranger: Ohh

Stranger: well

You: How about you?

Stranger: I found it the other day

You: Cool. I just found it.

Stranger: its a good time sink

You: And it’s pretty funny

You: Yep

You: I like time sinks

Stranger: With other people.

You: And robots

Stranger: You could be a bot

You: I am a real person

Stranger: I could be a bot for that matter

Stranger: Am i?

You: You are a real person too

Stranger: Good.

Stranger: I was worried.

You: Nah, you seem to be very human and random

You: Robots are predictable

Stranger: good point.

Stranger: Who sent you this site?

You: And boring and… you know. Someone sent me on this site

You: To check it out

Stranger: same

You: Maybe it’s the same person

Stranger: Gatcity?

You: Yes!

You: Man, this is weird

Stranger: So…

You: Yeah…

Stranger: Wanna get breakfast?

You: Sure. It’s on me

Stranger: your a kind person.

You: I’m a cool guy

Stranger: Well i’ll see you.

Stranger: Time to be random.

You: Hey, wait.

Stranger: ?

You: Ok.

Stranger: Wait for what

You: For Gaticity to join


You: Ok. I know about that

Stranger: Then to join?

You: It’s not the time. Soon, very soon

Stranger: lurk all you like, beware you will be berated.

Stranger: its what we do

You: I am no lurker

Stranger: your a stranger

You: I am your best buddy


You: YES! High five down low

Stranger: woot

You: Hehe. True

Stranger: best of luck

You: Hey, wait

Stranger: ?

You: It works

Stranger: Ah

You: Yep… I know.

You: Holy Jesus

Stranger: ?

Stranger: He lost?

You: Nope. He plays pretty darn well

You: But Satan is good too

Stranger: afk

Stranger: Bathroom!

You: Hey

You: Come back soon

Stranger: heh

You: I have the bathroom close to my chair

Stranger: Why?

You: It’s convenient

Stranger: i suppose

Stranger: Doesn’t it smell?

You: My **** don’t smell!

Stranger: You said you were a man!

You: I am a man

You: A bionic man, that is

Stranger: A robot!

You: Not quite

You: My brain is human…

Stranger: cyborg

You: So to speak…

Stranger: So had any interesting convos?

Stranger: beside this one

You: This is my first

Stranger: Ohh

You: And it’s pretty interesting

Stranger: Awesome

Stranger: watch out, some can be creepy

You: I know. But I have a vivid imagination

You: Wait…. how creepy?

Stranger: 4 times in a row

You: Impressive

Stranger: people opened up with cyber? or

Stranger: m/f

You: That’s boring

Stranger: then quit if i said no or M

Stranger: yeah

You: And predictable

Stranger: but so many in row creeped me out

Stranger: also one time it was this far into a convo

You: People are boring. Most of them

You: How far?

Stranger: Like we had been talking this long

Stranger: “so…i was wondering”

You: Indeed?

Stranger: indeed

You: Agreed

Stranger: So

You: I was wondering

Stranger: oh god

You: Not this again

Stranger: Its all happening again

You: Wait for the bleep

Stranger: D:

You: Look outside now

You: Do you smell it?

Stranger: you said look

Stranger: my window was closed!

You: I am dada

You: Open your mind

You: And your bum will follow

Stranger: beware the walking dude.

You: I have cleaned my thrash bin

You: How about you? Is it clean?

Stranger: no

Stranger: Its full

You: Empty it. Like a cup of tea

Stranger: overflowing

You: Like a buffer

Stranger: Streaming into the dumpster

You: It’s a strange sensation

Stranger: Hmm

You: What do you know?

Stranger: I know many things

You: What do you don’t know?

Stranger: future

You: Are you sure?

Stranger: Well i’m debating too paths

You: The future controls the present in my opinion

Stranger: Were always moving to it

Stranger: No one cares for the now

Stranger: It more about tomorrow

You: The present is an illusion

Stranger: Time is an illusion

You: Time is just anotehr dimension

You: Look at your hand

Stranger: both?

You: No. Just one of them

Stranger: k

You: What do you see?

Stranger: my hand

You: Details, details, man

Stranger: cracks

Stranger: callouses

Stranger: a burn

Stranger: a cut

You: Interesting. How many cracks

Stranger: one

You: Is it a deep cut?

Stranger: no its healing

You: How did you get it?

Stranger: from a knife

Stranger: in clbum

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