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Level 10 Camwhore

really huge titty ****

n00b65 Posted:

I’ll offer another one which I don’t know if it’s been suggested before or not: limit the number of times vanilla scoops (and probably antifreeze, via gambling, as well) can be earned, to about one time in an 8-hour period.

Not sure if the math there is correct. The basic concept I’m trying to suggest is to limit the number of scoops you can earn in each flavor to roughly match those which can be earned in lemon and pistachio, which are limited by your max forum visits. (In this same vein, I think antifreeze via suicide is too weak.) If that makes sense.

It certainly does.

Excluding vanilla, right now things are balanced so that people who want to be competitive in Domination have two ways to go about it: hitting different individual forums in a row to focus on Pistachios while picking up a few Lemon Scoops here or there; or focusing on Lemon Scoops and hitting the forums you know you can speed run with Excellent or better, while maybe picking up a Pistachio or 3 if you have 4 or 8 different forums you can do that at.

In my opinion, where Vanilla should be is as another path – where a raid (which, based on experience, will use 8-12 of a person’s runs) would generate 20-50 scoops for raiders: enough to be worth people giving up Pistachios and Lemons, but not so much to make going for one of the other strategies useless; and enough that a well-organized raid – which is way more work than speedrunning – has the possibility to give the most scoops of all.

The two hurdles between where we are right now and that idea are that people who do nothing for the raid still get all the benefit, and that the current raiding payout makes for wayyyyy more than 50 for a strong raid.

I think one of the ideas someone suggested previously – weighting Vanilla Scoops by Klan size – is the best way around that (in addition to tweaking payout total numbers as well). Small Klans of focused raiders could then go for the highest levels (again, 50 or so), while large Klans could organize raids that give everyone 6-12: not nearly as many per person, and certainly not a guaranteed win, but enough to help out, and with more people-visits, they could do 4 or more raids a week as opposed to the small clan’s 1 or 2.

Just some thoughts to chew on, I guess.

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