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Avatar: 89481 Thu Feb 26 14:58:28 -0500 2009

[Grey Goose Mafiosi]

Level 35 Troll

Just south of sanity

Ok this has been suggested before (possibly in this thread I can’t remember) but I would like to bring it up again:

Could we have a method of making domination more competitive between Klans? More specifically, each medal a player earns individually also counts towards a medal total for the Klan. I think this would make a really fun leaderboard and have some cool klan peens attached to it, much in the same way The Gimp, and Dominatrix peens are currently awarded. You could even introduce individual peens such as ‘team player’ or something to do with how many medals earned.

I would add that it shouldn’t be retrospective, in that the skilled dom players who currently have a significant amount of medals couldn’t manipulate totals by switching klans. Only medals won in a dom week from the introduction of this and not previous medals should count toward the klan total. Also the medals should stay in that klan should the player leave, and any future medals that player earns obviously is awarded to said player’s new klan’s total medal count.

You might like this idea or hate it, I am fairly new to domination and don’t pretend to be able to speak for experienced and talented players. But since some klans are very active in domination, something like this could really spice up domination from a klan perspective and add another level of competition between klans and I would also enjoy the feeling that by medaling for my own personal success, I am helping my klan as well.

Auser edited this message on 02/25/2009 3:03PM
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