Forumwarz is the first "Massively Single-Player" online RPG completely built around Internet culture.

You are currently looking at our community leader boards. Players can use these to determine their standings and their goals.

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I Came

The Sisterhood of the Quivering Rose won’t pick on this player ever again. (E-Peen™ designed by Jubbles.)

The following players have earned this E-Peen™:
Name Level Klan
TheRealSuperHapp... 69 Gigantic Dick in the Ass
therightnoise 65 Island of Avalon
TheStarLion 54 WeChall
thetachyix 28 -
The_Big_Cheeze 41 nosleeptillsf
the_darkness_wit... 35 -
the_guy 47 -
The_Lemon_of_Tru... 34 -
THIS ****ING GAM... 26 -
ThisIsNotMyBatma... 32 -
This_Orange_Will... 35 Random Gamers and Candy Klan
Thumpp 41 Island of Avalon
thunder**** 25 -
Thyssa 61 -
Tibbit 26 Tormenting Evil Knuckles of Satan
tickle_me_emma 32 -
Tig O-Bitties 33 The Flamers of Loathing
TigerFire68 69 -
Tiki 36 Eight Vibrating Dildoes
Tilla 69 Island of Avalon
tilmof 65 -
Tima-kun 24 -
Timothy String 24 -
Tinka 65 Brainfreeze
tiny tin spider 34 -

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