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Poll [CLOSED] RUNOFF POLL: Name Forumwarz's auction house!
Poll: What should we name our auction house?
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Jalapeno Boo-

Avatar: 44 2012-11-06 12:31:55 -0500

[Crotch Zombie]

Level 44 Emo Kid

I had the first bum avatar.

Thanks to everyone who voted and commented in our last poll. We’ve come down to two contenders running neck-and-neck. And now we’re going to settle this for good!

Despite the impbumioned and often bewildering protestations of certain players, we’ve come down to Kyoubai! and Affirmative Auction.

Log in to see images! we once bought for Evil Trout’s birthday.

Log in to see images! sort of way. It also lends itself to a mascot, which may very well be an anime-style squid with a cowboy hat and gavel who we’d call “BidSquid.”

Choose wisely, folks!


Avatar: 56508 Mon Dec 01 13:34:41 -0500 2008

Level 1 Re-Re

I'm not crazy, I'm sanity-challenged.

My vote is for the Write In of “Falcon Sales” with the slogan “We sell everything but Falcons” and the logo is a Falcon with a “no smoking” style line through it.

Possibly a C-

Avatar: 76887 Fri Oct 24 03:39:44 -0400 2008

[Leafy Green Vegeta-

Level 35 Hacker

Herbaceous, biennial, dicotyledonous , and flowering.

You fought valiantly and will be missed, Full of Sale.

Possibly a Cabbage edited this message on 12/30/2008 11:20PM


Avatar: 22863 2010-11-15 01:15:51 -0500


Level 35 Emo Kid

A neverhasbeen

Affirmative Auction ought to win it. Kyoubai is for weeaboos. Plus, think of the awesome mascot Log in to see images!


Avatar: Rocker Chick

Level 69 Camwhore

“Venereal Biohazard”

Kyoubai ought to win. Affirmative Auction is a ****ty pun that doesn’t make any sense in the first place, and makes even LESS than no sense to people who don’t know about one of America’s minor 40-year-old policy disputes – such as everybody who DOESN’T live in North America.

Also, I propose that BidSquid have a TOTALLY NOT LOLI chibi Japanese schoolgirl as a ‘sidekick’, who he is constantly ‘hugging’ with at least two tentacles.


Avatar: Bacteria

Level 35 Troll

“Problem Child IV”

Affirmative Auction does not make any sense Log in to see images!

So I’ll go with Kyoubai


Avatar: 10089 2010-01-24 16:29:03 -0500


Level 69 Troll

“Human Yeast Infection”

Awesome, looks like the worst name on the entire original list is winning.


Avatar: Rocker Chick

Level 69 Camwhore

“Venereal Biohazard”

Aunt Jemima rip-off or tentacle raep.

Yea, that’s REALLY a tough decision. Log in to see images!


Avatar: Emo Kid w/ Hoodie

[Bonkenhi Boards VI]

Level 35 Emo Kid

“Cutty Cutterson”

Affirmative Auction ftw.

The Suspender

Avatar: 70366 Mon Dec 29 00:40:55 -0500 2008

Level 24 Hacker


Especially considering that trolls already have an aunt jemima ripoff.


Avatar: 69421 Wed Aug 12 05:13:59 -0400 2009

Level 35 Troll

Minty Fresh

Voted “kyoubai!” for great justice. Affirmative Auction, no matter how you pun it or describe it, is still not funny.

Kyoubai! was funny even back when I thought it was a fake Japanese-sounding word. The fact that it’s an actual word, even further the fact that it actually means auction, makes it totally roflworthy.

Jalapeno Boo-

Avatar: 44 2012-11-06 12:31:55 -0500

[Crotch Zombie]

Level 44 Emo Kid

I had the first bum avatar.

FalconFour Posted:

Voted “kyoubai!” for great justice. Affirmative Auction, no matter how you pun it or describe it, is still not funny.

Kyoubai! was funny even back when I thought it was a fake Japanese-sounding word. The fact that it’s an actual word, even further the fact that it actually means auction, makes it totally roflworthy.

Point taken. That’s the best avatar ever, BTW.


Avatar: 45410 Wed Jul 08 18:06:55 -0400 2009


Level 35 Permanoob

“Kapitan Stupidska”

it appears forumwars doe’snt like black poeple


Avatar: 69421 Wed Aug 12 05:13:59 -0400 2009

Level 35 Troll

Minty Fresh

Jalapeno Bootyhole Posted:

Point taken. That’s the best avatar ever, BTW.

I agree. Log in to see images!


Avatar: 74903 2011-07-31 00:19:12 -0400

[Forumwarz Speakeasy]

Level 69 Hacker

“Trojan Horse Magnum”

+1 Kyoubai

Also, request losing name becomes an enemy forum in Ep.3 as opposition and dissent to the auction house (since the first poll was close and all).


Avatar: 22863 2010-11-15 01:15:51 -0500


Level 35 Emo Kid

A neverhasbeen

Jalapeno Bootyhole Posted:

Point taken. That’s the best avatar ever, BTW.

Log in to see images!

Both of those names are terrible. The first doesn’t make sense as a pun and I don’t bumociate auction sites with animes for the second.


Avatar: 24745 2011-07-31 00:34:23 -0400

[Harem and Sushi Bar]

Level 69 Troll

Nicco Nicco Nicco Nicco Nicco Nicco Nicco Nicco Nicco Nicco Nicco Nicco Nicco Nicco Nicco Nicco

1337xxxlolololxxx1337 Posted:

Both of those names are terrible. The first doesn’t make sense as a pun and I don’t bumociate auction sites with animes for the second.

This. Full of Sale would make alot more sense.


Avatar: 73113 Thu Feb 05 01:57:28 -0500 2009

Level 35 Emo Kid

“Cutty Cutterson”

voted Kyoubai


Avatar: 4300 2011-11-01 00:56:47 -0400

[The Scrotal Safety-

Level 69 Troll

Good poster, upvoted. Also loves juicy balls (no homo).

Voted Log in to see images!

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