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Avatar: 40896 2011-11-01 00:47:59 -0400

[fine upstanding member of society]

Level 35 Troll

Wher Have My Poor Imaginary Wife and Child Gone

[Mod note: It’s a Crotch Zombie corporate takeover! This is now a sponsored contest, with a slight extension, more prizes and E-Peen for the top ten entries! Read on…]

Come up with an Official Motto for Forumwarz and the one liked best by the Crotch Zombie team will win 4 BP. Second place gets 2 BP, and third gets 1. Submit as many entries as you like.

Trolling allowed. Contest ends 11:59 p.m. on March 22 (Sunday), 2009.

Here are two that I thought of myself:


Because we are bumholes.



Relying on the players to improve the game since 2007.

I am sure some of you could think of ones that are better.

[Mod note: We may or may not use these slogans on our site or in future marketing material. Therefore, the really obscene or negative ones will probably not be selected to win. However, because we have a self-deprecating sense of humor (and we know how much we suck), don’t hold back!]

was Note: OH **** SON! is gay and I don’t approve of intended misspellings. [JB note: fixed.]

twas edited this message on 03/20/2009 4:31PM
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