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The fine upstanding member of society Pranks

The fine upstanding member of society Pranks

On January 24, 2010, fine upstanding member of society set a precedent for high prank quality, with a mbumive avatar prank on the majority of regular Flamebate posters. This prank involved giving characters muppet avatars, each of which were generally related to the individual poster being pranked. These pranks were widely regarded as a success, in direct contrast with other's previous attempts (see: Forumwarz_Forced_Memes)- in fact, some of the people pranked have kept their new muppet avatars to this very day. Below is a table of the avatar pranks:

Character Prank Avatar
1337xxxxxxxxxlolololololololololxxxxxxxxx1337 Log in to see images!
AAHZ Log in to see images!
Adapt Log in to see images!
Afterthotz Log in to see images!
Aldo_Anything Log in to see images!
Amasius Log in to see images!
Bandaney Log in to see images!
Bingebot 2015 Log in to see images!
****tard Log in to see images!
BloodyDemise Log in to see images!
BobTheSqueakyWeasel Log in to see images!
bronnih Log in to see images!
Catt although Log in to see images!
Chawin Log in to see images!
Cheins Sanchez Log in to see images!
ChilePepino Log in to see images!
CoreyJess Log in to see images!
CreepPipe Log in to see images!
CrinkzPipe Log in to see images!
dobnits Log in to see images!
duca Log in to see images!
Dunatis Log in to see images!
ERECTILE_DEATH Log in to see images!
Evil Trout Log in to see images!
FAIL Log in to see images!
FalCoN Log in to see images!
Fie Log in to see images!
Fortunato Log in to see images!
Fran Log in to see images!
handofg0d *Now Know As I HATE YOUR GUTS" Log in to see images!
Inconnu Log in to see images!
Jalapeno Bootyhole Log in to see images!
Johnny Mac Log in to see images!
Joseph of Suburbia Log in to see images!
kittiejenn Log in to see images!
kraigu Log in to see images!
Lee_Harvey_Oswald Log in to see images!
Malaise Log in to see images!
man-man Log in to see images!
markchd Log in to see images!
Master_Troll Log in to see images!
MC Banhammer Log in to see images!
meeeeeeeeee Log in to see images!
Natalie Petrov Log in to see images!
Nicco Log in to see images!
Odalisque Log in to see images!
PhineasPoe Log in to see images!
Phuquit Log in to see images!
plk Log in to see images!
Pluvius Log in to see images!
Professor Commie PhD Log in to see images!
quangntenemy Log in to see images!
Raepdog Log in to see images!
Ricket Log in to see images!
Sarcasm Inc Log in to see images!
Sergeant Cid Log in to see images!
scully Log in to see images!
Shii Log in to see images!
Skyman747 Log in to see images!
Something_Witty Log in to see images!
SoronTheBeast Log in to see images!
spacekadt Log in to see images!
swine Log in to see images!
Tesfan Log in to see images!
The Ghost of Hobart Bliggity *Now Known As Havana Banana Log in to see images!
TUBSWEETIE Log in to see images!
Vageena Davis Log in to see images!
valka Log in to see images!
was Log in to see images!

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