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Hey guys. Want a new word type? For an upcoming user-built forum, or for new forums in general?
Well, suggest them here! And throw in a few representative words if you want.
Note: Really stupid suggestions will be ignored. |
Posted On: 03/04/2008 9:49PM | View Jalapeno Bootyho...'s Profile | # | ||||||
Is there a list somewhere so we can avoid duplicating? That is, a list somewhere other than in forumbuilder post/topic edits?
How about
@food_bakeddesert: “apple crisp”, “fruitcake”, “angelfood cake”, “lemon tart”, “blueberry muffin” -use: could add that level of bizzareness people go for when they concatenate it with things like yoga and sex positions, or could be used as a strange insult
@electronics_computer – a sort of subcategory of electronics, computer would randomly return the name of a computer.
One thing I’d like to see more than anything else is the ability to specify _male _female at the end of words that generate people’s names (physician, politician, celebrity, etc.) and the ability to link it to a pronoun such as he/she, his/hers, etc. Right now a lot of people just write “he” “she” or “their” and it looks really weird (though I suppose the internet is supposed to be weird – but I think most posters, no matter how stupid, would probably be able to get the gender of the person they are referencing correct). Then additionally, being able to link body_part or any other gender-specific word types to these would be awesome as well.
Having more specifiers for categories would be nice as well (e.g. @electronics_old, @electronics_new) similar to the way politician has _contemporary, _obscure, and _old.
Finally, the ability to change the tense of a verb or the plurality of objects would be much appreciated. It’s weird when you see someone do “@masturbateing” and you wind up with “bash the bishoping” or “wax the dolphining”.
Disclaimer: I know some of these are complicated to implement and the average user already @totally ****s up when trying to use the existing system, but hey, you asked for suggestions. Corion edited this message on 03/05/2008 1:12AM |
Posted On: 03/05/2008 1:00AM | View Corion's Profile | # | ||||||
@illegal_drugs: Nose Candy, Wacky Weed, Hydro, gutter glitter, Angel Dust, Shrooms, Crank, Yellow Jackets etc etc
Couldn’t find any using inspire bot. |
Posted On: 03/05/2008 10:05AM | View Dregun's Profile | # | ||||||
ignore previous post, sorry! |
Posted On: 03/05/2008 10:06AM | View Dregun's Profile | # | ||||||
In general, I want more food categories. How else can I make fun of overweight nerds? Here are some ideas…
@food_snacks chips, nachos, curly fries, pork rinds, muffins, jerky, turkey jerky, mini-pizzas, pocky, gummi bears, ice cream, shrimp male reproductive organtail, wasabi peas, pretzels, popcorn, cookies, gelatin, freedom fries
@food_entree ham, pork roast, hamburger, sushi, taco, veal shank, macaroni, spaghetti, ribs, turduckin
@food_category (you would use it like “beef @food_category” etc.) cbumerole, teriyaki, with cheese, alfredo, stir fry, loaf, soup, stew, flambee, on a stick, with meat sauce, calzone, on a bed of lettuce
These could all be (and would need to be) expanded with further suggestions. Cyberface207 edited this message on 03/05/2008 10:40PM |
Posted On: 03/05/2008 10:39PM | View Cyberface207's Profile | # | ||||||
I was surprised not to find this WORD TYPE, although I wouldn’t be surprised if it was just me being too stupid to find it.
@ANGRY_VERB Examples: outrage, incense, offend, enrage, aggravate |
Posted On: 03/06/2008 12:42AM | View Bubo's Profile | # | ||||||
@Prefix (for better mocking of art movements/subcultures/political beliefs): un, anti, sub, pro, uber, super, neo, post, pre
@Suffix (or @group_member, I don’t know): ist, ian, er, ese |
Posted On: 03/10/2008 8:45PM | View Dumbledore_Dies's Profile | # | ||||||
I found myself wanting a @tool earlier, primarily to **** things with. (****, Freud was right.) Y’know, though, like chainsaws, hammers, socket wrenches, that sort of thing. |
Posted On: 03/11/2008 2:09AM | View lycrashampoo's Profile | # | ||||||
@dirty (filthy, dirty, grubby, skuzzy, slimy… ) @smelly (reeking, stinking, odorous, rancid, fetid… )
I wanted to describe a particularly nasty orifice but had no words Log in to see images!!
Edited: also, synonyms for ‘kill’ would be useful … @kill slaughter, murder, butcher, slay etc. Tiny Clanger edited this message on 03/11/2008 11:41AM |
Posted On: 03/11/2008 10:42AM | View Tiny Clanger's Profile | # | ||||||
comment redacted
aSh-gangSTA-685 edited this message on 12/05/2010 3:30PM |
Posted On: 03/11/2008 11:05AM | View aSh-gangSTA-685's Profile | # | ||||||
Word types for TV shows, movies, cartoons and anime shows would be nice. |
Posted On: 03/16/2008 6:40PM | View Zaratustra's Profile | # | ||||||
@city_name would be appreciated. |
Posted On: 03/17/2008 8:15AM | View Gold Flash's Profile | # | ||||||
Gold Flash Posted:
We already have word types for North American and global cities. |
Posted On: 03/17/2008 6:23PM | View Jalapeno Bootyho...'s Profile | # | ||||||
Categories for separate {highbrow}/{high-sounding} and {lowbrow}/{common/vulgar} subdivisions of all of the categories.
Here are some examples: nouns – i.e. sports (lawn bowling, golf, fox hunting, cricket VS monster-truck racing, dogfighting, wrestling) adjectives – i.e. compliments (dashing VS hot) adverbs – i.e. totally (entirely, wholly VS sho’nuff) etc.
This is along the vein of insult_shakespearean vs insult_general.
Would have been GREAT for urbane dictionary, and may be useful for future forums. It doesn’t sound right when my posts for the current forum have words that no proper gentleman would even know, much less use, and posts for potentially low-brow or backwoods forums shouldn’t use fancy words. Corion edited this message on 03/18/2008 3:15AM |
Posted On: 03/18/2008 3:15AM | View Corion's Profile | # | ||||||
@low_number (1,2,3,4,5) @high_number (6,7,8,9)
That would give more flexibility when making random numbers (so, for example, I wouldn’t occasionally see my cunningly constructed flame diss the player for being “so 2009”Log in to see images!
@distance_big (mile, kilometer, furlong, league, etc)
@distance_small (inch, foot, centimetre, milllimetre, metre, etc)
@smell (stink, reek, smell, pong, whiff, stench, funk, etc)
@ho (whore, ho, hooker, prostitute, call girl, escort, fallen woman, harlot, hustler, lady of the evening, pro, streetwalker, strumpet, tramp, working girl, etc)
@pain (pain, agony, ache, agony, burn, cramp, hurt, injury, soreness, sting, torment, torture, twinge, wound, etc)
I know we have @suffering and @emotion, but one specific for physical pain would be good.
@busy (active, diligent, industrious, persevering, slaving, tied up, unavailable, etc)
I’ll try and think of more later.
Oh, and please change “Paris France” in @world_city to either “Paris” or “Paris, France” Log in to see images! |
Posted On: 03/18/2008 3:53AM | View pimp doubt's Profile | # | ||||||
This is bit complex, but is there any way we could ensure the words are alliterative? e.g instead of “Slattern Nell’s Journey” we could ask the MadLibs to try and pick words that all start with the same letter. I think “Tarty Tracy’s Travels” or “Raunchy Rachel’s Ride” is far more appealing and slick.
I saw a submission yesterday that was funny/clever when a bunch of words all began with the same letter – something like “You, sir, are a disgusting, despicable dog” but boring when it was any old words.
Perhaps putting [a] after words would ask the engine to alliterate all the words tagged thus, e.g. @sexy[a] @name_female[a]’s @journey[a].
And yes, this would be tricky, open to abuse, and time consuming, but it would be 23875 kinds of awesome!
Oh yes, and we need a @sexy madlib – hot, raunchy, etc. Maybe even a @sexy_female (babe, tart) and a @sexy_male (rock hard, babe). Eh, that’s a bit half-formed, but I’m sure you’ll make sense of it. Tiny Clanger edited this message on 03/18/2008 8:17AM |
Posted On: 03/18/2008 8:12AM | View Tiny Clanger's Profile | # | ||||||
day of month (1-28 or 1-31) month (January,...,December) cardinal number (one, two, three, four…, ten) |
Posted On: 03/18/2008 1:33PM | View Zaratustra's Profile | # | ||||||
Would be nice of the number generation let us just put in a range of numbers. |
Posted On: 03/19/2008 6:37PM | View Corion's Profile | # | ||||||
Corion Posted:
I hate to be “Johnny Request-Ignore” and all, but…it does do that already. Log in to see images! Jalapeno Bootyhole edited this message on 03/19/2008 8:03PM |
Posted On: 03/19/2008 8:02PM | View Jalapeno Bootyho...'s Profile | # | ||||||
Anybody else find that there are word types that give you inappropriate results? Which word types? |
Posted On: 03/19/2008 9:15PM | View Abdullah_Oblonga...'s Profile | # | ||||||