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Flezz Idea for Cool Forum


Avatar: 80241 Thu Jul 02 20:10:59 -0400 2009

Level 35 Camwhore

I love 12 inch fine upstanding member of society male reproductive organs in my arse

Instead of making a really tough short forum,

make a survival forum with an endless amount of threads, with increasing power.

The forum would be accessible once per day from a Russian hacker NPC (sTalk contact). No forum visits are used, and streaks are not affected.

At every checkpoint, the player would be given a special item (changes daily and varies with performance in the forum). Players can return to the forum later if they are unable to finish in one sitting.

The high number of threads leads to high repair costs, but yields high cred rewards. This makes a great choice for leveling up and gaining great items. For balance purposes, it is also a great flezzsink.

Thoughts? Please keep the comments constructive.

ghax edited this message on 01/28/2009 10:11PM


Avatar: 80241 Thu Jul 02 20:10:59 -0400 2009

Level 35 Camwhore

I love 12 inch fine upstanding member of society male reproductive organs in my arse

generichaxor Posted:

Instead of making a really tough short forum,

make a forum with 1000s of threads, each one with a large amount of HP, but low power.

This will elongate the battle, making the player’s equipment suffer intense blows (1000s of threads = thousands of attacks endured = mbumive upkeep). This acts as a great flezzsink.

To alleviate this problem, the Cred bonus for pwning several threads in a row would really add up, making higher level threads very very valuable in terms of Cred gain.

For example, if the Cred boost is 70, then the 10000th thread will be worth 700000 more Cred than the first thread. This is quite useful to the players that want a challenge.

The forum could have boss threads of increasing difficulty at every 10-fold increase in forum number.

The 10th thread would be a boss.

The 100th thread would be a boss.


This would make a really cool forum, since it would take hours to pwn, give mbumive amounts of cred, damage, and moar files, and give the player an incentive to play this forum despite the difficulty. Speedrun times would become very reasonable due to the length of the forum.

Unless I am missing something crucial, Forumbuildr only sets up a forum, not its power and length. So I’m suggesting this here.


the boss threads would have more HP than usual, and medium power

ghax edited this message on 12/29/2008 7:46PM


Avatar: 77864 Thu Jun 04 08:28:46 -0400 2009

Level 56 Hacker

“Logic Bomber”

“this idea sux”


Avatar: 80241 Thu Jul 02 20:10:59 -0400 2009

Level 35 Camwhore

I love 12 inch fine upstanding member of society male reproductive organs in my arse

DarkDespair5 Posted:

”this idea sux”



Avatar: 77864 Thu Jun 04 08:28:46 -0400 2009

Level 56 Hacker

“Logic Bomber”

It’s really unfeasible and timeconsuming


Avatar: 80241 Thu Jul 02 20:10:59 -0400 2009

Level 35 Camwhore

I love 12 inch fine upstanding member of society male reproductive organs in my arse

DarkDespair5 Posted:

It’s really unfeasible and timeconsuming

since there are 1000s of threads, there will be a lot of duplicates.

To model this, only the first 10 or so need to be listed on the page with the topics.

This makes it less intensive on the displaying.


Avatar: 10741 2010-01-24 16:21:30 -0500

[Grey Goose Mafiosi]

Level 35 Camwhore


It’s way over the top. I like the core idea, but pwning a single forum for hours sounds horrible. Especially considering how boring this so-called “Forumwarz” game actually is. I agree that there should be forums with higher defense or more threads, but keep it within limits.

I wouldn’t mind to see a forum that hits weak but has many HP threads (with a normal amount of threads though) or a forum that is about as strong as Dykea but has at least 20 threads. But I doubt that anyone wants to press 1 and 2 alternatively for two hours.


Avatar: 80241 Thu Jul 02 20:10:59 -0400 2009

Level 35 Camwhore

I love 12 inch fine upstanding member of society male reproductive organs in my arse

1000 was just a number

i needed a big number

obviously, 20 – 50 is a lot more reasonable

and it wouldnt take hours

i was just using hyperbole to get a response

ghax edited this message on 12/29/2008 7:54PM


Avatar: 80241 Thu Jul 02 20:10:59 -0400 2009

Level 35 Camwhore

I love 12 inch fine upstanding member of society male reproductive organs in my arse

FalCoN Posted:

It’s way over the top. I like the core idea, but pwning a single forum for hours sounds horrible. Especially considering how boring this so-called “Forumwarz” game actually is. I agree that there should be forums with higher defense or more threads, but keep it within limits.

I wouldn’t mind to see a forum that hits weak but has many HP threads (with a normal amount of threads though) or a forum that is about as strong as Dykea but has at least 20 threads. But I doubt that anyone wants to press 1 and 2 alternatively for two hours.

maybe the thread count and power could be based on the challenger’s strength / level?

so that it wouldn’t be insanely hard for n00bs or insanely easy and mindless for lv35 characters


Avatar: 14557 2011-10-31 11:07:55 -0400


Level 69 Troll

:ronpaul: :****ing sucks:

Not interesting now that both cred and flezz are capped.


Avatar: 80241 Thu Jul 02 20:10:59 -0400 2009

Level 35 Camwhore

I love 12 inch fine upstanding member of society male reproductive organs in my arse

quangntenemy Posted:

Not interesting now that both cred and flezz are capped.

a lot of other peopled complained about how some flezzsinks are annoying

so i figured a forum flezzsink would be cool

im sorry if u hate it

and leveling twice in one Forum Visit would be rly cool…

ghax edited this message on 12/29/2008 8:14PM


Avatar: 35643 2015-02-20 21:59:22 -0500

[Harem and Sushi Bar]

Level 62 Emo Kid

Hi, I'm an adult whos into bumes. But not boners!

generichaxor Posted:

a lot of other peopled complained about how some flezzsinks are annoying

so i figured a forum flezzsink would be cool

im sorry if u hate it

and leveling twice in one Forum Visit would be rly cool…

Go pwn something like second wife.

I don’t think this would be a good idea since

1. As stated Cred and Flezz are capped.

2. The reason for this is because CZ doesn’t want people zooming through EP3 like they did EP2.

3. The flezzsink wouldn’t be that huge because people would just end up not useing higher equips.

4. Plus 20+ threads would take what? 5-10 minutes for something not that rewarding?

CrinkzPipe edited this message on 12/29/2008 8:28PM


Avatar: 74903 2011-07-31 00:19:12 -0400

[Forumwarz Speakeasy]

Level 69 Hacker

“Trojan Horse Magnum”

Nice idea.

I was actually thinking of some sort of endless thread forum where it would progressively rise in difficulty and records how many you’d be able to beat until you die.

Perhaps a new Leaderboard would be made and E-peen are rewarded to those who achieved certain thresholds and who got the highest.

The Suspender

Avatar: 70366 Mon Dec 29 00:40:55 -0500 2008

Level 24 Hacker


Survival mode?


Avatar: 70951 2010-02-06 21:28:05 -0500

Level 69 Troll

“Human Yeast Infection”

The Suspender Posted:

Survival mode?

This would be freaking awesome. It’s also a great place to hide epic 100+ piece .moar files, where the hardest to get pieces are past level 100.


Avatar: 74903 2011-07-31 00:19:12 -0400

[Forumwarz Speakeasy]

Level 69 Hacker

“Trojan Horse Magnum”

The Suspender Posted:

Survival mode?

Exactly. Pwn ‘till you drop.

The Suspender

Avatar: 70366 Mon Dec 29 00:40:55 -0500 2008

Level 24 Hacker


Make the forum something evolution related. Say, /darwin/ or something.


Avatar: 80241 Thu Jul 02 20:10:59 -0400 2009

Level 35 Camwhore

I love 12 inch fine upstanding member of society male reproductive organs in my arse

Pavilion Posted:

Nice idea.

I was actually thinking of some sort of endless thread forum where it would progressively rise in difficulty and records how many you’d be able to beat until you die.

Perhaps a new Leaderboard would be made and E-peen are rewarded to those who achieved certain thresholds and who got the highest.

so much better than my idea…

(i like the survival idea a lot if u can’t tell)

ghax edited this message on 12/29/2008 10:53PM


Avatar: 80241 Thu Jul 02 20:10:59 -0400 2009

Level 35 Camwhore

I love 12 inch fine upstanding member of society male reproductive organs in my arse

is it possible that pink floyd pieces might be available in the survival thread?

(rarity is proportional to thread difficulty,

so the higher level threads will give a better chance of getting

a pink floyd piece)


Avatar: Rocker Chick

Level 69 Camwhore

“Venereal Biohazard”

Bosses every 5-10 threads, ePeen for every 1-5 bosses, pwning a boss increases the difficulty. Infinite threads.

For the domwhores, let them get Antifreeze scoops proportional to how far they managed to get before dying.

Call it ”/be/ the ocean of ****”.

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