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This is the profile page for a klan in Forumwarz. Forumwarz is the first "Massively Single-Player" online RPG completely built around Internet culture.

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Since April 2, 2008.

The administrator of this klan does not review or accept applications.


Please send applications to ONE of the following:


Catt although

If you don’t hear back from us, try tubmailing again. Try a different officer. Things happen.

Admission Criteria

We usually recommend that players join other klans or play solo unless they have become very familiar with the mechanics of pwning forums and/or the social aspects of this community. The following qualifications are not inflexible and may be waived for applicants who excel in other areas.

Ideal applicants

– Have Medals. Let’s say 5. (proof of Domination experience)

– Are at least Level 20. (proof of time invested)

– Possess common sense.

– Are literate.

– Work well with others. (Kindergarten resumes optional, RL compromises preferred.)

– Are capable of following simple instructions quickly. (Card up!, get DOWN!)

– Have purchased Episode II. (preferred)

– Will purchase Episode III. (expected) c’mon.

– Don’t intentionally do things that get them banned. (As lenient as this community is, ban needs a good story at a minimum.)

– Don’t have a history of flamebate posts that are indicative of congenital douchebaggery. (You know who you are. In fact, If douchebags apply, they’ll get what’s coming to them.)

Be aware that all applications will be discussed by ALL members of the klan. Applications sent to the klan leaders WILL be posted in the klan forum for review/mockery.


A Klan for active players. This Klan is not led by any one person. Suggestions from all Klan members are heard and voted upon democratically. (Only one vote for people with multiple characters, please.)

About us:

Many of us are involved in the competitive aspects of ForumWarz. That said, we are a community of people who have fun. THAT said, we aren’t here for “the lulz.” We aren’t here just to win medals. If the only thing you want from a klan is a way to win domination, we are not the klan for you. If, however, you want to try raiding with a friendly group and would like to get to know some fun people, we may be the klan you are looking for.

Our rules are unknowable. Look, if you can be cool then you can fit.

Applicants can expect a bit of a wait before approval/rejection, so stay in your current Klan until an officer tubmails you.

Klan E-Peen™


That’s In-Cred-Ible!

This Klan topped the Most Cred Leaderboard.


Lowest Standards

This Klan topped the Largest Klans Leaderboard.



This Klan topped the Most Flezz Leaderboard.



This Klan topped the Most Forums Pwned Leaderboard.


The Big Give

This player successfully ran a legitimate contest for Brownie Points.


Friend of Bootyhole

This Klan won a special prize in a contest to become Jalapeno Bootyhole’s best friend for about a week (BFFAAW).

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Name Klan Title Player Class Level Cred
Image -rocky-sadly- woud probably be happier if he were here more often Emo Kid 54 591056206
Image 1ncr345In6ly irr... 73375p34k3r Permanoob 69 950000000
Image Abdul Alhazred gesundheit Re-Re 1 0
Image Ack Thbbt Head of Billy and the Boingers Permanoob 20 1318325
Image Adra adra adra adra adra mushroom mushroom Camwhore 35 100000000
Image Afterthotz Had a title, but thought better of it Hacker 69 950000000
Image Aldo_Anything prices negotiable Troll 69 950000000
Image Alttwo Probably just an alt Camwhore 17 477093
Image amador10 the father of doors Troll 69 950000000
Image Amasius Retired Troll 69 950000000
Image average mario too modest Camwhore 66 878294622
Image Bale Emo Kid 69 950000000
Image Bear Where? Over there. Emo Kid 69 950000000
Image Bridgit bradgat Troll 69 950000000
Image CaptainDDL Steering our ship Troll 63 809368202
Image Catt although The extra 't' is for toughness! Troll 69 950000000
Image child_snake Daddy, I'm stealing! I'm stealing! Troll 50 477540689
Image Chuck Diesel Running on Fumes Troll 69 950000000
Image Claus in my country there is problem. and that problem is badgers Camwhore 23 3535114
Image CoreyJess The Motley Fool With The Extra Large Codpiece. Troll 69 950000000
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