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Forumwarz is the first "Massively Single-Player" online RPG completely built around Internet culture.

You are currently looking at Spoilerpedia, our official wiki. Registered players can edit this wiki to offer each other hints and strategies.

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Lemon Scoops

Lemon Scoops are rewarded for pwning forums quickly. To determine what times are considered good, great and incredible, visit the Speed Runs page for that particular forum on the Leaderboards.

Skill build, amount of lag, and internet connection have a big effect on overall pwnage time.

Posted by Mc Banhammer: Speedrunning isn't affected by fiddling with your toolbar if you do it before making your first attack (or using your first consumable, etc.) No timers start until you use something in your toolbar, so you can move them around all you want after entering the first forum w/o impacting your time, until you actually interact with the forum.

As of the gameplay revamp, the method for gaining lemon scoops has changed.

Old Rewards

  • Pwn a forum in good time (1 scoop)
  • Pwn a forum in great time (2 scoops)
  • Pwn a forum in incredible time (3 scoops)

New Rewards

You received many new fans! (1-3 scoops, please help narrow down)

See Also

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