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April Fool

Avatar: April Fool's Avatar

Level 10 Camwhore

“Leave it to Cleavage”

I’m opposed to a scoop limit. It just seems like a bad solution to most problems to impose artificial limits. Rather, it would be better to solve the underlying problem.

For example, reducing the reward for Klan domination and/or increasing the number of forums pwned requirement. By simply reducing the reward to say, 1 scoop, FoL’s 177 scoops would only be 59. That already takes a huge chunk out of the imbalance.

Of course, this still rewards larger Klans at the expense of smaller Klans. So how about integrating raids more into the game by implementing a raid system like your more traditional MMOs. This way, solo players can also get together to do raids and it places an upper limit on the number of people who can participate per raid. A side-effect would be that only those who are in the raid group get the scoops, eliminating the complaint about rewarding Klan members who don’t do anything. This would, however, require also creating some kind of in-game, real-time communication system.

Well, those are just some suggestions off the top of my head.

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