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Avatar: 150883 2010-01-24 16:20:22 -0500


Level 69 Troll

you still go on here you old **** just die already


  • Fill out an NCAA men’s basketball tournament bracket and post it in this thread.
  • One entry per character
  • Multiple characters allowed
  • The person with the highest total score will be named winner
  • Posts may be edited as much as you want up to the deadline



1st place: 75 Log in to see images!

2nd place: 15 Log in to see images!

3rd place: 5 Log in to see images!

4th place: 5 Log in to see images!


Each game in the brackets will be scored up thusly: (Round value) + (Round number x Seed number)

Round 1 – 64 teams – 2 points for each winner picked

Round 2 – 32 teams – 3 points for each winner picked

Round 3 – 16 teams – 5 points for each winner picked

Round 4 – 8 teams – 8 points for each winner picked

Round 5 – 4 teams – 13 points for each winner picked

Round 6 – 2 teams – 21 points for each winner picked

The second part of the equation is to reward upset picks. So if a 14 seed wins in round 4 that team will net 64 points for the round and will have netted 158 points up to that point in the tournament. In contrast a 1 seed winning in round 4 would net 12 points that round and will have netted only 28 points. This may seem like an excessive reward for picking an upset, but keep in mind that it’s very unlikely for a low seed such as 14 to make it that far into the tournament and it’s even less likely that you’ll pick them.

Acceptable Formats For Entry

1. A screenshot of an electronically filled bracket. One can find these here or here

2. A hand-typed post following this format

1. Kansas v Lehigh pick

2. UNLV v N. Iowa pick

3. Michigan St. v New Mexico St. pick

4. Maryland v Houston pick

5. Tennessee v San Diego St. pick

6. Georgetown v Ohio pick

7. Oklahoma St. v Georgia Tech pick

8. Ohio St. v UCSB pick

9-16. Round 1 west picks

17-24. Round 1 East picks

25-32. Round 1 South picks

33-36. Round 2 Midwest picks

37-40. Round 2 West picks

41-44. Round 2 East picks

45-48. Round 2 South picks

49-50. Round 3 Midwest picks

51-52. Round 3 West picks

53-54. Round 3 East picks

55-56. Round 3 South picks

57. Round 4 Midwest pick

58. Round 4 West pick

59. Round 4 East pick

60. Round 4 South pick

61-62. Final Four picks

63. Championship pick

Deadline For Entry

12:00 PM EST March 18th, 2010

No late entries will be accepted.

I will distribute awards on April 5th after the championship game.

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